The Abortion Fallacy
Oh noooooo. Roe V Wade has fallen.
Women aren’t whole people.
Women will die.
Women will be forced gestators.
Abortion is banned.
Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage will get you arrested.
Abortion rights are human rights.
My body My choice.
Women can never be equal without access to abortion.
Men are legislating our bodies.
Women will die.
This is awful, lets all just stand in the streets, scream and cry.
Hopefully a riot will get our rights back.
Oh Shut the front door. This is ALL lies. It is now a week after the decision came down that it is not the federal governments right to legislate our bodies. What? You mean the supreme court said….your body your choice? Yeah. So why is everyone so mad? This is what is driving me crazy. The amount of drama, hyperbole, lies and fear mongering are causing women all over the world to be freaking out about all the above statements. I heard 3 different men on Friday, who had read the whole judgement and are pro choice, explain it all, read all the opinions and summarized it with glee. And even from their perspective, I knew it wasn’t a bad ruling. A week later and I’ve only seen one article from the left, covering what is in the judgement and not just screaming about things that it didn’t say. It was written by a lawyer, and it was still mostly their opinion. The article stated it was a 200 page legal document so is very confusing and obviously no one will have read it yet…..what?! I heard from 3 MEN who had read it and interpreted it for an audience, the morning of its release. Why wasn’t the left/pro abortionists doing the same. If they really cared about women, like they claim to, when they know what a woman is, they would have politicians, celebrities, and the media explaining exactly what this means, and what the specific laws in each state are. In stead, they want you to be angry, scared and un informed.
The Failure Of Sex Work is Work and Third Wave Feminism
No More Feminism
The Failure Of Sex Work is Work and Third Wave Feminism
The Middle: The Human Sexual Reality Between Religion and Sex Passivity
Why I Dont Need The SJWs or RadFems To Save Me
Instead of wanting to tear down sex work and destroy and deny reality I am actively looking at a way to make it work based on reality and I try and do this every time I work, from what I share, how I do it and my boundaries within my work. Its hard work and life would be easier if I didnt, but I wouldnt be able to live with myself. And might as well do any other job that makes me hate myself, break down and get fired.
White Pill Sex Work
What Do I do?
I always emphasise that I am here for my pleasure as much as theirs, and that they are paying for the privilege of sharing that experience with me, an experienced, professional with the relevant knowledge to give them a quality experience they dont get every day.
One of the number one reasons I see people oppose sex work is that men are paying to cross womens boundaries. I, and other healthy, happy, sex workers dont have a boundary about letting “ugly” men fuck us, and the cash breaks that boundary. What is in fact going on is that we are quite comfortable fucking anyone, we enjoy it, in all their shapes and sizes, cause they are real people. But in this society where one needs to make money to live, and looks and sexuality are highly valued, it makes sense to monetize that reality of your boundaries. I love sex. I love that getting paid for sex means I get to interacrt with bodies I would never have had the opportunity to explore outside of the work.
Within the acts of sex however, we DO have boundaries, and these cannot be purchased or crossed. And the women who succeed and thrive in sex work are very clear about these to themselves and to their clients. Boundaries are also a sliding scale. For me there are some actions that require a premium, mostly cause I dont want to do them all the time in order to maintain physical health. For example, anal. A no go, no option boundary for me, and in ALL legal sex work is the use of condoms. For blow jobs, for cunnilingus, for any time the dick is hard in the professionals presence. He keeps his condom on while he licks the dental dam on my pussy. No, it isnt great for either of us, but it is a condition of the arrangement we accept in order for both of us to get our needs met physically and financially.
The women who do let cash cross their boundaries are the ones who suffer, who hate themselves, hate the clients, and leave the industry to wring their hands with the radical feminists or religious conservatives about the poor women. I am not a poor woman. I do not need saving. Those boundaries that I am perfectly happy with, give me a stronger sense of self than any of those people who had theirs crossed will ever find out of sex work. Its almost like talking about two entirely different spaces. And for me that is one of the central issues. No one should be doing work that makes them hate themselves.
I would never work in a office cause for me, paper pushing and the corporate world would make me hate myself. I value the freedom, a life of questioning the standard narrative have given me,
If sex work is to become the intimacy arts, the consensual boundaries thing needs to be taught to and be the fundamental understand of its process. STOP the narrative that clients are paying someone to do something they wouldn’t otherwise do, and emphasise the variety of boundaries that exist and why its normal. Eg, if someone wanted to work in a cuddle club but wanted no sexual work ever, then they could and should and would feel safe with that.
I have had at least 500 clients and never once did I have an issue with any of them. It was in Australia and the brothel culture is very normal there and the men understand the rules. Yet another example of clear rules meaning everyone can have fun and relax and that the work is mutually beneficial and non exploitative.
However I caveat that with, I did see a lot of other girls have problems with clients throught the years in all elements of sex work. However again, this shows me I am doing something, know something, or model to the clients, something that other people are not in these scenarios. That is why I want to analyise how I have lived my authentic belief in how sex and sex work should be and share the good, bad and the yet to improve, elements, what I see are the failures and signifiers of these failures in society and sex, and how I know they can be better. Not just for in sex work, but in all parts of the physical human experience and fix the core issue at the root of society and cultures failures, sex.
