Art 19th February 2017
I have decided its time to start making art again. I realised it is the best way for me to be me. It is why i am me. It is who i am. I can say what i want, how i want.
After art school i didnt make anything. I had nothing to make art about. At goldsmiths i was able to fly against the traditions of their art course and students. But as soon as that need to rebel was gone i had nothing left use as fuel for my artistic fire.
I thought i had left the art world forever. I considered myself entirely separated by early 2007. 10 years ago.
I did not realise this. Ha
so now i have decided to make again. I am going to use the media i have learnt to use over the past 10 years to ….share my adventure with people….and comment on what i learnt on that adventure. From pimps to poverty to politics
The narrative is still ongoing so my work could direct my adventures or/and vice versa. It will push me to do even more. Experience even more. Share it even more.
It is art because i say it is art.
I want to end up building my time based society….small and basic…starting from scratch, not changing what is already here…so its easy and natural with people who want to live the same way.
I went to oxford uni as a piece of art. I am now gonna write a paper on a time based economy.
My website…its art now. Me living another life, immersed 100% in my research. It is as much research to comment on feminism and sex work and women in the 21st century as it is a piece in itself about sexuality, self portraiture, physical transformation, pushing peoples boundaries and comfort levels around power and intimacy, and the over exposure the internet has brought to the masses in the 2010s.
The fact that it is going to be started 10 years after my original show “Sally Jones: A Retrospective”….means i can also utilise the concept of the revival that is getting a bit worn thin by now.
Snapchat is everything. It can have my sex fans, my friends, my new adventure vlog followers.
Ohyeah. Apparently i have also just decided to do a adventure blog. Seems like a good idea. I have a go pro and no idea what to do. Just a dream and some massive balls. Could be a funny adventure.
First rule of art, dont say what i am doing is art. When im on cam, dont say im on cam for art. I am just an artist.
My sex blog
My list
All the things i like i can keep doing. They have a purpose. When im ready to do a show i can draw on all of my experiences to be even better. Quanitiy? My previous show was quantity. Now we live in a time of too much. Its all one in itself.
I have to make sure my voice comes through. That it is obvious it know what is going on
Pretending To Be Human
I am at work
It is a Saturday but I dont have much to do. I could fill my time with clearing glasses but that isnt my job and i get it done so much faster than anyone else i end up being the main person doing it.
I wanted to write last night. Or speak to the GoPro. But now I dont remember about what. Just mostly that I wanted to write. All i can think about at the moment is this stupid place and how badly ran and how bad the staff are. I wish i could write a report on the place for
Kate, I Met A Boy
So I thought I’d write this side of things down. I never have and I alwys think to. This may end up as nothing. But I feel like something is starting. Obviously I’m high riht now. Stupid Cheese! Makes me really over think evvvverrrything. Makes me depressed too. But anyway. I just had a mega high revelation that I wrote down to my GF.
Alright. From the start then. I saw a dude at the gym last week and I was gone! I’d not been that into a stranger for a very very long time. I watched him the whole time in the gym and was so on edge. After I left I jumped right on Tinder and Bumble to see if he happened to be in my pile to be swiped as I have my location as only 1-2 miles and as we were both in the same room maybe he would be at the top. Unfortunately I didnt find him. I snapped a few pics/vids to my girlfriends about how I fell in love with a stranger at the gym. I’d even snuck a picture of his legs when he was on the calf machine that i sent to them! I was all excited and started perking up after a couple of weeks stuck on the sofa. I have always really liked crushing on boys. And this was a intense crush. After about an hour I got a message on Bumble from a guy asking if I had just been at the gym. I looked at his pictures and he barely looked like the guy at the gym so I asked what he had been wearing, and that confirmed it was infact, hot gym guy! We had matched a few weeks before and had a little chat but as we went to the same gym we decided not to keep talking cause we didnt want awkward gym time! Looking back most guys wouldnt have accepted my position on that and pushed me to change. So i had appreciated that. I was soooo excited that he had found me and messaged. And obviously as I had been trying to find him to do the same I knew why he had messaged me! He told me he knew Id been checking him out and that he had worked out extra hard cause of me and got caught staring at my ass. When I left he was watching me to see if I turned around to look at him. I had been thinking about it, I had hoped he would be there after I got ready to leave, so I could check him out before I left. But there was no way I was gonna look back in a busy gym. However as I walked away down the road I did look back and see if he had happened to be finished and left the gym, or even come out to speak to me. I’m a ridiculous fantasist. We confessed all this to each other and had a good old chat via messages for the next 8 hours and we were definately on the same page about a lot. It was really fun and I couldnt believe I was speaking to hot gym guy, and cause he had come and found me.
