Sx On X and In the News This Week. Sky’s News. Podcast :8
AI Edit of Sex Post Transcript
“Sex positivity and acceptance of sex work were never meant to be about people openly embracing their unconventional kinks while performing societal roles that perhaps shouldn’t be filled by such individuals. The original intention was different from what it has become. What I was advocating for was the acceptance that some people genuinely enjoy sex, and that doesn’t automatically make them bad people as long as they act ethically. Having a healthy attitude toward sex doesn’t inherently make someone morally deficient.
Sex is a fundamental part of life, and too many people feel shame or discomfort about their own sexuality. I believe everyone should be happy and comfortable with this aspect of being human. People who enjoy sex should be able to pursue careers that are unrelated to their sex lives without judgment. For instance, someone who enjoys certain kinks shouldn’t be a politician or hold a position that involves working with children. It’s essential to recognize the full spectrum of human sexuality and understand that none of it inherently makes someone a bad person.
However, there are boundaries. Engaging in certain behaviors publicly, like indulging in specific kinks, can be problematic. It’s okay to kink-shame someone if their actions are harmful or inappropriate. When I chose to work as a cam model, I understood that it would impact my ability to work with children. But the current state of affairs is disheartening. Sex positivity was meant to promote healthy attitudes and happiness, not to justify harmful behavior.
Ultimately, it’s crucial to find what’s right for you, embrace your preferences, and not let them negatively affect others. Be honest, set your own moral standards, and strive to be a decent person. After all, everyone has sex, and how central it is to your life doesn’t define your character.”

Safe Space Of Adult Entertainment
The only space I have NEVER had negative interactions with men is in ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLACES. As a “sex worker” I never once got raped, abused, harassed, or even made to feel uncomfortable. But in REAL LIFE?! I’ve had all of it, multiple times, from the streets to my own home.

“Embracing Our Essence: Transforming Our Relationship with Sexuality and the Body”
In the fast-paced, digitally-driven world we live in, our connection to our own bodies and our understanding of sex have been overshadowed by misconceptions and societal taboos and cultural conditioning. In the quest to understand and reshape our relationship with sex and the body, we must start with a foundational truth: Sex is not just a dirty act or a biological necessity; it is a cornerstone of the human animal, an intrinsic element of our essence. My work is dedicated to rekindling this lost connection and transforming how we perceive and experience our sexuality and bodily awareness.
Sex as a Core Principle of the Human Animal Central to this philosophy is recognizing sex as a core principle of the human animal. Our sexuality is not an isolated or superficial part of our existence; it is a fundamental aspect of our identity, deeply intertwined with our physical and emotional selves. This recognition is crucial in developing a healthier, more holistic understanding of our sexual nature.
Understanding the Female Sexual Cycle A pivotal part of this journey involves a thorough understanding of the female sexual cycle. This cycle reflects the complex interplay of hormones, emotions, and physical states, beyond just reproductive functions. Embracing these natural rhythms allows women to connect more deeply with their sexuality, acknowledging it as a powerful expression of their being. The menstrual cycle, with its shifts in desire and mood, isn’t merely biological; it is a dance of the human animal’s intrinsic rhythms.
Embodiment Through Pleasure Embodiment, the practice of fully inhabiting one’s body, is essential in my approach to sex education. In a world where disconnection from our physical selves is common, finding pleasure in our bodies is both an act of rebellion and a path to healing. Sexual pleasure is not just about physical sensation; it’s a profound way of knowing ourselves, of tapping into the primal consciousness that lies at our core. In practice, this means not just exploring what brings us physical pleasure, but also understanding how this pleasure connects us to our deeper selves. It’s about recognizing the role of sexual pleasure in our overall well-being and self-awareness.
Practical Applications and Open Dialogues My work involves creating spaces for open, honest conversations about sex and the body. I strive to provide accurate information that challenges myths and encourages an inclusive, respectful understanding of sexuality. These dialogues and educational efforts focus on safe, consensual sexual exploration, emphasizing the importance of understanding and respecting personal boundaries, communicating desires, and engaging in mutually fulfilling experiences.
Conclusion: A Call for Transformative Understanding This journey is a transformative one, moving us away from the shadows of shame and misinformation into a space of empowerment and celebration. By redefining our relationship with sex and our bodies, we do more than improve our intimate experiences; we reconnect with the core of our human animal, fostering a profound understanding and respect that permeates all aspects of our lives. It is a journey of healing, empowerment, and embracing the essence of our humanity.