The central narrative that joins all people and cultures and society are the physical reality of our human bodies, all their functions, needs and wants included..
I dont know why people think our material reality is a bad thing, not enough etc.
being a human being is why we are valuable and all there is is our physical reality
The Body Is The Answer. Sex Needs To Change.
This is a big one! A 3 part-er! Blair White and Buck Angel Inspiring Me To Talk!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
The Reason Its Yes All Men, To Me.
The reason it is “yes all men” to me is that the numbers I’ve personally experienced don’t match with any other claim. I don’t know a single woman who hasn’t been sexually harassed (unwanted touching and above), raped or suffered partner abuse, were abused as children, and some or all of the above. Now, I have been raped 5 times. I have been in 1 extremely abusive relationship that broke my entire self for 6 years after, and another that got me addicted to cocaine. I have been inappropriately touched by literally countless men in bars and nightclubs (even though I expect it in that scenario, should I think its normal and ok?). I used to write down the “compliments” men would shout out their car or van windows to me as I walked to university and wear them with pride, I tried to take ownership of the constant onslaught of unwanted sexual attention.
At a absolute minimum, I have had 20 men lay hands on my body and alter my brain, without my consent. Of these 20 men, only one would think of himself as someone who has harmed a woman. The first rapist was arrested for statutory rape. The 4 other men who used my body when I was passed out, thought they were just fucking a easy chick they got lucky with. The man who destroyed my sense of self and ability to function, didn’t think there was anything wrong with him. The boy who got me addicted to coke so I would buy it for him while I paid him to work for me and live with me, all while his other woman was in another city, was “just having a good time”. And the faceless hands in the nightclubs were attached to men too drunk to notice or care, following the narrative of how to behave in these spaces. 19 out of 20 of my abusers would not ever think they could be “all men”, they are just regular guys.
This isn’t taking into consideration the plenty of other abuses of power, position and age that have been used to manipulate me into sex, whether its the 40 year old club bouncer who challenged me to give him a handjob when I was 15, or the other one who let me suck his dick when I was 17, or the bosses/collogues who took advantage of my weak boundaries, the man who flashed me on the school driveway when I was 13, or the bullying I received everyday from the boy who would touch me and kiss me when no one else was around when I was 10.
I am one woman, and I cant even count on my fingers and toes how many man have abused me in one way or another, not just verbally, but all of them physically encroaching on my body. If I include all the men who verbally assaulted me, then we would be in the hundreds, maybe even thousands. And now we have social media to add to the pervasive abuse.
Now if every other woman I know has had at least one, and some up to as many as me maybe, how can it NOT be all men? Are there enough women out there with 0 physical assaults to balance out women like me who have tens to hundreds, depending on the definition. Even if its just the rapes, I have had FIVE.
The math’s don’t add up. It logically HAS to be ALL men.
Only one man in my story thinks he has ever harmed a woman.
All the others think they are ok.
Now obviously I know more men than just ones who have assaulted me, so how can I say its all men? What about my Dad, step bro, uncle, et etc etc?!
Well if MOST of the men who have assaulted me don’t know they have ever done anything wrong, than how do I know that any of the men I know/knew that didn’t harm me, haven’t in fact harmed another woman and don’t even know it or wont acknowledge it/admit it to themselves.
I have no fear over admitting men close to me have this blindness to their impacts on women and their place in the statement “all men”, I see them there too and it backs up my understanding of the numbers.
I don’t blame men though. Nowhere in the statement “all men ” is there any judgement or value placed on men, it is not placing blame, its stating a statistical probability. If the woman is saying “all men” cause she has experienced multiple incidences of sexual assault and all her friends and family have also, then it seems like a lot more men are assaulting than there are women. Do we share abusers? Its not just all men, its some men, many many times as well.
I don’t hate men, I love them. They are vital to my existence. They are my juice. But I do not like the way they are socialized, trained, domesticated and how woman has been shaped around that. Its forcing men into the shape society has made for them that they do not fit into that causes their worst sides to spill out in reaction to be suppressed.
“All men” were raised by women. So there is no way in hell I am blaming men for the fact that they all abuse women. I don’t need to deconstruct the past, and stay angry at men for a reality they didn’t create. I want to move forward to find a reality that is comfortable for all people.
For me, the solution is to go back to the first principles, what are the fundamental truths and realities of being male and female. From there we see what works, and keep trying different ways without getting stuck on the wrong path for too long. Thought experiments down the path from the first principles until you hit a dead end, then you come back, with all the knowledge and ideas gained from that first path, to start again from first principles in another direction, maybe guided by what you previously learnt, over and over, till the thought experiment cant be broken apart by challenges from as many angles as possible, and it can move from theory to reality.
I have been doing this with sex, the body, the human, the male, the female, the world, society, culture, politics, psychology and sociology for my whole life. And I have some pretty well tested ideas, and have come to some good conclusions to thought experiments which often prove out to be right in the real world. I am a predictor of change. And I sense now is the time, I’ve caught a whiff of something, and I like the direction its going in. If people are starting to apply first principle thinking to social issues and in business’, then its time to share my first principle thinking on sex and the body and what I know.
