So another day started and I gave in and looked at Twitter and immediate am embroiled in the “man or bear” debate. By embroiled I mean reading one persons tweets and the replies. And then commenting on two replies. Sooo not life or death. But the constant sex wars online mean if I engage, then I am surely going to be trying to reason with rabid men and ugly women that, yes, in fact, it is quite dangerous to be a woman around men and justifying my position by explaining my own negative experiences. I am then in that mind set. I am the female victim, fighting for all women, trying to make men see it from our side, the desperation to be heard, understood and validated by the men who refuse to see. It all gets too much and impacts my current reality. It changes the now from one of abundant freedom, to a smaller, more vigilant, scarcity mind set. It makes me not want to create and give. It makes me want to withhold my female creativity cause the male has created an unsafe environment. It isn’t even usually one specific male. It is the conceptual male. The likely hood of encountering a bad man goes way up in my estimation. The evil that is the online misogynist, could be hiding in any man you meet, that viscous, primal, cruel, hatred of the female they do not posses. The ephemeral feeling of being prey, makes it harder to create and play. It is why I have to keep trying to avoid looking in the morning. I am giving away my freedom to self determine, to be free of the male burden. Their expectation upon my body to be who they want me to be inside.
Who Am I? Where Am I? Why Am I?
Its been so long since I’ve written on here. I made another website cause I wanted something to show people without it being connected to sex. But now I’m stuck between the two, neither is my home. I have posted on the other site, but kept more recent stuff hidden. I wrote just on my desktop today. Just a dump of words. An expansion on the understanding of everything. I have been writing disjointed, unfinished dumps for a while as I have been otherwise occupied mentally. I decided to move back int the bus this winter and have spent the last few months prepping and moving out. Mom came to visit at the end of February and everything has been about moving since then. I have now been in the bus just over 3 weeks. And I feel lost and confused and disassociated. I mean, right this second as I write this I am having a massive wave of nausea and dizziness. I am listening to some Indian raga and have switched playlist about 10 times writing this paragraph. I am writing about writing and being confused as I don’t know why I am doing any of this. Why do I think? Who for? To what ends? Why do I synthesize the information and search for new ideas? Why haven’t I ever been able to stop thinking? What can I do with it all? Who could benefit from it? Who do I want to share it with and why? I asked ChatGPT to help me figure it out.
- What initially inspired you to start philosophizing, creating art, and exploring sexuality?
- How has your work evolved over the 25 years? Have there been any recurring themes or messages in your creations?
- What aspects of your work do you find most fulfilling or meaningful?
- How do you currently share your creations? Have you explored different platforms or methods for reaching a wider audience?
- Are there specific goals or outcomes you hope to achieve with your work?
- How do you envision your work making a positive impact, either on individuals or society as a whole?
- In what ways do you feel your work could be more aligned with your values and intentions?
- Have you considered collaborating with others or seeking mentorship to further develop your ideas and reach?
- What would success look like to you in terms of your creative endeavors?
- How do you feel your work contributes to your sense of identity and purpose?
Pretty good things for me to work through. I also know I have a backlog of content to create with. I could be creating with. But the idea of focusing and laying it out gets muggy, foggy. I want to do it all. But I also feel like if I am gonna be focusing on something, I should be putting energy into things that might/should make me money like work or creating content. Being in the bus was supposed to make doing it all easier. Do something hard so I do more, as sitting at home doing nothing was too easy. But I am tired, And sore. And not eating as I would want. I am smoking too much. I am not walking enough. But I have had some big and interesting posture/mechanical development. I feel an alignment on my left side that I have been told is my vagus nerve. It would make sense. I am feeling a lot more at the moment. And I don’t like it. Like I have real time access to the information in that nerve. Its making my left leg and hips look good. Almost like a real body! Its also done something in my shoulders and feet. Really actually made big physical progress since I’ve been back out. Mostly cause its kinda all I can do. I think also I am overwhelmed with Dad retiring, me being 40 this year, my Aunts being gone, not having worked it so long, not having patterns or routine. It feels like all the plates are spinning. And in the house it was so calm and so simple and at least one thing was stable for me to relax into to.