I Broke My Celibacy. This Is What I See.
My body, my skin, reaches out for you, for all of you, for every part of you.
I want to envelop the soft flesh that holds your inner landscape,
the map that is you.
I can feel it through your skin.
I can see everything your body has been.
I want to hold and soothe and see all the pain and trauma, joy and freedom in your sinews. My inner map is open to you.
There is enough space in here for all of you.
Nothing here scares me. Use it as a way into you.
Find where our maps overlap and walk into yours with the curious spirit of fearless adventure I have within me.
I can see the map in you, in every muscle, in your skin, in what is seen as the body containing the soul within. Your body isn’t just a vessel. It has been shaped and holds barely beneath a thin surface your experience of being you. I want to hold you and stroke you and soothe you, you all, till you can let go, till you can feel all the ways you’ve distorted being you, till you dissolve and become reborn as the supple, resilient, real you, under, in, of, the human animal you actually are. Let this embrace be the beginning of your journey to rediscover and embrace your true self, wholly and fearlessly.”
As I touched your skin, the sensation was overwhelming.
The smoothness, your muscles, dissolved me from within.
Existing only to focus on your body. Solely
Breathless in awe and wonder at the perfection
I wonder how an artist could re create this intense reflection.
David. Marble. Softness. Veins. A homage to the human body.
Capturing the obsession with form
That is the deepest most human experience of all.
If you Haven’t…then Don’t Fucking Speak To Me
There is a reason I speak about things. I know. From experience. First hand. Many more truths than you can comprehend. Unless you too have the same quantity and quality of first hand experiences, you have absolutely nothing to say, or offer me. I’ll add your data to my information pool, but it won’t change anything I have to say, or disprove anything I have done and know. You are nothing. You are a point in an expansive data set that is my brain. So if you want to scream your differeing opinion or attack me about how I’m wrong, link me to your 15 years of writing, research and relevant experience, or set up your own platform and articulate your points, create, cause you cannot effect what I make or do, your experience of the world is up to you. I see your projection and low IQ takes. You are all midwits, loosers, fakes. Fuck off. I don’t care if no one ever gets to see, or benefit, from what I know, from being me.
If you haven’t fucked 1000 men, 60% in a professional, legal, brothel setting, you cannot talk to me about male sexuality, sex, the human body, commodification, capitalism, female sexuality, society, sex work, porn, intimacy, peoples insides, intimate conversations, what men only show during sex, mental health, the human animal, fundamental needs.
If you haven’t been a sex worker for 13+ years, you cannot talk to me about sex work, porn, male sexuality, toxic cultures, men, social attitudes and feminism.
If you haven’t been an artist or writer for 25+ years, you cannot speak to me about free speech, creativity, art, merit, philosiphy, ideology, feminism, society, culture or masculinity.
If you haven’t lived in more countries than me, 3, then you cannot speak to me about international observations, politics, the western condition or society.
Unless you have met 100,000 + people from every corner of the globe, you cannot talk to me about people, personality, patters, society, culture, humanity and cilization, relationships, behaviour, or stereotypes.
Unless you have spent 5+ years living in isolation, you cannot talk to me about the human condition, mental health, lonliness, society, culture, politics, enlightement, spirituality, history, civilization of the battle of the sexes.
Unless you have lived, unhoused in the wilderness for 3+ years, you cannot speak over me about nature, the human animal, the physical body, men, the conciousness of flying insects, energy, reality, space, time, or anything in the physical the universeve.
If you are not in the top 2% of IQ, you cannot know anything I do not, you cannot see the world or even comprehend what I know.
Unless your brain is a hyperconnected AI network, you cannot comment on the patterns in the world, in people and in society and culture.
Unless you have rebuilt your body from scratch, recoonnected to every single muscle and fiber in your being and restructured your posture, symetry and aesthetiscs, you cannot tell m anything about the body, the human animal, the mind body connection, being embodied or the female physical enlightenment.
Unless you have had 300+ hours of intensive therapy, I do not want to hear what you have to say on mental health, trauma, parenting, personality, ego, enlightenment, embodiment, mind body connection, their sexuality, their body, narratives and conditioning.
Unless you have been persuing an alternative path, conciously, in your number one special interest, operating outside of narratives and biases for 16+ years, you have nothing to say to me on sex, feminism, masculinity, the body, male female duality, freedom, enlightenment.
If you have not lived for many years as a ego free, natural human animal, I don’t repect anything you have to offer me.