The next day he messaged me in the morning that he was going to the gym at 11, which is when I normally go. We had talked about how we were always and forever gonna pretend we dont know each other at the gym, no matter how well we do, to avoid gym awkwardness and gossip. I decided to wait till he left before I went in, but he convinced me other wise and we were gonna be using differnt rooms anyway. I went in and we kept messaging each other while we both worked out in the same building. When he was done I said he should come into the room I was int o use some equipment. He didnt reply but just came in and gave me a big grin and dashed off. He carried on messaging me and asked me out on a dog walk when I was done at the gym.
Im getting kind of bored of re telling this story. Ive spent the last 2 days doing that with my friends and wasnt why I wanted to start writing today.
Fast forward to last night. 4th date, since seeing him at the gym 5 days ago. We finally did it. I nearly wanted to wait again, but everything took over. It was everything I wanted it to be and more. He is physically blessed. In every way. And incredibly talented whilst naked. I wanted him, I didnt wanna just get fucked. I wanted to have him. I dont think I have ever done the dates before sex thing for maybe 15 years. Yes. I know. That isnt normal. I, really dont know what to say about that. Ive always connected to someone through sex, then figured out after, and whilst doing it, if I even like the person. I obviously I like the first impression they give, or the fact that they wanna have sex with me. And all I care about is the immediate gratification of knowing ive already got to fuck them. That they want me like that. I’m sure a lot of people would think that that is very sad or a sign of negative feelings about myself, but I’m a collector. Its my hobby too. I am in control of my choices about how I live my life. I get off on sex with new people. It empowers me. Just cause its taboo or people think it means a woman is disempowering herself by behaving like that, doesnt mean I’m not gonna do what makes me happy. So I fuck first, think later. Sometimes the fucking clouds what the real thoughts should be, and 3 months later you realise you have wasted time and emotion on somebody you probably shouldnt have even fucked. Sometimes it takes even longer to realize that and you end up heart broken and swearing off love and relationships forever. Further deepening you belief in the just fuck them theory. This time that didnt happen. I dont really like making the first move and neither does he. We talked about it. We told each other we wanna do stuff but we are both too nervous to do it. From how we had been talking before he came over it didnt seem like we would be getting to it last night either. But we did and it was so good. Im not saying it was good cause we waited. But it was good cause it was more than just fucking a stranger and using each other to get what we want in the now.
Ugh ive lost my flow now. Just found out im not gettin the weeds I want. And its from him so it killed my buzz. But I’m still gettin some, so my panic of having none is over. I kind of feel like stopping writing now. But I guess if I’m gonna do this I’m not gonna be able to give up when its not flowing as well. There will be times I just have to do it. I will have to figure out if writing it out or stepping away is better. Probably just need to get high again.
Right now is a good time to lay out how I plan to structure this book and the point of it. Its gonna follow my current thoughts and situation writen in real/present time. But I’m also gonna dip off into stories from my past, that relate to where I currently am. Basically like i do when anyone asks me any question about my life. It doesnt work for me any more in real life. I dont wanna tell my life story to everyone when I talk to them. I wanna get it out here as I follow my day to day life. Till its all out and my present life is in a situation suited to an ending. I’m building, through this book a deep character development. Sharing the experiences I have had and how they have shaped me, for the entertainment of the reader. Shared feelings, lessons to be learnt, and subject matter of curiousity. Sex, drugs, rock and roll. And love.
I nearly gave up and lay back down again. Now the joy of a new crush is the doubt. The fear. The reading between the line, assuming and jumping to conclusions. It could all be over tomo. He could just want sex. We might not actually get on. He probably wont like me. Im too much of a person for a lot of people. I havent felt like this since I met my husband. I used to feel it a lot, with different people. Early on. I fall hard and easy. But I havent the past 18 months. Ive kept the distance I thought I wanted. And I’m sure in a few days will swear I want again. Its scary how much what I want and who I am changes through the month. How can I be happy if i can’t please the two people I am, at the same time? I’m legit tired now. I only slept 4 hours last night. So much adrenaline from last night. But cause i smoked, im crashing now! I’m gonna nap.
