i want to be a sex professional. i want to help people with any sexual queries they may have and come up with sexual solutions to their problems. i want to help couples who aren’t sexually compatible be happy, practically and conceptually. i want to help people reach their sexual goals and fantasies. i want to teach people who want to know more, about sexual acts, naked confidence, sexual exploration and the ways it can all improve your general confidence and well being. i want to help people not feel ashamed about sex, sexuality and fetishes and bring it out of the shadows as and acceptable part of everyone’s life and being a well rounded human. i don’t want sex to hold anyone back or make their life’s difficult. i want to encourage sexual honesty, for yourself, your current and your future partners.
Art 19th February 2017
I have decided its time to start making art again. I realised it is the best way for me to be me. It is why i am me. It is who i am. I can say what i want, how i want.
After art school i didnt make anything. I had nothing to make art about. At goldsmiths i was able to fly against the traditions of their art course and students. But as soon as that need to rebel was gone i had nothing left use as fuel for my artistic fire.
I thought i had left the art world forever. I considered myself entirely separated by early 2007. 10 years ago.
I did not realise this. Ha
so now i have decided to make again. I am going to use the media i have learnt to use over the past 10 years to ….share my adventure with people….and comment on what i learnt on that adventure. From pimps to poverty to politics
The narrative is still ongoing so my work could direct my adventures or/and vice versa. It will push me to do even more. Experience even more. Share it even more.
It is art because i say it is art.
I want to end up building my time based society….small and basic…starting from scratch, not changing what is already here…so its easy and natural with people who want to live the same way.
I went to oxford uni as a piece of art. I am now gonna write a paper on a time based economy.
My website…its art now. Me living another life, immersed 100% in my research. It is as much research to comment on feminism and sex work and women in the 21st century as it is a piece in itself about sexuality, self portraiture, physical transformation, pushing peoples boundaries and comfort levels around power and intimacy, and the over exposure the internet has brought to the masses in the 2010s.
The fact that it is going to be started 10 years after my original show “Sally Jones: A Retrospective”….means i can also utilise the concept of the revival that is getting a bit worn thin by now.
Snapchat is everything. It can have my sex fans, my friends, my new adventure vlog followers.
Ohyeah. Apparently i have also just decided to do a adventure blog. Seems like a good idea. I have a go pro and no idea what to do. Just a dream and some massive balls. Could be a funny adventure.
First rule of art, dont say what i am doing is art. When im on cam, dont say im on cam for art. I am just an artist.
My sex blog
My list
All the things i like i can keep doing. They have a purpose. When im ready to do a show i can draw on all of my experiences to be even better. Quanitiy? My previous show was quantity. Now we live in a time of too much. Its all one in itself.
I have to make sure my voice comes through. That it is obvious it know what is going on
Trip Mom – A tour Manager for your boys vacation in Vegas.
Dont let the Mom part scare you off. Im not here to tell you what do not do on your wild weekend in Vegas, infact the very opposite. Trip Mom is here to look after you and your boys on your messy trip to Vegas. Dont worry about who has got what tickets to what, whos lost their phone, dont be left wandering why you walked 2 miles just to get an In-and-Out burger, or feeling swindled by all the clubs who seem to just wanna take money from guys, not sure which strip club is best and who to trust getting you there Trip Mom can look after your best interests. Vegas can seem kind of dodgy and like everyone wants something from you. Trip Mom is here to make sure you dont get taken advantage of or waste any party time here. Are you trying to fit a pool party and a night club in one day, dont get stuck with Jimmy drunk mate holding you all up, or Steve loosing his ID stopping you carrying on the party, or getting too fucked up and forgetting where you are meant to be when. Trip Mom has got you. She is your concierge and fun facilitator, be if for a weekend or a week. Your assigned Trip Mom has 24/7 access to you. She will party with you all night and make sure you all get home with as much cash in your pockets and as many girls on your arm as you want. If you are up and doing stuff, Trip Mom will be with you to make sure its all going smoothly. Ive seen hundreds of boys come through places to party for a big weekend and most dont know the city or how to make the most of it. I have years of experience of partying in the best places in the world and know all the tricks you will need to know to make the absolute most of your trip. If you need any party favours Trip Mom has your back. If you can’t get laid and need to know you are gonna not get robbed by a pimp, Trip Moms got girls. Dont wanna have to be that mate stuck organising everything and being the boss of a messy group for 3 days, well Trip Mom will be that for you. Basically Trip Moms satisfaction in life comes from making sure you make the most of the time and money and excitement you have put in to having a your big boys weekend away.
You can all throw ideas at us before your trip and we can let you know what is going on in Vegas for your trip and we will put together a tour itinerary for you. I have tour managed bands around the world and its been my job to get messy people from A to B and on performance form and out to party every night of tour. Itineraries can be flexible but knowing what you want from your trip before it happens will be the best way to make sure you dont waste a second of time here.
Trip Mom facilitates any budget too. If you have the cash to eat at the best restaurants and get fucked up at the best tables in the wildest clubs in Vegas and close out the night in Champagne rooms, then I can be there to organise the group, book things and provide any concierge services. Or if you are on a low budget, I know all about which clubs you can easily smuggle booze in, or the cheapest and quickest way to get 10 drunk boys from one end of the strip to the other, which clubs do free entry, or how to have the best night just strolling the strip and visiting bars and keeping it more chill. There is heaps of secret things to do in Vegas too, so hit up Trip Mom to take your vacation to a messy boys weekend where you lost Jack and 3 people lost their phones and Steve got taken by a stripper for thousands, to the perfectly executed wild trip to remember forever. Personal tour managing, for when you dont want to have to remember your name.