I am over pretending to care that being me makes other people feel bad. I am a high IQ, unique, well educatedd, upper middle class, artist, and I’m fucking proud to be me, to know what I do and see the world the way I do. If you disagree with me, kindly fuck off and climb your own mountain. I’ll seee you and respect you when you raise yourself up to my level on your own path. Until then, you are nothing but a data point in my view from above.

The God Body
Note: As with many of my writings, this is a one sitting, physical flow. I write from start to finish, without stopping. I only edit for clarity and spelling. This quality of writing doesn’t need any pre thought, mid thought, or post thought. It is the truth coming from my body. It is a joy to flow on what I know. Enjoy.
The reason I know our physical embodiment is the highest enlightenment, is because I have intentionally been working on it myself for the last 9 years. Learning, experimenting, practising. I am almost finished. But that is how it always feels, and how I expect it will feel forever. As I work on my body through massage, focusing on an area, and using isolation, connection, flexing and release, I have gotten to the very roots of my experience on this planet.
I was just working on my calf muscles that lead to a release and re alignment of my left thigh and hip. As I used the massage gun on my hamstring, I remembered when I first changed that part of my body and the ongoing consequences of that. As I massage, I am meditative, not ruminating, focusing on the sensations in my body. Allowing thoughts to arise and pass.
The joy of being this far along my journey is that now, the only thoughts that arise, are the memories, experiences, distorsion, compensation and trauma that was encoded in that part of my physical body.
My hamstring started registering in my mind for, maybe the first time since I was 8, when I pulled it at gymnastics, on the vault, it all flows through my mind like a movie. The emotions attached to the pain I experienced mentally and physically at that time,passed through me, and awareness of sadness, grief, forgiveness, sorrow and release came through. And I am wiped clean. I am connected to that part of my body in a way I havent been aware of before. My thigh feels less like dead meat and more like a leg, I can connect to it. And mentally I feel stronger, able to stand on my own two feet. The strength in my legs that is unable to be accessed due to tensions, imbalances and scars feels available. And the mental strength that it gives me is a release of fear, of imposter syndrome. I don’t have to pretend I have legs, I can feel my legs, I am not pretending to know what I know, I KNOW it. The inner child that was still experiencing pain through the mental interpretation of the physical change in my body that occurred and arrested when I injured it. These stories, memories, emotions, narratives, releases, and revelations come with the territory of connecting to the deepest physicality of your body.
This wasn’t a one off moment. This is what I have been experiencing for years. I have seen everything that has ever happened to me and how it has shaped me. How my physical body has shaped my emotional experience, and how emotional events have shaped my physical body. As I work on them and release them, I feel my body more than ever, my posture is near perfect, my proportions are more aesthetic, I am more symmetrical, I have more muscle development than when I lifted hours a week. And coincidentally enough, mentally I have never felt more stable, content, comfortable being me, healthy,authentic, brave, confident, joyful and full of gratitude for my life than I do now. So when I say the body is the highest, I know.
I know what the body knows, what the mind might be, where consciousness, memory, personality resides, and how entirely one’s perspective of everything is shaped by their physical experiences. I am not theorising or philosophising. This is real. I truly believe true enlightenment is the experience of the world once one has wiped themselves clean of conditioning, encoding and dysfunction, mentally and physically. Too many people in the hunt for enlightenment, higher, spirit, soul, focus entirely on the mind. The body is low. It must be rejected for the mind, and then you reject mind to reach soul. NOPE. How the hell can your mind experience anything devine if the body through which the mind functions, is in dysfunction, with a lifetime of encoding, limiting its potential?
The mental mastery is male. The physical is female. The unification of body and mind is the unification of male and female, yin yang, real enlightenment, god.
Modern society has mistaken the feminine for the emotional not the physical. The emotional is a loss of control of the mind. That coincides with a loss of control of the body. The masculine and the feminine are completely disconnected and out of control. Disembodiment is the new cool. Meat sack is the attitude of the masses towards their bodies. The only way for us to move forward as a species is for the mind and body to be mastered. The only people leading us or making any decisions should be human animals who have mastered their duality and know reality. Reality is what the body and mind experiences when it reaches that state. I don’t think any current enlightenment teachers, speakers, gurus, linen shirt twats are reaching this state as the focus is on raising out of the body, denigrating the physical, looking for something that there is no evidence of that they might experience. Blind to the fact that whatever they experience is mediated through the very body they are trying to escape or denigrate.