…came back to my blog
i have been back in england for a month now and im finally settling in again. ive had 3 tinder dates and i am in extremely horny week. and the last one made me giggle. so as several of you joined me yesterday, i thought now was as good a time as any to start my writing again. i have a whole book to write so i might as well get on with it.
the most incredibly perfect boy, 320, just left my apartment, after what can only be described as a fairly awkward 12 hours. i still get wildly shy around a lot of boys. especially when i find them hot. and even more especially when i feel they are hotter than me by anyones standards, even if they dont agree. anyway. my nervous reaction is to talk too much. mix that with me getting high and wanting to talk about the world in quite elaborate and deep ways with lots of self referential stories. well, you get awfully large amount of me using words to deflect how much i just want him all over me, in me, tasting him, letting him use me. i also like to avoid that scary first few moments of starting to hook up. i like them to take to lead. que 4 hours of me chatting too much information shit before he eventually kisses me. this goes incredibly well. he is a fantastic kisser and held me and touched me in a very sexy way. he picked me up and put me on the kitchen counter and we made out till we both were topless and his skin was pressed against mine, his hands in my hair. we moved to the couch but that is never practical for positions when you dont know someone well enough to be open about what is going on and you are still trying to impress each other. i told him we should just go to my room and it got better from there. he knew how to tease me and turn me on so much i came about 2 times before he asked if i had a condom. i didnt. and neither did he. now to be honest, i do not care. my pussy takes over and i just want the dick inside me. im on birth control and if you dont cum in me its pretty much fine. ive played the odds and they work in my favor if i do that. anyway. he was very well behaved and would not let us fuck. there was lots of teasing and using our hands. and after i came a couple more times i sucked his dick to at least let him cum. well he seems to be one of those guys who cant cum from blow jobs. so after a long time we stopped that and he made me cum a couple more times and then started to get himself comfortable to sleep. i just wanted him inside me and to make him cum. but it was clear neither of those things were on the cards. all this is fine. it was hot as fuck. but the thing was, we didnt mention any of it. no, oh we have just been doing this, or mentioning how frustrating it is not being able to be destroyed by his big cock or that he didnt get to cum, saying anything about what had taken place. to me that makes it a bit too awkward. like a elephant in the room. but we soon fell asleep. we woke up early and without saying anything or really even looking at each other we managed to start playing with each other all over again. his fingers feel amazing on my pussy and he tickled my clit lightly enough to have me convulsing for 15 mins straight. he had me lying on top of him face up so as i squirmed my ass was grinding on his cock, his fingers slipped across my soaking wet pussy and deep inside me, while occasionally restraining me with an arm across my neck, cutting off my breathing, before letting go again to moan and respond to his hands. when i laid back next to him i started playing with his cock, slowly and gently, teasing it and stroking it. my hand loosely clasped around his beautiful dick, gently wanking him off. i couldnt take just looking at it after about 10 minutes of teasing him so i took him in my mouth and used my mouth to explore his dick and enjoy him filling up my face. he seemed to get close to cumming a few times. he would thrust his hips so he was fucking my mouth, or grab a handful of hair to guide my head. but again he couldnt cum. he complimented me on my stamina before we fell back asleep for a early morning nap. we woke up again at 10.30 and he seemed to be late for leaving for something and jumped up and got ready. we still hadnt mentioned what we had been up to and what we hadnt been able to do. and within a few minutes he was ready to leave. he gave me a hug that would always have been awkward due to him being a good foot and some taller than me. but felt even more awkward as he thanked me for my hospitality and us barely making eye contact before letting himself out and leaving. he is stunning. just his face could keep me horny for weeks on end. so i still had a smile on my face despite the slightly uncomfortable unfamiliar between us. then i realized he left his jacket here. i didnt call him even though he was probably still on my street, cause i thought it would force another opportunity to become a bit more familiar and less awkward, even if he hadnt planned on a repeat visit. it might not have been the easiest night in with someone. but damn i need someone that hot on my rosta. and it also gives me the chance to buy a bumper pack of condoms!
Trip Mom – A tour Manager for your boys vacation in Vegas.