It took me 21 years and 1000 sexual partners to get to the point where I gave up on men in this reality. I am not a man hating feminazi. I fucking love men, I tried and tried and tried again until I had nothing left of myself. I tried to be the change myself, tried to live what I believed it could be for women. But over and over it was taken advantage of and my sex used against me. It took till 36 to realize I cant keep trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result. So here I am, 2 years celibate, looking to help change the understanding of men and women and the intimate and sexual nature of the human animal, so I can help us all become domesticated in a way that is beneficial to the physical reality of the experiences of both sexes., so I can risk going out in the world again, to eventually find the wild humanimale that will honor me, my body and my reality, without fear of further abuse by what is now “all men”. I want the new man. An embodied, confident, open, soft, strong, fit, fun, intimate, sensual, passionate, well rounded, self aware play pal for women. Cause that is a happy man, and happy men, comfortable with their place, equal to, yet different from women, able to see the value of the reality of women, wouldn’t be able to abuse us.
Finding Sexual Supremacy Through Celibacy
Well it has been a long time since Ive written and a lot has developed for me. I think its worth pointing out that I have spent the last 3 years working with multiple therapist for my mental health and working on fixing postural issues and trauma encoded in my body. During this process I have been diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum. I relate heavily to the diagnosis of Asperger’s even though we arent supposed to call it that anymore. But it matters to me. Asperger’s is a very certain type of Autism that is mostly associated with men, and male genius, and male behavior that is actually normalized by society, where as a woman with Asperger’s is the opposite of what society says a woman should be. So in terms of people understanding me clearly, I think it important to identify with something that is typically considered male.
This has also been my journey with sexual devolopment. Taking on the role, attitude, performance or male sexuality in order to highlight how contradictory our male and female sexual narratives are.
Where I was at when I last wrote about this, was a place of burden. I knew sex was wrong. I knew the sex I had been having wasnt what I wanted. I had thought of how it might be different and with this knowledge I tried to have the sex I wanted by doing all the work. I would make them lay back while I indulged in their bodies for hours, and got a 5 min of standard foreplay in return. Ive helped men explore their interest in strap on and anal play, and got nothing in return. My pleasure was received by doing things I wanted to, even if it wasnt directly pleasurable for me. Pleasuring in a way that was heading towards something different in the hopes that they would mirror back to me an exploration and adventure into my body. It never happened. Never once.
The straw that broke the camels back was my last fuck buddy/boyf. I discolsed all my mental and physical needs, and yet within a matter of weeks, sex became a function for him to have an orgasm. A few minutes of pumping in the morning before he went to work. Me waking him up with a prostate massage, and him cumming and leaving. Spending hours giving pleasure, only to be touched with fear, uncertainty and disgust, in return. Fucking his ass, the thing that drew me to him the most, his sexy, sultry moves, sensuality and moans, all dissapeared into the function of him getting his the way he wanted. And after he would cum I would be left again, unattended to. All this made me feel sick to my stomach. His relationship skill was as retarted and selfish as his sexuality. So I cut him out of my life and didnt look back. Luckily it only took a couple of months to get rid of this weight dragging me down.
Since then I have prioritised me. I couldnt improve mentally or physically with toxic men leaching off me. So I made a conscious decision, with the assistance of the pandemic, to remain celebate until all the problems dick has caused me, have been resolved. As a single woman I am the queen of the world, unstoppable force of creativity and adventure. With a man around I am sick, tired, broken, weak, unable to get out of bed and intensely depressed. Welcome to another factor of being a Aspie. This time has lead me to realized how much I thrive and do when Im entirely alone and how bad other people make me feel. Instead of lowering myself to find men I could get a tiny bit of physical connection and reality from by giving everything and getting nothing, I decided to pour all that attention onto myself. Onto me as a sexual woman. Onto me who already gives a large part of myself and sexuality away proffessionally. I found I also do wayyy better on cam when I am single. All that sexaul desire gets funneled into work space where I can truly indulge in a kind of cyber sexual reaality where I get some of my needs met by working. I never found the right kind of men to play with in the real world. But online there are thousands who like the same shit as me. They arent worthy of me in real life, but getting paid to share my sexual reality is also my kink, so I get off.
Anyway. Work had been a reflection of the burden of good sex I was carrying. I was not there to be penetrated or used for a mans pleasure. They are my toys to use as I please. But the longer this went on, the more it felt like the last relationship, where the dynamic moved from my enjoyment to their using me for their pleasure. I was doing a lotttt of work in pegging shows, in shows where I lead. The man, just laying back, being given pleasure by an expert. That didnt feel like I was dominant, or alpha or in control. It felt like the games men play to get women to do things they think they want to but is ultimately for the mans pleasure (see lib feminism “twerking for daddy” isnt liberation, neither is waxing, or makeup or bdsm).
Some time in the last few months, I decided to put my resentment for men down. I consciously chose to rewrite the narrative I had of my relationship with men. I have many different narratives of my life or elements of myself, depending on what angle, mood, day, etc, one looks at me from. i.e. All men have abused me and used me, Im sick of giving anything to them.. What is also true is I fucked every hot dude I wanted, I love collecting sexual experiences and I love dick. A great realization in this process is “I love the male human animal, but I hate how he is domesticated and socialized in every part of this planet.”
I love the physical reality of men.
The physical reality of existence is where I am focused on living. Reality, not opinion, thoughts or feelings. But what is physically present in my presence. How my body feels in that reality. How bodies could interact when all there is is physical reality. If two or more bodies were present in the void, how would they want to interact. No narratives, no history, no baggage, no morals, no norms, no domestication.
