Trust the Science?
I’m not entirely sure why any science people say something is definite cause they always have to correct it. Check the replication crisis. Or any documentary…”previously science thought xyz. Now they discovered it’s abc”. It’s a pretty huge human ego issue thinking they know anything for sure when we are such a insignificant blip in the universe. As if some people think they can make sense of it
Does Dick Size Matter?
if they want to perpetuate the stupidity of the effectiveness of a dick being a number of inches then ill play into their insecurities about the size of their dicks or I sell them on my opinion of dick quality being not just a number and tell them to take me excl to find out more!!! or if im being sassy ill just laugh.
RadFems and Porn
It’s so weird that rad fems blame the porn industry for porn culture. When porn and prostitution have always existed. The problem isn’t porn. It’s the MAINSTREAM commodifying porn imagery. This is cause sex is so suppressed that masses enabled porn to spill over in to the mainstream. Instead. Let’s make porn and Sex work the way to show people how female led sex is and can be!!!! That is what I do every day.

WOMEN…The Majority is WOMEN!
Minorities won’t have equality until the majority have equality!!!!
ive shaped my body and mind from the outside in. and been uncomfortable
now im finding out what is comfortable and seeing who that makes me on the outside
Moving Like Animal
Ok so this is one of my special interests, so I’m sorry for the info dump. and it not being a specific tip, but I got excited!!! I’m more motivated to move now more than I ever have been because I stopped trying to exercise, stopped thinking of doing a set event where I’m focused on getting fitter or thinner or stronger! Instead I have found ways I enjoy playing and moving in my body that I always enjoy and trying to move more in general. I free dance/move around super weird. I free stretch/ move around super weird. I work on my posture and alignment/stand or lie around weirdly. I walk. Anywhere will do. Around the block can be as good as a elaborate hike. I really enjoy seeing the places change through the seasons. I think about my posture and try to be in my body and the present when I’m walking. I use movement as meditation. When I’m at home, I practice handstands when I’m walking to the toilet or waiting for something in the kitchen. etc… I’m a loner so my activities are solo, but if you have family or friends to do activities with, you could do a bigger range of activities. Anything from disk golf with friends, to climbing up the stairs with your kids while pretending its Mt Everest. Any way and any time spent in your body can be exercise, in its benefits, if not in style! I am more happy with how I feel in body and how it functions, from just generally moving more, and more mindfully, than when I lifted for 3 hours a day or ran etc. i feel so much happier and more alive than when i always felt guilty for not wanting to force myself to do exercise for x amount of hours y times a week.
TLDR: Move in anyway you want, for as long or short a time you have, whenever you can. It can become second nature to be active when its dispersed throughout your life.
Do You Work Out?
I am a very active person but I would say no if someone asked if I exercised. And I think this is part of the mindset that helps me be so active!!! I have found ways I enjoy moving my body. I used to swim, gym, lift, run, yoga, meditate. I dropped all formal movement practices and moved into my own body. I love free dance and free stretching, and walking is my mental health life saver. I also like functional fitness,
I Like Jeeping
My ex husband got me into it. Spent our tax return on doing up a jeep and left me before I got to have a trip in it. My ex were I am now was a off road guide. But also a total fuck boy who destroyed me. Glad you found a good one and actually get to have fun trips!!! I gotta get my own vehicle cause me and men = bad.
Another Thing I Wanted To Say, But Didnt.
Hi. I wanted to DM you about this rather than put it in the main mod channel as i dont want to offend anyone. I was thinking about a channel for the opposite of the srs chats. like a light/joy/boasting/excess positive channel for text and maybe video. It is very hard to share joy and light when there are so many people here struggling, without seeming insensitive. One doesnt want to derail the conversation or seem to be ignoring the issues being shared. We are bonding a lot over heavy issues, and it would be really nice to have a space to bond over shining, where it doesnt put people suffering in the shade. I have no idea if addressing this is ok. but i have to be honest and share what I am seeing and experiencing. I want this place to work and we need to keep space for light stuff as well as heavy.
Autism Experiences
It’s cool to have been bullied and abused for being myself all my life instead of anyone caring enough to realize I have a debilitating mental illness.
Wished I Could Ask People This.
do any of you get debilitated by the reality of how awful humans are and how fucked the world is? on a existential, grand, fundamental reality scale, not like, “lots of people have been mean to me and they suck”. But as in the trajectory of humanity is totally fucked and has been for tens of thousands of years and no one is looking to or willing to do anything about it? or even admit its all fucked up and wrong. and its getting exponentially worse.
National Debt…
Jeasus fucking Christ. Why does anyone even talk about national debt?!!! Debt to who?!! It’s not fucking real.
Social Media Sharing on Streamate.
it seems like the rule was in place since before all our lives were online. it just seems silly now to not be able to share social media or other things we do that arent involving pay walls or charging for things. it would actually help the traffic on streamate if models were allowed to actually build a offline presence with their fans. ive been doing this ten years. men dont go out their way to find you after their boner is gone and dont until their next boner there, and if you arent there they go somewhere else. its an outdated rule that we cant even mention anything of us anywhere on the internet or even say other website names like google etc.
The body is the answer
The body is the answer. It’s the one thing we all have in common. It’s can cut through everything. Fix the human body and you start fixing everything. From the intense and personal and minute and global
One universal message. How to use the body.