Dont let the Mom part scare you off. Im not here to tell you what do not do on your wild weekend in Vegas, infact the very opposite. Trip Mom is here to look after you and your boys on your messy trip to Vegas. Dont worry about who has got what tickets to what, whos lost their phone, dont be left wandering why you walked 2 miles just to get an In-and-Out burger, or feeling swindled by all the clubs who seem to just wanna take money from guys, not sure which strip club is best and who to trust getting you there Trip Mom can look after your best interests. Vegas can seem kind of dodgy and like everyone wants something from you. Trip Mom is here to make sure you dont get taken advantage of or waste any party time here. Are you trying to fit a pool party and a night club in one day, dont get stuck with Jimmy drunk mate holding you all up, or Steve loosing his ID stopping you carrying on the party, or getting too fucked up and forgetting where you are meant to be when. Trip Mom has got you. She is your concierge and fun facilitator, be if for a weekend or a week. Your assigned Trip Mom has 24/7 access to you. She will party with you all night and make sure you all get home with as much cash in your pockets and as many girls on your arm as you want. If you are up and doing stuff, Trip Mom will be with you to make sure its all going smoothly. Ive seen hundreds of boys come through places to party for a big weekend and most dont know the city or how to make the most of it. I have years of experience of partying in the best places in the world and know all the tricks you will need to know to make the absolute most of your trip. If you need any party favours Trip Mom has your back. If you can’t get laid and need to know you are gonna not get robbed by a pimp, Trip Moms got girls. Dont wanna have to be that mate stuck organising everything and being the boss of a messy group for 3 days, well Trip Mom will be that for you. Basically Trip Moms satisfaction in life comes from making sure you make the most of the time and money and excitement you have put in to having a your big boys weekend away.
You can all throw ideas at us before your trip and we can let you know what is going on in Vegas for your trip and we will put together a tour itinerary for you. I have tour managed bands around the world and its been my job to get messy people from A to B and on performance form and out to party every night of tour. Itineraries can be flexible but knowing what you want from your trip before it happens will be the best way to make sure you dont waste a second of time here.
Trip Mom facilitates any budget too. If you have the cash to eat at the best restaurants and get fucked up at the best tables in the wildest clubs in Vegas and close out the night in Champagne rooms, then I can be there to organise the group, book things and provide any concierge services. Or if you are on a low budget, I know all about which clubs you can easily smuggle booze in, or the cheapest and quickest way to get 10 drunk boys from one end of the strip to the other, which clubs do free entry, or how to have the best night just strolling the strip and visiting bars and keeping it more chill. There is heaps of secret things to do in Vegas too, so hit up Trip Mom to take your vacation to a messy boys weekend where you lost Jack and 3 people lost their phones and Steve got taken by a stripper for thousands, to the perfectly executed wild trip to remember forever. Personal tour managing, for when you dont want to have to remember your name.
“The One Way You Know You’re Having Feminist Sex”
The One Way You Know You’re Having Feminist Sex
Hurrah! You’re a feminist! (Ot at least I imagine you are, given that you’re reading this article.) But if you’ve ever looked at your sex life uneasily and wondered if it’s fulfilling all the beliefs you have when you’ve got your clothes on, fear not. There’s actually a fair simple test to determine whether the sex you’re having is feminist: are you able to communicate what you want and be heard? If so, high five. If not, don’t worry, you’re not a secret misogynist or a doormat. You just haven’t reached the full awesome feminist potential of your sex life yet, and that’s not a failure in any way. It’s just a new thing to be explored. Yay! Adventures!
By JR Thorpe
March 5th 2015
he has thrown his wedding ring at me 6 times (about once every 2-3 weeks, the argument and recovery last 3-7 days) and told me he is calling the lawyers for a divorce. but only once has he left the house for more than an hour when he has said he is leaving. he packed all my stuff and loaded it in the car twice, to move me out. i havent once threatened to end it or said i dont want to be with him forever. everything he does is like he hates me. but he wont leave me or even leave me alone. he just pushes and pushes and pushes me to leave but doesnt want me to go and he doesnt want to end it. i dont know how to help him or stop this cycle cause he doesnt even think he has done anything wrong. he used to be open and talk and listen and understand and now he is just always on the attack or defense (when im not even attacking). i just need him to be nice and consistent so i can recover from all the hurt. but he wont accept that im hurt. he says im just being a bitch and shouldnt still be upset.
i cant leave with the injustice of him not understanding what he has done to me.
“Daniel Bergner reveals surprising information about women, sex and lust”
Daniel Bergner reveals surprising information about women, sex and lust
There is a common belief that most men would like to have sex all the time, but is this really the case?
Research shows that women want sex much more than we are led to believe. In my practice, I see almost as many women who complain their partners don’t want sex as much as they do, as I see men.