This is where my idea for the man laying back while I spend hours exploring him came from. The naive, curious exploration of a new landscape you have no pre existing assumption or expectations of. This would be a beautiful experience if it is mutual. But for me it never has been. Even in the last relationship where my understanding was explained, the conditioning of the male sexual narrative was so strong that it automatically took over.
With work I have been able to continue along this line of inquiry about what I really want from female led sex. What really is female dominance or sexuality? What do I really want when I let go of all programming and the consideration of male pleasure.
Another useful starting point for me has been the awareness that a man will cum no matter what. Why do we need to do things to the penis that is about speeding up the male orgasm? Anything that speeds up a mans pleasure, reduces a womans. The woman doesnt need to worry about stimulating the male at all. His pleasure is so easily accessed that he need only focus on the woman and not himself.
Being fully present sexually is to be fully engrossed with what is in front of you. Not to be lost in your own brain. Your pleasure comes from being aware of the present. That includes the external body you are focused on as well as the sensations in your own body…but NOT the thoughts, feelings and opinion of what is happening. No mind. Only body.
I think my previous writings also came from a time of black and white thinking. When I decided what sex shouldnt be, I limited what sex could be. My own trauma and narratives on men limited me accessing a very important part of me, my hyper sexiality. Sex had become more one dimensional as there was only to be; enlightened, curious, slow sex. But that contradicted one of my fundamental understandings of the nature of female sexuality, our cyclical nature.
As I opened back up to accepting I like the male human animal, I started remembering how much I like 3somes, gangbangs and as much dick as possible. I started being more flexible with wanting a variety of things through my monthly cycle. At work I noticed there were times where it was really easy to be hypersexual, others where I just wanted to be mean, others where I wanted to be soft and sweet, other times I just didnt even feel horny for a week. If I accepted the male human gave me great pleasure in many ways, I would be able to drop into these different phases with enjoyment, as all valid, real parts of me. And parts that arent interchangeable. If a client saw me on a soft open day but came back in the mean phase, I cannot perform the sexuality of different phase. This is the acceptance of sexual reality, I stopeed fighting it. Stopped trying to be one dimensional. Stopped being so protective over my physicality.
From my research and interpretation, I believe the human race is a socio-sexual species. Intimacy was our main form of communication and was the core of our survival. The range of intimacy that would be possible among a group of wild humans would be impossible for most modern humans to imagine. The repertoire of touch and its meanings have been lost. But by indulging inthe cyclical nature of female sexuality there is a chance of reclaiming some.
So let me get specific about what Ive discovered about what my body wants.
Gangbangs. In my informed opinion, humans are a sperm competiotion speciea and not a species that competes physically for one woman. When a woman is at the height of ovulation one is wildly horny. For me persoanlly its a raging drive for as much cock as possible. It makes me think that is how men must feel all the time. It can be all consuming. The hunt for dick and the desire for many. As a sexually liberated woman, I have allowed myself to get these needs met many times in my life. I hae not denied or pusehd down my sexaul reality. When I wanted lots of cock, I got it. 10 at once is my most. And 12 total that night. And before I went out I said it was going to happen, I needed it.
This ovulatory desire for multiple dicks makes total sense when you realized we are a sperm competition species, along with the understanding of sexual vocalisation. The woman moans and vocalises to attract more men to the scene.
As sex would have been used as socialising, most sex/intimacy was out side of the ovulatory period. Men are always horny as womens cycles arent uniform. Men must be ready to group sex whenever a woman is ovulaing. All males in the group need to be ready for each woman. Thus mens more consistent sex drive. It is not cause the male of the species need more sex, it is that they need to be ready for when the women want it their way.
I would imagine womens cycles dont sync up so that all roles get filled in the group. Each part of the female cycle brings different strengths and weaknesses that would help each other and balance out.
Non reproductive sex would have been the relaxed, elongated, curious, lazy exploration of each others bodies. Here, instead of the man laying back while the woman explores, the man would have the same self control and curiosity of the woman. A great example of this play would be sliding a penis against a pussy, teasing with the tip, enjoying the feel of the shaft on the clit, the pressure against different parts. When I have done this while leading, on top, hands free, just enjoying the tease of wiggling on a cock, the man ALWAYS reaches down to “help” me get it inside. ERMMM no. I wasnt trying to get it in. I was enjoying the reality of how that felt. The more I tease the outside like that, the easier I cum. Given men can cum from a few pumps, why not let the woman build herself up in her way using a cock, so when she finally decides she wants it, she really actually does, and orgasm is accesible!
I cant comprehend how sex it would be for me to be laying back while a man teases me with his cock for MY pleasure. He isnt trying to make his cock feel good. He isnt a weak willed little bitch who has to get it in the hole as soon as possible. And like SO MANY men Ive fucked, doesnt use the excuse “I just couldnt help myself.” I cant imagine being able to trust a man to not penetrate me when he wants. And that fucking turns my stomach. But back to the fantasy of the wild hu-man. A man having self imposed self control is so fucking hot.
