- The Body Is The Key To What We Experience
- Reworking Our Relationship With Sex And Its Place In Society And Culture
- Roles and The Freedom Within
- Community – Worship – Song – Dance – Service
- Power to The People Politically
Don’t be left or right. Be human.
No right or wrong. Just what is best.
It’s best to have discipline but also fun.
Dialectic to elevate.
Use plant medicine to expand your brain, not run from it.
Know thy body.
Be intimate with who you want. But having a family matters.
Celebrate being a family.
Community should be a positive. A group of people we know and are able to navigate.
But privacy is obviously respected.
Police should be military. Why aren’t they? What do the military do all day? Why can’t the police be the military? They get loads of training. Better than the police. Could have a wider range of skills based on how they serve. Mental health, education, admin, docs, proper weapon training, patriotic from a range of backgrounds. Less bias.
Fair. Live in bases like they do!small towns get however many they need and get posted places.
Community events. Dance. Celebrate. Worship.
Real Food. Community farms.
Ease in the body so movement and touch and the whole body isn’t taboo.
But consent matters.
Neither a heightening or denial of sexual feeling. Where appropriate.
Birth control, but know your body.
Firm but gentle.
Freedom in optimising reality.
Not sure if it’s fair to expect people in gross places and horrible jobs to feel free in their mind and body. Butttttttt. If they were. They would tidy. Clean. Organize, decorate. Change the room. Then improve my wardrobe Make things smell nice. Be the best at whatever shitty job they do that they can be. Take pride. Have a sense of humour. Laugh. Don’t take yourself too seriously. But don’t think you’re a joke either. Do whatever you want but consider the consequences, even if just for a second longer.
Grown adults can do and say what they like. As long as they aren’t infringing on the physical rights and freedoms of others.
The holistic human
How the world could be if we prioritized the human body.
The Abortion Fallacy
Oh noooooo. Roe V Wade has fallen.
Women aren’t whole people.
Women will die.
Women will be forced gestators.
Abortion is banned.
Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage will get you arrested.
Abortion rights are human rights.
My body My choice.
Women can never be equal without access to abortion.
Men are legislating our bodies.
Women will die.
This is awful, lets all just stand in the streets, scream and cry.
Hopefully a riot will get our rights back.
Oh Shut the front door. This is ALL lies. It is now a week after the decision came down that it is not the federal governments right to legislate our bodies. What? You mean the supreme court said….your body your choice? Yeah. So why is everyone so mad? This is what is driving me crazy. The amount of drama, hyperbole, lies and fear mongering are causing women all over the world to be freaking out about all the above statements. I heard 3 different men on Friday, who had read the whole judgement and are pro choice, explain it all, read all the opinions and summarized it with glee. And even from their perspective, I knew it wasn’t a bad ruling. A week later and I’ve only seen one article from the left, covering what is in the judgement and not just screaming about things that it didn’t say. It was written by a lawyer, and it was still mostly their opinion. The article stated it was a 200 page legal document so is very confusing and obviously no one will have read it yet…..what?! I heard from 3 MEN who had read it and interpreted it for an audience, the morning of its release. Why wasn’t the left/pro abortionists doing the same. If they really cared about women, like they claim to, when they know what a woman is, they would have politicians, celebrities, and the media explaining exactly what this means, and what the specific laws in each state are. In stead, they want you to be angry, scared and un informed.
The Movement Body
Community is physical presence of other humans
Love is how we feel to other animals. All human animals. Cause we are the same animal. And it is the biological reality that keeps us connected and wanting to be physically part of a community, family and relationship
We’ve lost dancing. We’ve lost
Sperm Competition Research
Is the decreace in fertility of men cause women arent having as many partners? Less sperm competition.
Women Like Bick DICK and We Cannot Lie!
Women can cum as much as men but their minds stop them.
The orgasm gap matters for womens happiness in LIFE and her relationship.
Embodied – What Do I Mean?

identity” are these: “What are we?” (fundamental
nature question) and “Under what conditions do we persist
through time?” (persistence question). Against the dominant
neo-Lockean approach to these questions, the view known as animalism…

The human being should not merely be skilled for all sorts of ends, but should also acquire the disposition to choose nothing but good ends. Good ends are those which are necessarily approved by everyone and which can be the simultaneously ends of everyone (Cahn, 2012).
The thinking is problematic with education because morality is not easily deciphered in the manner that Kant claims. While people might (necessarily) agree with the idea that slavery is wrong, this does not mean that cultures do not practice it but call it something else. For example, from a western view, Islamic women might be considered enslaved due to religious practices and rules which limit their freedom and behaviors within society. The problem is that what Kant refers to as a maxim is not a consistent standard and can easily be manipulated due to the vast differences in what ethics and morality can be interpreted as across cultures and nations. This presents a severe issue for Kant’s view of education because it cannot be easily applied due to the fact that there are vast differences between groups concerning morality. This becomes further complicated in societies which practice diversity and have open education where many different cultures may interact.
There are also issues with Kant’s view of the authorities concerning education. Kant states that education should be determined by “enlightened experts” (Cahn, 2012). The problem in this case is- who will determine these experts” What is the criteria for determining the people who control the education process? More importantly is having only a select few in control of education a wise action? Education that is limited to scholastics and experts may have negative consequences because there is no outside input to question practices. This can lead to homogenized thinking such as in countries where education is highly controlled such as in countries where religion is a controlling force in education and free thought is not cultivated or respected above tradition and morality. While there is merit to Kant’s education views it may not be realistic in application.
Vincent Triola. Thu, Feb 18, 2021. Immanuel Kant & Human Nature Retrieved from https://vincenttriola.com/blogs/ten-years-of-academic-writing/immanuel-kant-human-nature
White Pill Sex
White Pill Sex
First Principles Sex
My core idea:
The possibilitiy of how life could be if we took away the narratives of sex and sexuality. To be the example of how to enjoy sex and life, free of these narratives.
Sex is a bodily funtion
Female vulnerability
First Principles of Human Sexuality Research
Guidelines for Education within the Family
Love and Human Sexuality
10. Man is called to love and to self-giving in the unity of body and spirit. Femininity and masculinity are complementary gifts, through which human sexuality is an integrating part of the concrete capacity for love which God has inscribed in man and woman. “Sexuality is a fundamental component of personality, one of its modes of being, of manifestation, of communicating with others, of feeling, of expressing and of living human love”. This capacity for love as self-giving is thus “incarnated” in the nuptial meaning of the body, which bears the imprint of the person’s masculinity and femininity. “The human body, with its sex, and its masculinity and femininity, seen in the very mystery of creation, is not only a source of fruitfulness and procreation, as in the whole natural order, but includes right ?from the beginning’ the ?nuptial’ attribute, that is, the capacity of expressing love: that love precisely in which the man-person becomes a gift and — by means of this gift — fulfils the very meaning of his being and existence”. Every form of love will always bear this masculine and feminine character.
11. Human sexuality is thus a good, part of that created gift which God saw as being “very good”, when he created the human person in his image and likeness, and “male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). Insofar as it is a way of relating and being open to others, sexuality has love as its intrinsic end, more precisely, love as donation and acceptance, love as giving and receiving. The relationship between a man and a woman is essentially a relationship of love: “Sexuality, oriented, elevated and integrated by love acquires truly human quality”. When such love exists in marriage, self-giving expresses, through the body, the complementarity and totality of the gift. Married love thus becomes a power which enriches persons and makes them grow and, at the same time, it contributes to building up the civilization of love. But when the sense and meaning of gift is lacking in sexuality, a “civilization of things and not of persons” takes over, “a civilization in which persons are used in the same way as things are used. In the context of a civilization of use, woman can become an object for man, children a hindrance to parents…”.

Yes All Men, But…
Yes all men but not blame all men.
As women all we can do is figure out what we need,
And how to get our needs met.
We can ask men for their part in meeting their needs.
At the same time men need to be doing the same, finding their unifying maleness and what they need, from first principles.
And share their needs and ask for our part in that.
And see how they fit!
Then figure it out!
Just the fundamentals. First Principles.
A constitution for the sexual human body.