By Matty Silver

…wanted to tell you my fantasies
hmm my fantasies. i have a few. detailed role plays i want to act out. but i never want to tell someone i want to do it cause it would go against the fantasy. its a hard line to figure out how to tell someone to rape you and to feel like you are being raped. i guess that gives away one of my fantasies. there are so many rape scenarios that i would like to try out. bound, gagged, reluctant, fighting, screaming and crying gang rape is a pretty exciting option for me. having my body used and abused for many mens pleasure with no regard for my feelings or my own sexual satisfaction. i most like the idea of someone taking advantage of me when they think i dont know it is happening. this fantasy has so many forms. sleep rape. being drunk or drugged to a point where i cant say no, if i am even aware anything is happening anyway. being at a doctors surgery and being unaware that his examination was too…intimate. they key for me in all these incidences is that they arent real. i am not asleep. i am not passed out. i am not unaware of what is happening to me and im not too naive to know better. but what is very important is that the person doing it thinks i am. i will play up to their thoughts. if they think i am asleep, i wont wake up, i wont move. same for drugged or passed out drunk. even being at the masseuse who massages too high up my thigh. i dont say anything. i just let them use me. the thought that they think they are taking advantage of me and using me for their pleasure, combined with me having to be completely still, silent and unresponsive to any touches or actions, is what sends me over the edge.

…had a footy team
this story is about a really full on night where I did some fairly bad things. i should say im not proud of my actions. but. i am. i had a lot of fun. and ultimately the only person who was wronged in this story broke my heart and changed my life. i had a fuck buddy who i had fallen in love with and was spending all my time with. but he refused to take it further and make it a relationship. he didnt want to sleep with anyone else. but didnt want a girlfriend. to me, if you want me to only fuck you, youre my boyfriend. so it was while involved in this stupid situation that this story occurred.
i had gone to bar one for sunday session to meet up with the fuck buddy cause i thought we were hanging out. earlier that weekend i had met a gorgeous boy while i was stripping, who was on a trip to the town with his AFL team. i gave him my number, we had been trying to meet up all weekend and he had just text me telling me he was at the bar next door and that i should come see him. i arrived at bar one as the fuck buddy and his friends arrived and he was like, oh hi, who you meeting up with? as he had previously made me feel like it was him i was going to meet i was pretty pissed off, so just told him my girlfriends were at the bar next door. then walking off i text the AFL boy that i was coming to hang out.
i walked up to the end of the bar i knew the boy was and i saw a group of about 16 lads at a table covered in beer bottles. as i approached them they all serenaded me with a one direction song. which they proceeded to sing at any females who happened to walk past. safe to say they had been there drinking all day and somehow i was the only girl hanging out with them. i was happily flirting away with the boy and somehow it came up that my gangbang record was 10 and i would love to beat it. as there were actually 25 of them there the news of my desire spread pretty quick round the table and soon all attention was on me. it was fun for a while, before i remembered that the fuck buddy was going out of town for a week at 4am and we had actual plans to spend the end of the night together. at this point it was about 5pm. i told the boys if they were still awake at 4am i was theirs. there was general disappointment as we all knew they would be fast asleep by that time of the morning. so they started trying to convince me to do it now. i wasnt sold as i had other friends to meet up with and it was so early and i did have to meet the fuck buddy later. the hot boy was being quite persistent that me, him and one other should go back now and the rest can be done later. i hate being pressured into a situation so was getting turned off. i told them this and nothing was said about it till the two were like, hey we wanna go back to the room and get changed, its now or never. well i thought, fuck it. it would be a quick bit of fun. it was still only 6pm. i could go back out and party later.
this was a very small town i lived in and if anyone would see me walking away from a bar with two boys, the fuck buddy would promptly be informed. so i told them to follow me to my car and that they had to quickly duck into the car without anyone seeing. it kinda added to the fun of it anyway. after a stop for condoms and water we headed to their room in a hostel. basically one room with 8 beds in for half the boys. i dont think there was any time with just the two of them before two more boys turned up cause they had realized what was goin on when we left the bar and followed us back. i was sober at the time but i have generally fuzzy memories of sex from the last year as there was so much. anyway i remember them taking it in turns fucking me and sticking their cocks in my mouth. we had some interesting combinations of positions on a bunk bed. me bent over with my head in one guys lap, sucking his cock, with one guy either side of me in my hands and another behind, fucking me. one of them, 231, came in my mouth pretty quick. which is always great. at some point there was an influx into the room of about 10 guys. some were super down with what was goin on, gettin naked and into the action, some watched then realized they were out and left. they were takin pictures and filming it and i really didnt mind. it was fun.