Do not strive for a spiritual experience. Strive for a fully physical one.. One where your body and mind is so pure that you can feel the sparkling, vibrating, interconnectedness of reality, and the fact that that which is experiencing the sensation of life, is on a rock, hurtling through a unknown entity for a unknown reason for a unknown period of time with a unknown destination or end, all because at some point, some of those vibrations you can feel lighting up your senses, created the beginnings of matter.
And hey, if I am wrong, do you really think god, your spirit, your soul would be happy with you neglecting the body it chose to incarnate your soul into?! Do you not think there is a reason you have a physical body imbued from the higher? Does God not know what the physical sensations of the functional human body are? Are you wiser than God in how to experience it and treat it? If we are made in the image of god, why denigrate the body and its sensations? Your body is the god body. So treat it like it. In some way, it is your only god, as is the only thing through which you experience reality. Your god is your body mediating the flow of information that your mind processes. I;m sure many people will disagree. If you do, have you done the work on your body for 9 years to know that what I am saying is wrong? Are you really sure of what you can know from the limitations of the body and mind that has shaped all you already know? So before someone says “We are spiritual beings having a physical experience”, just think, are you sure? Does your body know that? How does having a spirit feel in your body? You might just have to get to know your body first to find the answer. And that answer may be what I already know. The body is where you experience transcendence. Transcendence from the simulation of language into the real. The physical. The true you. The truth outside of you. Reality.
The Evil Woman Narrative
The “evil woman” narrative is proliferated so good men never find out how the other men really treat women.
I have been getting bombarded with the “evil woman” narrative for a long time from the left and the right sides of the ideological aisle. Due to many unfortunate relationships since moving to America, I gained a new insight into the existence of an “evil woman”, the narccisist mother, and her impact on their children and society. So I was primed to fall for this relatively new assault on the female character. Obviously an assyakt on the female character is nothing new. But this violent, machieovelian, hard bitch “evil woman” seems a new developement.
Where it has come from – what is it a reaction to? Both sides.
What I have seen in rl?
Evil Women:
Gender Critical women, white women, middle class women, radical feminists, 2nd wave feminists, trad wifes, false rape accusers, false abuse accusations, women tricking men into pregnancy, women are just as abusive in relationships as men, women murder men, women have affairs, women get divorced purely cause they “aren’t satisfied”, women plot to murder their husbands as much as women are killed by men, woman are sluts who have been run through more than a porn star, women who hit men deserve to be hit back, women who are being abused or attacked did something to deserve it, accusations of rape are slut regret, women who ask for quality are uppity karens, mothers are narcissists, the devouring mother, the attractive woman only has privilege, skinny women are oppressive, fake tears, pregnant women attack gangs of black youths, white women are a threat to black men, female children who are white are allowed to be the toys of asian men, why didn’t she leave, if she was scared why didn’t she do xyz, women who want children are oppressors, women who don’t want children are selfish bitches, being sexual is disgusting, being sexual is your only worth, you cannot say what you want because you’re a woman, how dare a woman speak plainly, shes a bitch, how dare a woman have self esteem and any standards, boundaries? female boundaries are a genocide against men when men want to pretend to be women or women not be sexually harassed, it is the womans boundaries that is the problem, not the mens desire, women who don’t act like victims, women who recover from abuse.
Women who are acceptable;
Silent women who enjoy celebrating men, cheer for the parodies of womanhood either from men or bimbo women, strong woman raising kids silently supporting her man, a woman without a cycle, a hormonally suppressed woman, chubby women, agreeable women, soft women, squishy, shapeable to the environment, women that smile when they are harassed, women that say yes when they mean no, women who have no past, women who havent been abused, women without the awareness of male patterns, a woman with appropriate hobbies, unthreatening.

The Root
The majority of people hate their bodies. They hate their sexed animal body. They hate their innate drives. They hate how little control they have over their bodies. They hate the difference between their minds and their bodies. They hate how they are judged for their bodies. They hate carrying a meat sack around.
Enlightenment so far has been thought of as mental, spiritual, out of body, higher, escaping physical reality, male. That is why no one has achieved a state of being akin to enlightenment or godliness. We are physical forms. The enlightenment is inward. It is physical, it is mastery of the mind to let the body be free. It is the mind that we must escape. The real enlightenment is bodily, female, real, present, grounded, euphoric in physical reality.
