The Abortion Fallacy
Oh noooooo. Roe V Wade has fallen.
Women aren’t whole people.
Women will die.
Women will be forced gestators.
Abortion is banned.
Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage will get you arrested.
Abortion rights are human rights.
My body My choice.
Women can never be equal without access to abortion.
Men are legislating our bodies.
Women will die.
This is awful, lets all just stand in the streets, scream and cry.
Hopefully a riot will get our rights back.
Oh Shut the front door. This is ALL lies. It is now a week after the decision came down that it is not the federal governments right to legislate our bodies. What? You mean the supreme court said….your body your choice? Yeah. So why is everyone so mad? This is what is driving me crazy. The amount of drama, hyperbole, lies and fear mongering are causing women all over the world to be freaking out about all the above statements. I heard 3 different men on Friday, who had read the whole judgement and are pro choice, explain it all, read all the opinions and summarized it with glee. And even from their perspective, I knew it wasn’t a bad ruling. A week later and I’ve only seen one article from the left, covering what is in the judgement and not just screaming about things that it didn’t say. It was written by a lawyer, and it was still mostly their opinion. The article stated it was a 200 page legal document so is very confusing and obviously no one will have read it yet…..what?! I heard from 3 MEN who had read it and interpreted it for an audience, the morning of its release. Why wasn’t the left/pro abortionists doing the same. If they really cared about women, like they claim to, when they know what a woman is, they would have politicians, celebrities, and the media explaining exactly what this means, and what the specific laws in each state are. In stead, they want you to be angry, scared and un informed.
The Failure Of Sex Work is Work and Third Wave Feminism
No More Feminism
The Failure Of Sex Work is Work and Third Wave Feminism
The Middle: The Human Sexual Reality Between Religion and Sex Passivity
Why I Dont Need The SJWs or RadFems To Save Me
Instead of wanting to tear down sex work and destroy and deny reality I am actively looking at a way to make it work based on reality and I try and do this every time I work, from what I share, how I do it and my boundaries within my work. Its hard work and life would be easier if I didnt, but I wouldnt be able to live with myself. And might as well do any other job that makes me hate myself, break down and get fired.
White Pill Sex Work
What Do I do?
I always emphasise that I am here for my pleasure as much as theirs, and that they are paying for the privilege of sharing that experience with me, an experienced, professional with the relevant knowledge to give them a quality experience they dont get every day.
One of the number one reasons I see people oppose sex work is that men are paying to cross womens boundaries. I, and other healthy, happy, sex workers dont have a boundary about letting “ugly” men fuck us, and the cash breaks that boundary. What is in fact going on is that we are quite comfortable fucking anyone, we enjoy it, in all their shapes and sizes, cause they are real people. But in this society where one needs to make money to live, and looks and sexuality are highly valued, it makes sense to monetize that reality of your boundaries. I love sex. I love that getting paid for sex means I get to interacrt with bodies I would never have had the opportunity to explore outside of the work.
Within the acts of sex however, we DO have boundaries, and these cannot be purchased or crossed. And the women who succeed and thrive in sex work are very clear about these to themselves and to their clients. Boundaries are also a sliding scale. For me there are some actions that require a premium, mostly cause I dont want to do them all the time in order to maintain physical health. For example, anal. A no go, no option boundary for me, and in ALL legal sex work is the use of condoms. For blow jobs, for cunnilingus, for any time the dick is hard in the professionals presence. He keeps his condom on while he licks the dental dam on my pussy. No, it isnt great for either of us, but it is a condition of the arrangement we accept in order for both of us to get our needs met physically and financially.
The women who do let cash cross their boundaries are the ones who suffer, who hate themselves, hate the clients, and leave the industry to wring their hands with the radical feminists or religious conservatives about the poor women. I am not a poor woman. I do not need saving. Those boundaries that I am perfectly happy with, give me a stronger sense of self than any of those people who had theirs crossed will ever find out of sex work. Its almost like talking about two entirely different spaces. And for me that is one of the central issues. No one should be doing work that makes them hate themselves.
