Therapy doesn’t work, porn harms people, feminism has ruined society, the culture is the problem. NO. The actual ideas are solid. It is LOW IQ people interacting with, misusing, misinterpreting or doing crap versions of the idea. It is the commodification of low IQ interpretations or ability. Not the idea or system itself.

You Are Your Body
Everything you think, experience, do, know, feel, IS your body. That is all it is. There is no mystical smoke animating otherwise dead flesh. All there is is your body. Without it you know nothing, think nothing, feel nothing. You do not exist. Everything you think the world is, that you have seen or learnt, is IN YOUR BODY. It is the ONLY reality. You cannot know what it is like to think, without a body. You don’t feel anything. Emotions are language simulations overlaid a PHYSICAL sensation. You are ONLY your body.
The worst part about having Asperger’s is everyone else assumes you’re a narcissist.
The worst part about having Asperger's is everyone else assumes you're a narcissist.
— Sky Smith (@SkySmith_x) January 17, 2024