I am getting super over chastity and domme stuff cause of this. You shouldnt need a fucking cage not to be a gross perv. You should exercise self control. Learn how to NOT get a boner when youre turned on. Learn how to not want to pump your cock as fast as possible. Learn that cumming isnt the destination. Learn real self control. Women go into sex hoping they might cum. Men go into sex expecting to cum. This needs to change.
One time I went on a date with 45 year old film maker who only drank natural spring water and did reiki and was vegan. At his, he offered me a reiki session. I was clearly going through a hard time and he was intelligent and intuitive. He told me to relax and that he wouldnt stop till I said so. He covered me in blankets so I was warm and comfortable and for three hours he gently touched my body in entirely non sexual ways. That is the only experience Ive had where a man has done what he said and completely listened to me to the point that I could relax in his hands in the moment. I didnt need to be on guard to make sure my boundaries were crossed or my trauma triggered.
Previous partners would be uncomfortable, disgusted or scared by the changeable nature of my body and triggers.Their inability to change, be flexible and be open to a different experience each time is another reason no one deserves access to my body. If you arent willing to learn my cyclicality, you definately dont get to use my for your one dimensional sexuality. One day I might love having my neck kissed, the next it might send me into a breakdown. That is not something that I need to worry about hurting a mans EGO! My physical reality in the moment changes. If a man was present in the physical reality of the moment, he would be able to read and adapt. But if there is mind present, ego present, than it will cause a reaction in him which increases my trauma. Dont be angry or frustrated that I dont like something today I did yesterday. Be excited it can be different today than yesterday!!!!!
I ran out of energy for the awfulness of my experiences. Ill come back to it in another new piece.
A study on the domesticated human and a exercise in uncovering the wild human animal.
My Philosophy
A study on the domesticated human and a exercise in uncovering the wild human animal.
In a hopes of defining the natural human species real basic needs and ideal state, that haven’t been shaped by the exploitation the race has been subject to for milenia, and instead find what would be the ideal environment for the healthiest version of the natural wild human, given all the extra knowledge we have gained and the tools we have for implementing complex ideas, and come to some kind of goal or point for which humans can all aim. As one species. The domesticated human is currently floundering in the environment made by few for the detriment and enslavement of many. I hope my analysis can shed some light on a system that would make the comfort of the human body and mind, of the many, the priority.
The way in is through sex. Sex is the most fundamental human experience that has been twisted and used the most to control and domesticate humans and disconnect them from their bodies and each other.
Im my philosophy the wild human is a social sexual species. The connection between all humans is the thing the system has twisted into “Love”. The different types of intimacy that would have been a constant within the society, defining what we have come to see as “different types of love”. Our physical reality and its comfort was our primary goal. Touch types, caring in the sense of for the young and elderly, body work on physical dysfunctions that would signal a need that body has to the other humans, maintenance of comfortable reality, ie stretch, massage, facia work; grooming; sensual; sexual pleasure; reproductive; comfort; protective; aggressive; touch that helps define the roles of each human in the society, ie, the healer would be using healing touch, alpha males would give agressive, dominant and would receive grooming and sex in different proportions to the beta males. The beta males might give alphas different types of touch with defines their role as beta, eg the beta grooms the alpha, the alpha uses the beta for sexual pleasure. All types of touch would have been public as intimacy and touch were the foundations of the group. The women and mens hormone cycles and the moon would influence the types of touch and roles we would have throughout the lunar cycle.
The cyclical nature of the natural female human animal would enable all members of society to get all the physical needs met.I also believe the womens menstrual cycles would be on two diffent cycles, one with women bleeding on the new moon and the other women bleeding on the full moon. This would mean that when some women are at their weakest, others are at their strongest. There is always a range of women wanting a different rane of sexual, sensual, intimate and reproductive touch, making available the range of touch needed for mens shorter daily cycles.
Wild humans are a sperm competion species, as evidenced by the size and shape of the penis, the make up of ejaculate and the lack of decorative or aggressive physical presentation. During ovulation the wild human female craves multiple partners. It is posited that sexual vocalization is to draw more participants to the orgy/gangbang. During menstruation the women would groom and care for each other. There are times when the female needs a soft, intimate, sensual touch. This might be when she is more attracted to the beta, caring type. During ovulation its the alpha males she mates with.
Domesticated humans didnt become an aggressive species until the idea of scarcity was introduced. So when groups crossed paths, it wasnt war or agression, it was a way to exchange information through touch.
Why I Am A Terf
Why I Am A Terf
I never peaked. I never had to. I have been socially, sexually, culturally and individually non conforming my whole life. I never had a label to describe myself. I was just me. Ive fucked women and men. Im not bi. What sex I have doesnt define my sexuality. I wear teenage boys clothes, but I’m not trans or non binary. I am gender non conforming. Im a gender abolitionist. My feminism has always been “Do men do it? Then why the fuck should I? Do men not do it? Then why the fuck shouldnt I?” To me there is no limits on what I can do with my body and mind, and anything I do, isn’t a signifier for an identity or label.