I would never work in a office cause for me, paper pushing and the corporate world would make me hate myself. I value the freedom, a life of questioning the standard narrative have given me,
If sex work is to become the intimacy arts, the consensual boundaries thing needs to be taught to and be the fundamental understand of its process. STOP the narrative that clients are paying someone to do something they wouldn’t otherwise do, and emphasise the variety of boundaries that exist and why its normal. Eg, if someone wanted to work in a cuddle club but wanted no sexual work ever, then they could and should and would feel safe with that.
I have had at least 500 clients and never once did I have an issue with any of them. It was in Australia and the brothel culture is very normal there and the men understand the rules. Yet another example of clear rules meaning everyone can have fun and relax and that the work is mutually beneficial and non exploitative.
However I caveat that with, I did see a lot of other girls have problems with clients throught the years in all elements of sex work. However again, this shows me I am doing something, know something, or model to the clients, something that other people are not in these scenarios. That is why I want to analyise how I have lived my authentic belief in how sex and sex work should be and share the good, bad and the yet to improve, elements, what I see are the failures and signifiers of these failures in society and sex, and how I know they can be better. Not just for in sex work, but in all parts of the physical human experience and fix the core issue at the root of society and cultures failures, sex.
The central narrative that joins all people and cultures and society are the physical reality of our human bodies, all their functions, needs and wants included..
I dont know why people think our material reality is a bad thing, not enough etc.
being a human being is why we are valuable and all there is is our physical reality
White Pill /First Principle Sex
My core idea:
The possibility of how life could be if we took away the narratives of sex and sexuality. To be the example of how to enjoy sex and life, free of these narratives.
Sex is a bodily function of the human animal.
(Female vulnerability is our duty. Male bravery is theirs.)
The Body Is The Answer. Sex Needs To Change.
This is a big one! A 3 part-er! Blair White and Buck Angel Inspiring Me To Talk!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Yes All Men, But…
Yes all men but not blame all men.
As women all we can do is figure out what we need,
And how to get our needs met.
We can ask men for their part in meeting their needs.
At the same time men need to be doing the same, finding their unifying maleness and what they need, from first principles.
And share their needs and ask for our part in that.
And see how they fit!
Then figure it out!
Just the fundamentals. First Principles.
A constitution for the sexual human body.
The Reason Its Yes All Men, To Me.
The reason it is “yes all men” to me is that the numbers I’ve personally experienced don’t match with any other claim. I don’t know a single woman who hasn’t been sexually harassed (unwanted touching and above), raped or suffered partner abuse, were abused as children, and some or all of the above. Now, I have been raped 5 times. I have been in 1 extremely abusive relationship that broke my entire self for 6 years after, and another that got me addicted to cocaine. I have been inappropriately touched by literally countless men in bars and nightclubs (even though I expect it in that scenario, should I think its normal and ok?). I used to write down the “compliments” men would shout out their car or van windows to me as I walked to university and wear them with pride, I tried to take ownership of the constant onslaught of unwanted sexual attention.
At a absolute minimum, I have had 20 men lay hands on my body and alter my brain, without my consent. Of these 20 men, only one would think of himself as someone who has harmed a woman. The first rapist was arrested for statutory rape. The 4 other men who used my body when I was passed out, thought they were just fucking a easy chick they got lucky with. The man who destroyed my sense of self and ability to function, didn’t think there was anything wrong with him. The boy who got me addicted to coke so I would buy it for him while I paid him to work for me and live with me, all while his other woman was in another city, was “just having a good time”. And the faceless hands in the nightclubs were attached to men too drunk to notice or care, following the narrative of how to behave in these spaces. 19 out of 20 of my abusers would not ever think they could be “all men”, they are just regular guys.
This isn’t taking into consideration the plenty of other abuses of power, position and age that have been used to manipulate me into sex, whether its the 40 year old club bouncer who challenged me to give him a handjob when I was 15, or the other one who let me suck his dick when I was 17, or the bosses/collogues who took advantage of my weak boundaries, the man who flashed me on the school driveway when I was 13, or the bullying I received everyday from the boy who would touch me and kiss me when no one else was around when I was 10.
I am one woman, and I cant even count on my fingers and toes how many man have abused me in one way or another, not just verbally, but all of them physically encroaching on my body. If I include all the men who verbally assaulted me, then we would be in the hundreds, maybe even thousands. And now we have social media to add to the pervasive abuse.
Now if every other woman I know has had at least one, and some up to as many as me maybe, how can it NOT be all men? Are there enough women out there with 0 physical assaults to balance out women like me who have tens to hundreds, depending on the definition. Even if its just the rapes, I have had FIVE.
The math’s don’t add up. It logically HAS to be ALL men.
Only one man in my story thinks he has ever harmed a woman.
All the others think they are ok.
Now obviously I know more men than just ones who have assaulted me, so how can I say its all men? What about my Dad, step bro, uncle, et etc etc?!
Well if MOST of the men who have assaulted me don’t know they have ever done anything wrong, than how do I know that any of the men I know/knew that didn’t harm me, haven’t in fact harmed another woman and don’t even know it or wont acknowledge it/admit it to themselves.
I have no fear over admitting men close to me have this blindness to their impacts on women and their place in the statement “all men”, I see them there too and it backs up my understanding of the numbers.
I don’t blame men though. Nowhere in the statement “all men ” is there any judgement or value placed on men, it is not placing blame, its stating a statistical probability. If the woman is saying “all men” cause she has experienced multiple incidences of sexual assault and all her friends and family have also, then it seems like a lot more men are assaulting than there are women. Do we share abusers? Its not just all men, its some men, many many times as well.
I don’t hate men, I love them. They are vital to my existence. They are my juice. But I do not like the way they are socialized, trained, domesticated and how woman has been shaped around that. Its forcing men into the shape society has made for them that they do not fit into that causes their worst sides to spill out in reaction to be suppressed.
“All men” were raised by women. So there is no way in hell I am blaming men for the fact that they all abuse women. I don’t need to deconstruct the past, and stay angry at men for a reality they didn’t create. I want to move forward to find a reality that is comfortable for all people.
For me, the solution is to go back to the first principles, what are the fundamental truths and realities of being male and female. From there we see what works, and keep trying different ways without getting stuck on the wrong path for too long. Thought experiments down the path from the first principles until you hit a dead end, then you come back, with all the knowledge and ideas gained from that first path, to start again from first principles in another direction, maybe guided by what you previously learnt, over and over, till the thought experiment cant be broken apart by challenges from as many angles as possible, and it can move from theory to reality.
I have been doing this with sex, the body, the human, the male, the female, the world, society, culture, politics, psychology and sociology for my whole life. And I have some pretty well tested ideas, and have come to some good conclusions to thought experiments which often prove out to be right in the real world. I am a predictor of change. And I sense now is the time, I’ve caught a whiff of something, and I like the direction its going in. If people are starting to apply first principle thinking to social issues and in business’, then its time to share my first principle thinking on sex and the body and what I know.
It took me 21 years and 1000 sexual partners to get to the point where I gave up on men in this reality. I am not a man hating feminazi. I fucking love men, I tried and tried and tried again until I had nothing left of myself. I tried to be the change myself, tried to live what I believed it could be for women. But over and over it was taken advantage of and my sex used against me. It took till 36 to realize I cant keep trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result. So here I am, 2 years celibate, looking to help change the understanding of men and women and the intimate and sexual nature of the human animal, so I can help us all become domesticated in a way that is beneficial to the physical reality of the experiences of both sexes., so I can risk going out in the world again, to eventually find the wild humanimale that will honor me, my body and my reality, without fear of further abuse by what is now “all men”. I want the new man. An embodied, confident, open, soft, strong, fit, fun, intimate, sensual, passionate, well rounded, self aware play pal for women. Cause that is a happy man, and happy men, comfortable with their place, equal to, yet different from women, able to see the value of the reality of women, wouldn’t be able to abuse us.