i had started gettin calls and texts from a few girlfriends and the fuck buddy wanting to know where i was. i thought id give myself till 9 to reappear and ignored the phone. the boys knew we were on a little deadline and we kept up pretty intense switching of bjs, hand jobs and me getting fucked. i think at this point there was about 8 of them involved. 231 who had already blown was doing a great job of fanning me and keeping me cool. i wanted to get on my knees with them all around me. so they formed a circle so i could suck one and use my hands on the two either side, and then id move around on to the next cock keeping them all hard. 231 was still dutifully fanning me and another guy who had blown while fucking me, got underneath me and started licking my pussy while i serviced his mates. after a while i let a couple of them fuck me till they blew and there were a couple left who hadnt. by now it was nearing 9pm. i was so hot and pretty exhausted. i told them time was up and i had to go. they were cool and a few of us took a team shower. when we were all getting dressed i asked for a group photo. so they picked me up naked and we got the best photo. since then i have stupidly smashed my phone and lost the picture.
as i was gettin my shit together i started replying to messages and found out that fuck buddy was at a bar round the corner. i told him id been with another gf and would be out to meet him soon. after a few goodbyes i left the boys and drove over to meet the fuck buddy. without even brushing my teeth i greeted the FB with a kiss and hung out outside for a bit. he told me the girls were still at bar one, so i told him id go hang with them and meet him later.
several bar and club hops, dancing with the girls, and hanging with the FB later, i ended up at one club while the FB was at another. another boy i must have made fall in love with a stripper that weekend was at the same club as me. i think i had hooked up with him on the friday or something and was so keen to bump in to him again. he was also on a trip with his footy team. he was the drunkest man in the club that night and we had some epic fun dancing and secret making out in dark corners. however my midnight date with the FB was fast approaching. i had put him off twice already so eventually had to go meet him. i went and picked him up and took him home to mine. we had some lovely last night together for a week sex. i told him that i was still wide away and the girls were still out so i wanted to go back to town and party some more. he was fine as i promised to bring him back a maccas at 4am and wake him up for his trip.
i went back to the club and found drunkest boy ever, 238. he barely even knew i was there by this point. but i wasnt giving up. he was so freaking cute. eventually the club was quieting down and i told his friends i was taking responsibility of him for the next couple of hours. he managed to get a taxi with me down the ocean front to a little park where we ended up fucking for ages on a well lit walkway. only a couple of people passed us by and without incident. he was fun and funny and i lay him down on a bench and rode him till he came.
i walked him, not an easy task for the drunkest boy ever, back to his hotel and to meet his boys before they had to fly home. i jumped back in my car, rushing now to get the maccas before i was late to wake up the FB back home asleep at mine. i managed to get us a huge breakfast, which after the 12 hours i had, i really needed, and wake him up as his alarm went off. we said a sad goodbye about how we were gonna miss each other that week. then i fell asleep and i slept very well that day. ironically i didnt do anything while he was actually away. i didnt get to break my gangbang record. but they were all one footy team. so atleast it was a good attempt.
…did what you wanted
so i am gonna behave and do what you all want…write another post. i need to write a list of what i have been up to so i know what stories to write. maybe i can do that here. ill write all the titles and you can vote here for which i should write. i am a genius. here we go.
This One Time I…
…started with my personal trainer
…had a record weekend
…got broken by two pros
…left england with a bang
…had a threesome with a fan
…did a footy team
…played 3 boys
…had an affair
…played dares with boys
…got whipped for the first time
…thought you should know about my vegas chaos
…lived my own private revenge on my ex
…wanted to tell you my fantasies
…let something bad happen to me
…took a customer home
…got paid to have my pussy licked
ok, ok, ill stop. i cant decide where to start and am now thinking of more and more every second.
April 18th 2013
So Im finally bored enough but also awake enough at work to start writing! My nails are too long so i cant type as fast as I want. And I dont know what to say.I only ever want to write to people about what im doing on chat. I like getting an immediate response. The idea of writing so much with no response or reaction seems really hard. So to get stated im gonna write like i talk! I talk to my freind kate about most things. Tonights been pretty shitty comparatively. I have so far only made $620 but its 4am and no one has been in for 2 hours.
March 19th 2013
So I am back in the game. I am at my new house. I have travelled to a different town to do it, as I am way to well known where I live and do not wanna risk being spotted any more than I already have at home. It is my second night here but I was feeling too lazy to write last night. It wasnt like I had much to do but houses are really draining. You are basically sat or lying in a lounge room for up to 12 hours waiting to see people. All I wanna do is eat and watch TV. Most girls who work here and in general in this job end up putting on weight. I have in the past. The old house used to provide bread, que eating 6 slices of toast with butter and honey a night.
October 22nd 2012
Aus – Cairns – Talking about Bohden and dunno who the dude was, maybe that bar manager dude i fucked
So I tried to start this becoming a writer thing on Saturday, but I ended up curled into a ball on the sofa crying because I saw my ex making a joke with his friend on facebook about having “bitches errywhere”. Let me expand on this a little though. By saw, I mean stalking through other peoples profiles to find what shreds of him I can find as I have unfriended him and his profile is hidden. And by ex, I mean fuck buddy for 6 weeks that went terrribly wrong, think cliched movie, without the happy ending. So now i am trying again to start something. Not that that was a very good first impression. I sound like a neurotic teenager. And I’m not really going to be able to get into this much now or carry on with this flow as I am waiting the arrival of a friend to watch movies and eat chocolate on a glorious afternoon. And here we go again needing another expansion. This friend, is a boy who has just got dumped by my friend. I dont know him that well. I dont know why he wants to hang out. I have my suspicions, but we have already laid the 100% non sexual hang out guidlines down. His ex and I arent close, I have only known her a few months, as it is for everyone in my life, but I would specifically go out and spend the whole night hanging out with her, so, ye we are friends…..oops hes here. gotta run
…told a friend about a boy
this is another transcript from a chat with a mate i had online a few weeks ago. thought you might like to know how us girls chat sometimes.
i met him like 2 days before i came to the farm
we met and fucked AMAZINGLY
he is rele intense
gets my legs up and fucks me rele deep and hard and startes in my eyes
then he fucked me in the ass, while i said no and cried a bit
i sucked his cock while his mates hung out in the room
then we went down the road to go to my place, and stopped off for brekkie and got on so well
we had the best banter
we were like, “no date, but nice date brekki”
“no i dont like you like that, but we are gettin married and i love you right?”
then we went back to mine and stayed up and fucked more till like 1pm
“then he fucked me in the ass, while i said no and cried a bit” that made me lol
we text a few times since and he wanted to see me again and i him
so he was gonna come see me last weekend, but he got lame cause his mates were goin out
ah nice one!
so i went to see him
he got me a hotel
ahhh yeah I saw the status!
and he came over and we fucked and hung out and kissed and laughed ALOT
then he went out with his mates at like 10
an i worked
he called me at 2 sayin he wont be long, then text like every hour saying ill be home soon
he eventually got in at 6am and woke me up to make me go to his mates unit
he had been doing A LOT of drugs all night
(btw i have decided to turn this into a blog post so am now just writing like that!!)
ah fair enough
an just wanted me to get up and go party
oh god bad druggy?
I hate seeing people on drugs when I’m sobes
which isn’t often obvs
so after a lil bit i conceded and went along with him
well ye he waas doin bad shit
ew jeez
but he isnt a druggy type, well he does it a lot but doesnt look or seem like it
he musta been hot if you were still into it
ye he is! just does it one or two nights at the weekend
yeah I know what you mean
they were doin mdma and other shit too
but he didnt seem out of it
anyway, we hung at his mates for a few hours then went back to the hotel for brekkie and went upstairs to fuck
it was rele good and intense and dirty, but he was so tired and high we stopped after a while
but not before he had used my toys on me and made me squirt all over the bed and cum heaps
this definitely needs to be a post
he kept gettin so sweaty he went for 2 showers, usually i hate that but it was so hot
i loved it
between my legs were just as wet as he was fresh out the shower
stop it. I’m hornz.
when we finished we got dressed and ended up back at his friends unit
after a lil while there we went to my mates to pick up my bag id left there and we drove to his friends house. his mate was lookin after his gfs kid so we all hung out chatted and played
we rele get on and its so much fun being around him
ahhh man
I think it’s really hard to develop a relationship when you start out that dirty though
hate to say it
we were all sat on the sofas watching a movie and i text him sayin how sexy i thought he was etc and he was sayin how much he wanted a bj
after a while of texting he told his mate he needed a lie down and went in the spare room
after a while i came in and he asked me to show him exactly how good i am at bjs
we coincidentally have a mutual friend who i gave a bj too that had never cum from a bj before an came in 10 mins
with me
so i got to work and he was clearly enjoying it a large ammount
i used two hands and my mouth and made sure it was good and wet, tickling his balls, till after 30 mins he eventualy came in my mouth
woah 30 minutes!
he kind of lost his mind and was just like, omg, that was too good, never touch me again i cant handle how good that was!
you got dedication
(ye ive done 60 mins)
i LOVE makin guys come
It’s so satisfying when someone just cums like crazy from all the teasing their dick’s had though
I’ve had guys like spasming with the intensity of it
feel so good
i went outside for a ciggy and he came and sat with me, i was all smily and smug and he was like, ye ye, you did it, you win, your all pleased with yourself now ay? and i was just like yep!