In my early 20s I was big on the drag scene in London. Underground club land. I ran a night were drag performance artists would put on extreme, gross performances, all while adopting female signifiers. Despite being a quirky, non conformer, this didnt sit right with me. The likes of Jodie Harsh, performing an extreme version, parodying woman and the female experience, seemed pretty nasty to women. I didnt understand why parodying women was all ok and acceptable. This was 14 years ago. In response I became a tranny with a fanny. If amyone is gonna parody the ridiculousness of female expectations, it should be a woman, not a man!!! So I dressed as a woman, dressed as a man, dressed as a woman. Cause women couldnt dress like a drag queen. Thats gross, over the top, slutty, desperate, looked down on by all. But when a man does it, they get center stage, praise and support. These people were my friends. We never fell out. None of them were claiming to be women. They were just a performance art. I supported them even if I thought the vehicle for communication was faulty.
One night during this era of me, I was walking home at 3am, being woke and kind. A car stopped. A transwoman was driving. She said she was lost. It didnt take long for her desperate need to be seen, her shame and her need to connect to start oozing out the car window. For some reason, oh yeah, that female socializations, putting your safety aside for mens needs, and being supportive to some one in need, I got into his car. We sat and chatted about his experience of learning to become a woman and it did not take long again for the subject to get to dildos, vaginas and sex. She…he, wanted to know how it felt. What type to use, how to do it. All sexually graphic details. I was innocently and kindly sharing my knowledge and support all while he used the opportunity to get sexual gratification from me talking to him about being a woman and the female sexuality he waned to appropriate. He was turned on by having a vagina. Being a man in a dress was a kink. A fetish. It wasnt his inner self. What women would get another woman in a car at 3am to talk about her vagina and sexual pleausre after asking for directions?!!! None. Women don’t act like that.
Another incident happened at a belly dancing convention. A very poorly passing transwoman was in one of our classes. You could feel the discomfort in the room. Its like you cant mention they are a man cause the fragility of their attempt to pass immediately elicits sympathy from women. A room of women pretending not to notice a man in a bra. Until his tit fell out. But it wasnt a tit. If it was she would have noticed, but he didnt as his top slipped down and his nippled slipped out. The fear of all the other women in the room meant no one approached him to let him know he wasnt aware of something every other woman would have been. And as the confident, unfearing youth I was, it was on me to tell him of his wardrobe malfunction. It was embarrassing for everyone. And why was it on the youngest person there to have to let him know? Why did I have to look out for the wellbeing of a stranger who couldnt handle their own reality?
Fast forward to last year…..I will finish this when I have the energy to give to these Autogynopiles.
How I See The World And How I Think It Should Be, Based On A Life Time Of Being Me.
Basic Run Down Of How I See The World
How I See The World And How I Think It Should Be, Based On A LifeTime Of Being Me.
The foundation stone of my theory is the human animal. What is best for the human animal body and mind, in nature. If we strip back all stories, conditioning, believes, knowledge, understanding, assumption of what it is to be a human being in this modern world, we can start to uncover our fundamental human needs and motivations. These things should be the driving forces and central elements to human life.
i see these fundamental elements for the human animal to survive as; sustenance, shelter, security, exploration, play, intimacy, pleasure and rest. The core of the human society is intimacy and connection. We are a social sexual species. I follow the interpretation of the human that stems from observations of the bonobo, and detailed in “Sex At Dawn”.
We are a matriachal sexual society. Our tribes were held together by intimacy and intimacy is how we mixed with different tribes. Intimacy is all types of physical touch including sex acts. A spectrum of touch from platonic to familiar to sexual. It has been theorized that the natural human sexuality, genetalia, and social structures are based off us being a sperm competition species. Its the natural human females natural sexuality to have group sex during ovulation to get the best sperm of the tribe. Our internat biology is designed to find the right sperm for the egg, rather than the woman find the right man to be the father.
There was no competition over sex. Sex was the most abundant resource available to the human animal, Our lack of a thick body hair speaks to me of the importance of skin on skin contact for the human animal. Intimacy would have occurred between all members of the tribe. There would have been same sex attracted animals, alpha males and females, bisexual humans. There wouldnt have been a de liniation between sexual touch and non sexual touch. As no touch, or sex was taboo. It just was how we interacted as animals. It was how we communicated. It was how we connected. The body was our communication and connection canvas.
Skipping ahead. At some point, cause of power, money, greed and laziness, the agricultural revolution, caused sex to become a scarece recourse.
In an antempt to become civilized, man dropped the animal. Territory of land became more important than the territory of their own bodies. And sex became the tool by which to control the animal. By introducing the family unit, limiting access to women, owning women, needing a clear lineage to pass on land, owning a womans sex become an important part of keeping power and owning land. To increase the scarcity of intimacy, people were lead to believe it was dirty, taboo, only for relationships and love, that it is to be like a dirty animal to be wild. humans are better than that.
The more scarce a rescouse the more violent it makes accessing the resource.
Today we are sold sex appeal. We are inundated with sexual images. But told still, that sex is bad, in all ways.And that you can want it, but not have it. We are more disconnected from our bodies than ever. A lot of people live so much online that they are completely disconnected rom their bodies and want to disown them. The more disconnected we are from the body, the more disconnected we are from each other, and from what makes us human. It is no wonder the world is having a mental health epidemic. The mental and physical realities havent caught uo with each other, and never should. We are having a breakdown of the physical human body and thus the individual and collective mind. The way forward isnt deeper into the brain, more online. Its into the body. Unifying the body/mind. Realizing our intelligence comes from our bodies. Our minds are just there to filter and process our physical experiences.We should not be ruled by the mind.
Sex is suppressed to keep the workers trapped in the system. I believe the only way to change the world and give people back some sense of freedom and power, is to give them back their bodies. And to give them that through sex and intimacy.
For ease of the simpler minded, I’m gonna say sex work and porn as it is, needs to go. But the concepts of sexual entertainment and an intimacy industry do not need to go.
I have seen no plan as to how to change the whole of the male human races sexuality, libido and current sexual narratives. But I have a plan. The sex arts would be a matriachal industry. sex artists could be male or female, as can clients. Services of any kind of intimacy are available and anyone working in the industry can specialize in what they like. Hand holding, stroking, cuddling, skin on skin contact, platonic, sexual, sex. The whole spectrum. There would be safe spaces for these services. Sex artists would be trained int he same way massesues and other physical work, or any another career in the world is. There would be standards and tests and it wouldnt need to be seen as taboo and dirty. Sex and the body is the only thing that can save us.
We need to stop seeing sex as they magical thing connected to romantic love and attraction and passion and swirling and taboo. Its the physical act that unifies the human race. All contact sports are modern societies way of men playing together in the wild, testing boundaries, using each others bodies to explore. They werent scared of what it meant if they touched another mans body, it was essential to life. But now its something only a few men do. They have lost the connection between men, as well as with themselves and the softness of women.
The sex arts and intimacy entertainement could be regulated to ensure the most up to date matriachal knowledge and wisdom of the body and mind is imparted to the world. We could all be on the same page about what is healthy human animal sexuality and bodies.
Bodies. It is the curse of individualism that we now have to accept all bodies. Body Positivity. It doesnt matter how dysfunctional your body is, you are beautiful. No youre not. I can see the decades of bad diet, bad posture, trauma, social conditioning and the patriarchy encoded in your body.
There is one human body. And it functions in the same way for all of us. We all have the same skellingtons and muscles. Its how we use them that shapes up. Dont lest disfunction shape the himan body. The more variety in our physical presentation, the more variation in how we experience the world and the more divided we will become as a people.
I can say personally that improving the state of my body, bringing it closer to its wild nature, had made me feel more grounded, real, stable, grown up, confident, less like a alien, i dont feel like everyone is staring at me, as I dont have the baseline feeling of presenting wrong in the world. knowing my body is different to the other animals. But not knowing what to do about it or why. It was just who i was. No. It isnt. it is bad posture, lack of body mind connection and mostly social conditioning. And that physical embodiment was how my mind experiences the world. Different, separate alone, disordered, misunderstood, in pain, never fit in,etc.
Fix the human body and you free the human mind. Give sex back to women and you fix mens sexuality.
On female sexualiyt, It is cyclical. It is soft, it is flirty, it is wanting, it is desperate, it is powerful, it is disconnected.
I believe the human animal has a sexual cycle. Around ovulation is the roaring lion, desperate for dick, gangbanging for a baby. There is the woman that just wants strokes all over her body and for it not to have to go anywhere. There is the woman that wants to do the stroking and giving love. There is the woman who doesnt want to be touched. There are the feet that would rather be rubbed. There is slow and intimate love making. There is the playful exploration of the new and the novel. There is a performative side, and a insecure side. A woman that just wants a quick orgasm. And a woman that just wants to breathe in time for hours.
If all the variations of female sexuality were let be, then I think, men would get all the physical things they need. When men run sex they forget how soft, playful, intimate and light it can be. It becomes penis centric, pumping for a goal. Let women expand what sex is, and men will start to be able to recieve the softer side of sexuality. Let women be as wild as they want when they want to be, no shame, no kink, no taboo.. Then men will finally see how women really can be when they are allowed to be free with their sexuality. They will get the wild woman, and also the soothing mother, the flirty girl and the sensual lover, they will have softness and intimacy to bring more balance into their levis. And men in soft and safe spaces tend to open up more, about what is on their minds.
There is no way to think of feminism or a better future for all without addressing mens sexuality. Taking away access to sexual services will only increase sexual scarecity. In any society. There will also always be a sexial hierarchy. Any future with comfort for all needs to address the natural hiarachiacl nature of the sexual human animal.
If the intimacy industry were not taboo, dangerous, or pimped, then people who are genuinely sexual and believe in the future of sexual equaluty and the liberation of the human body, will be able to work in the intimacy industry. There are many very sexual people who would just never work in the current sex industry cause of stigma, taboo, safety, etc. But would love to do it if the world were different.
Intimacy workers dont need to be people forced into the work or doing if cause they have to. I personally think “sex work” is the wrong concept for what I do and believe in. Sex art. The Intimacy Arts. Cause its not just a job anyone can do. It takes certain very specific talents and abilities and should also have physical requirements. Its not a job anyone can do. Its a passion, a calling.
It will take a army of committed intimacy artists to change the attitudes of men towards, sex, women, intimacy and the body. But I think its the only way. Without intimacy entertainment and sex artisits, the message will never spread. Men havent listened to men the last 60 years weve been saying we want good sex, so why would they start now?
By flipping the world on its head, and making the most precious thing to the human race, that is currently most scarce, something that is a common language, that we all share, the human body and its need for intimacy, into the most abundant resource and reducing the violence that comes from scarcity.
Why Me? What Do I Know?
I want to let everyone know I exist. Because my story is unique. I’ve intentionally lived my life that way. To learn things and see things in my own way.
I cant pin down the earliest date I realized the whole world was made up. But I do know that by the age of 9, Blur was my favorite band and I knew I never wanted to be a part of the rat race. Growing up is a scam. Modern life is rubbish.
When I was really little, when people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, in the late 80s, before the internet and pornography, I would say, “A poser, a poledancer or a prostitute.” No one knows how I knew what those last two things were. But the videos of me asking my mom to video me constantly, prove I already knew what a poser was!
I had my first boyfriend at 3. I just always loved boys. They were so pretty. He was my best friend. In year 6 I asked out every boy at school, and every one of them said yes! In year 4 three boys in the year above would pick me up and run away with me so they could be my boyfriend. I still have the scar on my leg from when one of them dropped me over his head, off his shoulders.
I always had crushes on the boys that didn’t like me or weren’t interested in me though. The cutest, the naughtiest, the uninterested. Even pre puberty. I had a recurring dream of a boy up in a tree, in a play area, out the back of a pub. There were lots of other children playing there. But more than anything, I knew I loved the boy in the tree. Overwhelming love. But I also knew he was dead. I don’t know if he fell out the tree in the dream. But I always just knew he was dead and my heart hurt and the longing was agony.
I have never found the boy in the tree that was meant for me, and have mourned his loss since I first discovered him in the dream. No one else has meant to me what that boy could never be. Its a weird state to be in when you believe in reality. I wonder if I had a twin that died or if there was a soul out there for me that I never got to see. I feel whispers of him in the men I’ve loved the most. But I also see echos of my childhood idols and I fear the human brain and consciousness is no more than a mush of the things we’ve seen and done and that the thought that our thoughts can give us any insight into reality when we cant even comprehend what we are outside of memory suddenly just seems like absurdity.
We need to drop the mind and get into the body. Its the only way to save everybody. The only way forward for the human race is inwards. But not inwards to the brain, to the self, to the ego. But to the body. The meat and bones reality of our existence. Our function as a human animal. We need to figure out what the human animal body/mind needs to survive in the current conditions, and what are the ideal conditions for the human animal and the natural world, to mutually thrive in, and then work towards that.
We are one human animal body. All skeletons are the same. Our posture should be the same. Our muscles are all in the same places. There is a right and wrong way to use the body to do things. We aren’t even taught the fundamentals of posture. But we are all expected to live in bodies that are constantly being pressured and shaped by outside influences. The external world and our internal mental world all imprints on our bodies and there is no central guiding body on how to correct, realign, recenter, the natural human body.
I am deeply in love with my body connection story
why i want to tell the uniqueness
I say Im unique cause of the range of rare things I have done so far in my life. One unexpected journey I’ve been on is spening the last ten years doing sex work. In that time I’ve lived in London, where I worked on webcam. I instantly became successful and used my early success to travel to Australia. After a year of living in my body cause of the Aussie way of life, I started stripping in a very small town. I also worked at 3 different legal brothels with 3 – 9 months at each, some times 7 days a week for several weeks at a time, 12 hours a day. In one of the brothels the other girls stopped coming in to work cause I would get all the bookings. Even if I was busy they would wait for me. Sometimes for 4+ hours. One night I was the only girl working and I didn’t have a break all night It was my favorite time doing sex work. I felt like a queen. After work. At 3am, or 7am depending on the night, I would drive to the gym and work out for a hour or two. Do a little shopping and went back to the brothel where I slept for a few hours in one of the work rooms, till it was time to get up and get ready again. I didn’t have any problematic clients while I was there but many girls did. And I could see why. But obviously I couldn’t say anything. I would talk with the Madame when she would come in during the day and I would ask her why the other girls dont try harder. Go to the gym, buy nicer outfits, learn hair and make up. She said she didnt know but she did know she hasnt met anyone like me and wished every girl had my attitude. A life time of being bullied by girls also helped me keep my distance from other sex workers, stereotyped to be bitchy and fucked up, I knew I wouldnt be liked. I started prostitution because it had been a life time fantasy. I remember the first brothel I viewed. I was so scared it was going to be all the awful fear mongering things I had heard about. But it was the opposite. It was quirky, and clean, and organized, with rules, and structure and sweet hang out, work out and kitchen facilities for the women. In Australia brothels can only have 5 rooms. They can have more girls, in one brothel there would be 13 girls on a weekend night. Rotation rotation rotation! The office had to be organized! It was all very straight forward and honest about what it was. They sent me home with some literature and the STD book with pictures and information on all kinds of sexual health.
Ive gone off into brothel dreams. I need hours to write all about the procedures, protections and play that happened in those years. Suffice to say, it was the best environment for me. I felt like I was home. I was earning $25,000 a month, $10k weeks were normal. My body, mind, vagina were always at their healthiest when I was busy with my body all the time! I was the queen of the rooms. No matter who a man was in the waiting room, when he was in a room with me he was putty in my hands. Even if he came in with the expectation of pining me down and pumping away at me with his cock, that never happened.
Do my tricks and techniques matter here for my brief history of this only once trodden path? Or is that a separate piece that expands and links and loops from there back to here?
See in my short summary of a life worth living I have to divert at the pronouncement of my prostitution to justify and explain how that too unfolded in a way you cant even comprehend. