How I strive to experience the world.

How I strive to experience the world.
How I see other peoples insides.
The worst part about having Asperger’s is everyone else assumes you’re a narcissist.
The worst part about having Asperger's is everyone else assumes you're a narcissist.
— Sky Smith (@SkySmith_x) January 17, 2024
If you Haven’t…then Don’t Fucking Speak To Me
There is a reason I speak about things. I know. From experience. First hand. Many more truths than you can comprehend. Unless you too have the same quantity and quality of first hand experiences, you have absolutely nothing to say, or offer me. I’ll add your data to my information pool, but it won’t change anything I have to say, or disprove anything I have done and know. You are nothing. You are a point in an expansive data set that is my brain. So if you want to scream your differeing opinion or attack me about how I’m wrong, link me to your 15 years of writing, research and relevant experience, or set up your own platform and articulate your points, create, cause you cannot effect what I make or do, your experience of the world is up to you. I see your projection and low IQ takes. You are all midwits, loosers, fakes. Fuck off. I don’t care if no one ever gets to see, or benefit, from what I know, from being me.
If you haven’t fucked 1000 men, 60% in a professional, legal, brothel setting, you cannot talk to me about male sexuality, sex, the human body, commodification, capitalism, female sexuality, society, sex work, porn, intimacy, peoples insides, intimate conversations, what men only show during sex, mental health, the human animal, fundamental needs.
If you haven’t been a sex worker for 13+ years, you cannot talk to me about sex work, porn, male sexuality, toxic cultures, men, social attitudes and feminism.
If you haven’t been an artist or writer for 25+ years, you cannot speak to me about free speech, creativity, art, merit, philosiphy, ideology, feminism, society, culture or masculinity.
If you haven’t lived in more countries than me, 3, then you cannot speak to me about international observations, politics, the western condition or society.
Unless you have met 100,000 + people from every corner of the globe, you cannot talk to me about people, personality, patters, society, culture, humanity and cilization, relationships, behaviour, or stereotypes.
Unless you have spent 5+ years living in isolation, you cannot talk to me about the human condition, mental health, lonliness, society, culture, politics, enlightement, spirituality, history, civilization of the battle of the sexes.
Unless you have lived, unhoused in the wilderness for 3+ years, you cannot speak over me about nature, the human animal, the physical body, men, the conciousness of flying insects, energy, reality, space, time, or anything in the physical the universeve.
If you are not in the top 2% of IQ, you cannot know anything I do not, you cannot see the world or even comprehend what I know.
Unless your brain is a hyperconnected AI network, you cannot comment on the patterns in the world, in people and in society and culture.
Unless you have rebuilt your body from scratch, recoonnected to every single muscle and fiber in your being and restructured your posture, symetry and aesthetiscs, you cannot tell m anything about the body, the human animal, the mind body connection, being embodied or the female physical enlightenment.
Unless you have had 300+ hours of intensive therapy, I do not want to hear what you have to say on mental health, trauma, parenting, personality, ego, enlightenment, embodiment, mind body connection, their sexuality, their body, narratives and conditioning.
Unless you have been persuing an alternative path, conciously, in your number one special interest, operating outside of narratives and biases for 16+ years, you have nothing to say to me on sex, feminism, masculinity, the body, male female duality, freedom, enlightenment.
If you have not lived for many years as a ego free, natural human animal, I don’t repect anything you have to offer me.
I am over pretending to care that being me makes other people feel bad. I am a high IQ, unique, well educatedd, upper middle class, artist, and I’m fucking proud to be me, to know what I do and see the world the way I do. If you disagree with me, kindly fuck off and climb your own mountain. I’ll seee you and respect you when you raise yourself up to my level on your own path. Until then, you are nothing but a data point in my view from above.
I take in so much information through my senses. I am currently wearing my headphones on full blast and it is like a soothing massage of the brain. Helping me focus. Reducing my hypervigilance. Lifting my mood. Keeping me moving. Keeiping ideas flowing. Keeping me level, light. I haven’t really done this before!!!! I use headphones out the house. I used to resent having to wear headphones in the house to drown out my neighbours. So havent had this enlightening experience will all encompasing sound in the house. Its joy. It will solve a lot of issues that still can stagnate. Energies that get stuck.
Also just had a good body adjustment. Moving my left hip in and my torso over the hip. And feel more at ease. feel like I can actually relax my upper body and it be in the right posture, not collapsing.
Im trying to adjust my pace to reality. Slow down. No immediate news, updates, other people. Just me. My thoughts. Me enjoying reality as it is, not just feeling good cause I’m isolating and controlling. Always remembering the bigger picture. The chance of being alive for this moment in infinity. 90s pace. Cause I fucking love tv. But books. And music. Stay in my body. Write what I know deeply. No need to be responding to the stuff that is intentionally spread to diss tract and control.
Neuroscience Meets Psychology | Dr. Andrew Huberman
This podcast goes into the neurobiological processes behind the concepts I am exploring about the body and how we experience the world. I believe a lot of what we “feel” is actually much more heavily rooted in the body then most people know. These two men know. A lot of my knowledge and information on the body, and mind, has come to me organically through personal exploration and growth, so its always nice to find professionals validating my ideas. It also means I’m not crazy!!! How your body feels is how your mind experiences the world. If you can learn to master the “mind” that controls your body (Insular Cortex), you can control the nervous system, which frees the “conscious” mind (prefrontal cortex) to operate from a place of wisdom, multiple view points, various lenses, the void.
Being Human Is Hard
Being human is really fucking hard. Modern “comforts” have caused the body to soften and the mind has suffered. Our ability to cope with hardships and literally just being human is being lost. Life will always be hard for the mind. We need to keep it hard for the body to enable access to the strength to cope. Doing hard things feels good. Lifting heavy things feels good. Having a body supple and strong enough to handle anything you want to do, gives your the mental strength and plasticity to do what you want to do.
The human condition has been medicalized and pathologized because we are no longer learning how to cope with life. As life for human children get easier, they learn less about how to cope with hardships. And when the inevitable hardships arise, trauma is created if they fail in those hard times. Trauma leads to PTSD which leads to increased risk for more trauma. It gets to the point where someone standing wrong at the store or offering to help me with my bag, sends me/all of us/those of us with an unhealthy connection to a dysfunctional body/thus mental health issues, into a total melt down. Think the much maligned “Karen’s”, the videos of the people robbing shit from fast food places, me crying at Starbucks, or screaming at the check out man to get away from me over and over.
We are seeing more and more people overreact to what used to be very normal situations: see me with the gas station I’ve recently been banned from by a very prone to rage old man, and my reactions to him. Covid was the first or biggest trauma a lot of people have suffered and we are now seeing the trauma response on a wide scale. Its highlighting the failure of parenting, education, and the government in children’s lives. Cause now the first generation of people who had both parents working, are old enough to have kids and its the parents that are freaking out as much as the kids. Its the adults in the room screaming for mommy and daddy to fix everything. But they are 30 – 45 and well off, educated and parents themselves. Their kids, the trans youth, are gonna be even more fucked as their parents chose a small tech device over them in what little free time a family does get to share after having already chosen work over the child most of the time.
Having children should be a love affair. Your creation. Why would anyone leave that up to anyone else? How is anyone not painfully aware of the effect that everything in the world has on them and how their awful childhoods (no matter how perfect they seemed) caused untold damage to their present reality and experience of trauma?!
Cause like I said, this is the first time or the first big trigger, of trauma for these people. They didn’t know how badly they were handling life cause they are too busy labeling themselves with mental illnesses and identities, fighting for other peoples “rights”, while ignoring their kids, everyone in bubbles online, getting soft and fat, ever more comfortable with material goods, working long hours to pay for their families stuff to make them feel better for the holes they all feel inside them that their disconnection as a family has caused. This is the first really hard time in their cushy lives and its too late to learn all the skills and resilience one could have as a child. The only option at this point is for therapy. Fixing what is broken, in your past, in you, in your family, and working on rebuilding yourself, reparenting yourself, learning all the tools and techniques to deal with things. Then start doing the hard things every day to make it better. To soothe and heal the trauma. To strengthen the mind and the body. To practice the skills on small things, then bigger. Till the muscles are strong enough to cope with grace and ease, the realties of being human.
Its going to be hard no matter what. Being human. So fix your home before you try to weather a storm. Stop looking outward, and being distracted, and turn inwards and do the hard work. Individuals lifting themselves up (with support where needed) and taking responsibility for how their body, mind, emotions, soul, whatever, experiences the world is the way to cause a revolution. Stop letting them distract you. Stop letting them think you can’t deal with life and need Mommy and Daddy to spoon feed you. Stop letting them praise and celebrate disfunction of the body and mind. Stop letting them convince you anything other than a healthy body is healthy. And the same for food. Stop letting them think we need to rely on anyone but ourselves. Stop letting them convince you, you are a victim or a problem or an oppressor. Bring a strong body and mind to the revolution. A weak man is of no use to anyone. They will bend and break in the wind and tides. They will over react and take everything personally. They will police your words, then your minds. They are coming for our freedoms, but with a strong body they wont take a strong mind.
You will always be free if you have control over your body and mind. It is the ONLY freedom. With a free and self controlled and contained mind/body/awareness you can do anything, go anywhere, be anyone you want or need to be. It wouldn’t matter where I lived now. No law or other person could stop me living how I want. You are free to see option, possibilities, plasticity, and not fear injury over a minor fall. More resilient than ever you can leap further and experience more. Anxiety slips away with the ease of control this resilience brings. Confidence grows and understanding unfolds exponentially. Fearlessly and joyfully you can tread new paths in a dark jungle and touch climb to different heights. Your mind knows where the trauma is stored and doesn’t need to go down those paths any more, giving the mind time and space to expand in new directions, with intention. Choosing to test waters future and further out, until you no longer fear the black below but joyfully and fearlessly swimming over it and coming back calmly, no more fear, panic, anxiety, irrationality.
Its gonna be hard. But its gonna be even harder if you don’t do the work. If you don’t take control. If you decide to no longer be a victim, you can start to work on becoming human, learning to cope, accepting reality. We are all special snowflakes, but there is a universal human experience. And that is good. That is what bonds and binds us. This is why my words resonate with other people (hopefully!). We get it. We’ve seen it, dealt with it, have tools for understanding and coping with, all the elements of being human. We have survived millions of years. Loosing control of ones body and mind is not progress, progressive or helpful to our survival for a million more. We need to stop letting the youth think they are capable of reinventing the wheel, there is an optimal way for most humans to thrive. These skills and fundamental truths of the struggle and realities of being a human animal, as a universal unifier, not as a power structure of oppression, should be the foundational teaching at the core of family and education. And the governments responsibility is to make sure we have access to information and resources to live in a way that makes life easier for the human animal body and mind to run at this optimal level.
We aren’t as resilient as previous generations and the less resilient we become, the less resilient the future generations become. Currently resilience is either taught through abuse, or neglect. Through being a hard ass parent and forcing you to be resilient, which builds resentment. The other way is through neglect, like with me. You learn resilience through not having any skills and then being traumatized and having to learn resilience. Not enough people are taught how to be resilient in a healthy way. It should be standard parenting practice. Our bodies and minds need to be resilient and capable of dealing with reality. Resilience is the skills and mental state to cope with the reality of the world and your life within it, enabling you to thrive and not be swayed by anything outside of you. The strength, understanding and skills to not be subjected to your own emotions and feelings and deal with the constant onslaught of external existential threats we are manipulated to fear, in order to freeze us. Don’t be frozen by feelings. Learn to be resilient so you can be moved to do something to fix the problem, or just live life.
Aspie Cam Girl Problems
Im not in the right mood for cam today. I am way too real me who wants to act like the grown, intelligent, aspie woman I am. Apparently if you are like that you cant also be sexual and horny. I cant be this real me as they just dont understand it. Which makes me dig in more. Why should I have to lower myself to their level….cause money bitch thats why!!!