I keep thinking about writing at the moment when im high cause im letting my mind wander much more about the world around me than myself. its really enjoyable for me to process things and understand them. I was just thinking about how everyone sees russia as a threat cause they are just getting into the big money game and spreading it around the world. everyone expected it to be china to spread around the world first and they havent. So people are suspicious that asia is isolationist and only a few countries or places break out and link with the west. so china is a big threat cause of how much money they have over there compared to the western markets. in the west its gotten to the point where the people with all the money and power inherited it rather than worked for it and Russia and China are still first generation money and power generators. They are already ahead of these second generation corporation, bank, and political owners who dont have the drive it takes to keep up. So they are a genuine take over threat to people who operate in the realms of commodity or democracy, capitalism, ownership, development. Which is the majority.
Pretending To Be Human
I am at work
It is a Saturday but I dont have much to do. I could fill my time with clearing glasses but that isnt my job and i get it done so much faster than anyone else i end up being the main person doing it.
I wanted to write last night. Or speak to the GoPro. But now I dont remember about what. Just mostly that I wanted to write. All i can think about at the moment is this stupid place and how badly ran and how bad the staff are. I wish i could write a report on the place for
April 18th 2013
So Im finally bored enough but also awake enough at work to start writing! My nails are too long so i cant type as fast as I want. And I dont know what to say.I only ever want to write to people about what im doing on chat. I like getting an immediate response. The idea of writing so much with no response or reaction seems really hard. So to get stated im gonna write like i talk! I talk to my freind kate about most things. Tonights been pretty shitty comparatively. I have so far only made $620 but its 4am and no one has been in for 2 hours.
October 22nd 2012
Aus – Cairns – Talking about Bohden and dunno who the dude was, maybe that bar manager dude i fucked
So I tried to start this becoming a writer thing on Saturday, but I ended up curled into a ball on the sofa crying because I saw my ex making a joke with his friend on facebook about having “bitches errywhere”. Let me expand on this a little though. By saw, I mean stalking through other peoples profiles to find what shreds of him I can find as I have unfriended him and his profile is hidden. And by ex, I mean fuck buddy for 6 weeks that went terrribly wrong, think cliched movie, without the happy ending. So now i am trying again to start something. Not that that was a very good first impression. I sound like a neurotic teenager. And I’m not really going to be able to get into this much now or carry on with this flow as I am waiting the arrival of a friend to watch movies and eat chocolate on a glorious afternoon. And here we go again needing another expansion. This friend, is a boy who has just got dumped by my friend. I dont know him that well. I dont know why he wants to hang out. I have my suspicions, but we have already laid the 100% non sexual hang out guidlines down. His ex and I arent close, I have only known her a few months, as it is for everyone in my life, but I would specifically go out and spend the whole night hanging out with her, so, ye we are friends…..oops hes here. gotta run

This one time i….
Bestival 2009
thought it would be a good idea to start a blog. i love telling stories of things i have done and seen and know.
when i wanted to start this, i had a boyfriend and thought it would be a bit insensitive as a lot of my stories are about other men and things he wouldnt like to know about.
now i dont have a boyfriend. I am not happy about this. and it has only been a few days so i am still in bed. and am currently counting down the time before x-factor starts and i can order a pizza!
it was a mutual break up which is shit cause it is hard to know if that is the right thing to do cause you are both really upset and dont want to say goodbye, but know you have to.
i am 25
i live in England
i work in club land
i am not going to be massively specific about any of these things cause it isnt my place to reveal other peoples secrets, which will be done by me telling my stories.
and this is the start of my blog.