we went and sat on the sofa again and he fell asleep. after a while i had to go get my coach and he took me there and we got a hungry jacks on the way and ate it in the car
he put me on the coach and we text each other a couple of times
and i slept for like a day when i got home
since then we have played draw something
an i text him on weds, like breezy chat and he replied and ended it with “talk soon babe”
i love him
…had to be very quiet
i wrote this in chat with my friend when i was on my second farm. i have edited out their responses but thought you might like my story. the formats a lil different to usual. but it was a fucking good time.
ill tell you about the other night
i went out with these boys, 3 had gfs, dan was arguing with his on the phone when i got there and 2 others, that through the night, became apparent that both wanted to fuck me
after a long night out and lots of other stuff that would take me hours to write so i will omit
we were all walking home and i was pissed off cause they had made my random fuck i had found, leave me. they scared him off
i was talkin to dan about it and how i want sex etc, talking to him like a gf cause he had a gf so was off limits
we ended up on our own, all the other boys were drunk and wandered off. we got back to the unit and were sat chattin an stuff. i had just got my pornhub vid, so i was tryin to show him, but it wouldnt load. he really wanted to see it, but there was still just a friends vibe between us
the other boys got home like an hour later
we were all sat in the dark and dan was on the sofa next to me
we were squidged up and my legs were under his
and he puts his hand on my ankle
then he starts stroking my leg
we were trying to make sure no one saw and were acting normal like nothing was happening
he was running his hand up the underside of my thigh
the other boys ened up goin to bed, in the bunkbeds next to the double bed that dan was sleeping in
we sat there a while with him stroking my leg and my hand on his arm
wen we went to bed it was cold so i was like, ooh im keeping my jumper on….as if nothing was gonna happen! haha
we got into bed and he pulled me into him and we started kissing straight away
we had to be really quiet cause i knew at least one of the other boys who wanted to fuck me was awake
we were having to be realy still as not to make the bed rustle or creak
he started rubbing my pussy over my shorts while he kissed me
and i had to make sure i didnt moan
he slid his hand up my top and played with my nipples, still kissing me, his other hand on my ass
this hand slowly started moving up under the leg of my shorts till he was pulling my panties aside and pushing his fingers inside me
i kissed him deeper so as to not make any noise and i started rubbing his cock through his pants
we were rubbing each other, kissing and pulling at our clothes for what seemed like forever
in the end we had to stop cause we couldnt carry on without making any noise.
we rolled away and quickly pulled off our shorts and then straight back into each others arms, kissing, his hand immediately back to my pussy
i was so wet it had covered my thighs and i had made a massive wet patch on the bed.
he moved on top of me, i was scared in that position we were gonna be too noisy
his cock wasnt massive or anything but some peoples just feel soooo good inside me. his was just right, after the build up, feeling him slide inside me make me loose it
we started fucking hard, deep, and silently
i had my hands on his ass pulling him into me
we were having to be quite tentative as to not make any noise and i was having to stifle my moans
i clung on to him hard, till he took my legs and put them over his shoulders and started slamming me. by now we had started to make a bit more noise but we couldnt care any more, it felt so good
pretty soon he came inside me, my legs wrapped around his waist and his mouth on mine
he rolled off and after a few mintutes i told him that i still really needed his cock in my mouth
his friend got up and called him into the livin room. i dont know what they said, but probs just chatting about me haha
when he came back i told him how wet i had made the bed and how good he felt inside me and his cock got hard immediately
he asked if i still wanted to suck his cock so i slid down his body and took him in my mouth
i sucked him hard and deep and he kept moaning. i had to stop to tell him to be quiet, quite a few times!!!
i needed his cock inside me again so i kissed my way up his body till i was riding him. we fucked slow, me grinding on him, feeling every inch of him inside me
he grabbed my hips and lifted me up slightly and started slamming into me from below
faster and faster till he came again
i stayed on top of him and squeezed his cock in my pussy
then i started very slowly circling my hips on him
i have this wierd thing that if i am on top and make very tiny moveements after someone has cum, i cum really quickly
so i just kept moving my hips on top of him, rubbing my clit against him, kissing him
and squeezing my pussy around his now hardening cock
it didnt take long at all before i felt my orgasm building inside me, till, biting my tongue, my head burried in his neck, i exploded on him
i came for about 2 minutes, pussy clenching, body spasming
this turned him on even more, and started fucking me hard and deep again till he came and we both collapsed, finally exhausted
we slept for a few hours and when i woke up all the boys were still asleep, so i got up and snuck out and got the bus back to the farm!