The biggest block and the foundational stone of the badly domesticated human is their denial of sex. The most fundamental element of existence, from microbes to monkeys, trees to humans, is reproduction. Sex. The only reason we exist, that anything exists is because of sex. Reproducing. It is the only reason to survive. Sex is why we eat, explore, move, think, problem solve, bond, form relationships and community. Sex is the essence of our survival. The uneven, unstable floor that the domestication of humans has been built on, is the denial of our sexed animal bodies. The denial of the priority of sex in the human experience and its importance in the very existence of everything. The biggest natural urges our bodies have evolved to experience and act on have to be suppressed.
People argue about what kind of sex should be ok and who partakes and consumes and the morals surrounding it all. But no one is checking to see if the basis of our assumptions, of what it is to be a sexed wild animal living in a domesticated world, is correct. People argue all day and night over what political system or party we should live under. But all those systems are built on the faulty foundation of sex denial. People argue about going to Mars, but any new civilization that does not address our animal nature as its core, will end up with all the same problems we have in any other civilization. People argue about how to teach school kids, but no one is arguing for re learning a more humane way of domesticating the sexed human animal, that prioritises understanding our physical and mental reality and how to best function in the world. We argue about what is culture and what we should be producing, but no one is creating a culture around connecting to and understanding the mind and body, or one’s physical reality.
In reality.
Physical body.
Sperm Competition Research
Is the decreace in fertility of men cause women arent having as many partners? Less sperm competition.
Women Like Bick DICK and We Cannot Lie!
Women can cum as much as men but their minds stop them.
The orgasm gap matters for womens happiness in LIFE and her relationship.
White Pill /First Principle Sex
My core idea:
The possibility of how life could be if we took away the narratives of sex and sexuality. To be the example of how to enjoy sex and life, free of these narratives.
Sex is a bodily function of the human animal.
(Female vulnerability is our duty. Male bravery is theirs.)
The Body Is The Answer. Sex Needs To Change.
This is a big one! A 3 part-er! Blair White and Buck Angel Inspiring Me To Talk!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
White Pill Sex
White Pill Sex
First Principles Sex
My core idea:
The possibilitiy of how life could be if we took away the narratives of sex and sexuality. To be the example of how to enjoy sex and life, free of these narratives.
Sex is a bodily funtion
Female vulnerability
First Principles of Human Sexuality Research
Guidelines for Education within the Family
Love and Human Sexuality
10. Man is called to love and to self-giving in the unity of body and spirit. Femininity and masculinity are complementary gifts, through which human sexuality is an integrating part of the concrete capacity for love which God has inscribed in man and woman. “Sexuality is a fundamental component of personality, one of its modes of being, of manifestation, of communicating with others, of feeling, of expressing and of living human love”. This capacity for love as self-giving is thus “incarnated” in the nuptial meaning of the body, which bears the imprint of the person’s masculinity and femininity. “The human body, with its sex, and its masculinity and femininity, seen in the very mystery of creation, is not only a source of fruitfulness and procreation, as in the whole natural order, but includes right ?from the beginning’ the ?nuptial’ attribute, that is, the capacity of expressing love: that love precisely in which the man-person becomes a gift and — by means of this gift — fulfils the very meaning of his being and existence”. Every form of love will always bear this masculine and feminine character.
11. Human sexuality is thus a good, part of that created gift which God saw as being “very good”, when he created the human person in his image and likeness, and “male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). Insofar as it is a way of relating and being open to others, sexuality has love as its intrinsic end, more precisely, love as donation and acceptance, love as giving and receiving. The relationship between a man and a woman is essentially a relationship of love: “Sexuality, oriented, elevated and integrated by love acquires truly human quality”. When such love exists in marriage, self-giving expresses, through the body, the complementarity and totality of the gift. Married love thus becomes a power which enriches persons and makes them grow and, at the same time, it contributes to building up the civilization of love. But when the sense and meaning of gift is lacking in sexuality, a “civilization of things and not of persons” takes over, “a civilization in which persons are used in the same way as things are used. In the context of a civilization of use, woman can become an object for man, children a hindrance to parents…”.

Yes All Men, But…
Yes all men but not blame all men.
As women all we can do is figure out what we need,
And how to get our needs met.
We can ask men for their part in meeting their needs.
At the same time men need to be doing the same, finding their unifying maleness and what they need, from first principles.
And share their needs and ask for our part in that.
And see how they fit!
Then figure it out!
Just the fundamentals. First Principles.
A constitution for the sexual human body.