I had to think over what word to use and as I thought of stable, I realized in the house, I felt I was able to be what was stable when I was in the bus and everything else was moving. I do feel that I am, compared to me previously, I am just feeling it. And its hard. Not collapse in bed and give up, hard. Not, unable to cope. But staying coping is a full time endeavor. Not leaving me time for art, writing, thinking and moving in the way I had hoped. And yes, I know, as I am saying that…it has only been three weeks. I am still learning, settling in, its the busiest time of year and there are people everywhere, I am also reaching new heights in ecstatic dance and the community that is giving me lots of feelings and validation I am not used to. It is a duality of informational input. But I was so cut off, so sensorily contained, I didn’t realized that is why it was all so smooth. Just existing in reality, not in my bubble, is a full time experience. Constant stimulation. Now however i don’t have to narrativize the sensation. I just know I am feeling it. I don’t need to tell a story that takes me to a previous pattern that opens up hard emotions and memories. I can just accept what is real in the moment and how it feels. Not narrativize it. Not tell a story about what is happening in order to feel more. A good or bad experience and feeling, doesn’t have to lead into a story of what it means about me. That process somehow allowed me to not feel the direct thing but use it to enforce things I already thought I knew about me. I have this statement now “I need to find out how I really feel.” That is a lot of emphasis on the I. Cause there is a deep me inside, one that does feel things directly, and has wants and needs that is very hard to hear. The outer me, the coping, the defenses, the reaction is so used to getting my attention I have to make a point of emphasizing that I am trying to hear what I ACTUALLY want underneath that. Doing the right thing for me isnt always the thing that feels good and that is hard to remember or accept. A good example is the “fuck it, I’ll get take out” idea. One afternoon I had been on a drive and had some revelation about doing the right thing for me or something, and to celebrate I said “fuck it, I’ll get a take away”. But immediately a voice inside me said, “but what about the food you need to cook?”. I had all the veg to make a nice bolognase to last me a week in the fridge and I think I had had them too long already and was feeling bad about putting off making it. And I realized, what i REALLY wanted, was to cook the food for me. Take out was a quick fix. A dopamine rush. A frivolous connection to make, doing something that isn’t “good” for me (money, cooking needed to be done) to celebrate something actually good cause it is conceptually exciting, not physically and mentally satisfying and calming. Really. Was the inner me so tired of feeling bad every time I opened the fridge or got hungry and snacked that she forced the outer me to do what I said I was going to, for me?! Its that regulated inner nervous system that is speaking to me. It is me hearing my vagus nerve.

What if feeling, reality in the moment, means I can’t think? I think, therfore I am. So letting go of thought and moving into knowing is a letting go of self. The stories dont matter. Only the vibration you experience and exude. Words arent needed. So what is the point in me trying to communicate something creatively?! Who do I want to speak to? What do I have a drive for? What do I really want?
Who am I now I am not the bubble lady? How do I really want to spend my time?
Today Tuesday 17th October
Testing using this off line.
When I’m done ovulating I am in the perfect brain to get shit done. Do website. Write.
Ovulation is free to be a sexy rebel. connect to body. Enjoy being horny. Generate balance and grace.
Period is whatever I want. No socials.
Post period, direct. Percolate. Look but don’t talk.
Pre period. Delete social media. Walk. Move. Travel. Drive. Brain storm ideas.

In the Bus
Out with Kitty and Bussy for a reset after my trip to England. A bit lost in life. But finding myself in the spaces. A lot of my struggles can be relieved by soothing my body. Letting it relax, expand, dropping fight or flight responses. Only then can I find the freedom in my humanity.

I take in so much information through my senses. I am currently wearing my headphones on full blast and it is like a soothing massage of the brain. Helping me focus. Reducing my hypervigilance. Lifting my mood. Keeping me moving. Keeiping ideas flowing. Keeping me level, light. I haven’t really done this before!!!! I use headphones out the house. I used to resent having to wear headphones in the house to drown out my neighbours. So havent had this enlightening experience will all encompasing sound in the house. Its joy. It will solve a lot of issues that still can stagnate. Energies that get stuck.
Also just had a good body adjustment. Moving my left hip in and my torso over the hip. And feel more at ease. feel like I can actually relax my upper body and it be in the right posture, not collapsing.
Aspie Cam Girl Problems
Im not in the right mood for cam today. I am way too real me who wants to act like the grown, intelligent, aspie woman I am. Apparently if you are like that you cant also be sexual and horny. I cant be this real me as they just dont understand it. Which makes me dig in more. Why should I have to lower myself to their level….cause money bitch thats why!!!
I have had a life of amazing things cause I collect times Ive been fully in the moment. If Im searching for something, somewhere, someone, outside myself, or get lost in my head, then I wont be collecting new amazing experiences. What make an amazing experience for me is when Im fully immersed in what Im doing. Not thinking outside of the moment, not analysing how I feel, being fully present. I can do that for everything. I dont have to wait for something big enough to demand my full attention. It is the attention to bring to everything I do so that even the smallest activity is an event.
I won’t collect new experiences by thinking about what to do. I will collect new experiences by being present in what I am doing.
Trying Again To Say Something To My Best Friend & Failing
ive felt that our directions of growth were diverging and could be clashing. So I thought it best to withdraw and didnt have the words
Weed Women Breakdown Beginings
sorry but saying this to a 36 year old autistic woman whos social skills are so bad that ive been alone most of my life is pretttttyyyy ableist. I am very aware of all the different personalities and how I dont ever fit in and get pushed out my NT people. Like happened here and why I brought it up. I am a mod cause I thought Id found a space where I could be me and not have to make space for all the different NT personalities that normally take over everywhere.
Autism Experiences
It’s cool to have been bullied and abused for being myself all my life instead of anyone caring enough to realize I have a debilitating mental illness.
Wished I Could Ask People This.
do any of you get debilitated by the reality of how awful humans are and how fucked the world is? on a existential, grand, fundamental reality scale, not like, “lots of people have been mean to me and they suck”. But as in the trajectory of humanity is totally fucked and has been for tens of thousands of years and no one is looking to or willing to do anything about it? or even admit its all fucked up and wrong. and its getting exponentially worse.
BPD and Relating
This morning I didnt smoke. I was having a good morning. until thinking about seeing ryan and how its like saturday and he hasnt seen me since tuesday or said anything about seeing me the last few days. i immediately went into a intense bpd reaction. when i have those thoughts i belive them. i believe i am seeing facts. that this is the wise thought, reaction and feeling to the situation.i sent angry texts. i wanted to cry. i was overcome with negative emotion and feeling. i felt sick. emotionally exhausted. i couldnt fight it. But i was aware that i was not high and that I was having a bpd reaction. so i got high and ive felt my mind change from being angry and in pain, to feeling almost fine and not caring. i still have residuals of those earlier feelings. and dont want to/havent relaxed into my high brain. the high version of me doesnt see all the evil things and interpretations of someones actions. high me doesnt instantly think someone is lying or tricking me or manipulating me. i take peiple for their word. i trust. i believe they think well of me and like me. im comfortable and happy. but what is the right way to be. which one is right? which one is real? which should i trust?which one should i act upon? now im high i can see how darkly i view other people and their intentions. i immediately go to them bieng up to something that will harm me. my lonliness really peaked too when the BPD got triggered. felt desperate. on the verge of tears. needing someone else. high i am comfortble in me on my own. i was feeling fine with not seeing ryan much recently. until i was sober. that is when the bpd brain looked at the whole sitation and reassesed and acted i wanna be fine with everything.and almost trust it.
Different Brains
i get in these moods where im sober and serious and getting shit done and i think it is the way i need to be/want to be. i think its best for work and for me getting shit done. but then im not hapy and light. im heavy and strickt. my rules and boundaries are hard and i like to enforce them. i dont smile or laugh easy. everything has to be serious.i never know which mind is the right one to be in. too high and silly also means open and positive and creative and light. looser boundaries, being nice just cause i want to not causee anyone desrves it. strict me needs people to earn it and desrve it. its kind of protective. hight standards. more blank. unable to express internal emotion. or maybe i am. this blank, sarcastic, mean cold,aahhh ditatched. its very detatched, i want to be detatched. and flat. its kind of a calm.blank. not impressed. not wanting to make effort. not wanting to be nice to anyone. not wanting to “lighten up”
is this the start of the darkness. is this how it starts. cause it feels strong and positive that i can get shit done and be level and calm but it makes me distant and detatched and i get strickter and less light until i dont want to be light.
as i feel like this it makes me want to keep myself to myself more. as its kind of hard to relax and be light with people. but then i think the isolation again gets to me and makes me want to isolae even more. or is the stricktness, inability to emote etc cause of isolation.
i kind of have period pains right now i wander if that is cause ive been fucjubg up my pill so i am now in pre period week again and that is why i feel like this?
how do i know if im being strong and focused or isokating/being dark and serious cause of pms
i think it may be cause i havent seen people. like ive seen mom but not had any time or conversation since maybe thursday morning. its now saturday, so its only been 2 full days but still. that is longer than most people dont have a real life conversation for. also all the work stuff gives me a imbalance in how much i dont like people. work makes me want a break from people but maybe speaking to real people i like would be better. by trying to protect the state im in and want to maintain, it ends up taking away where I was. and shuts me down.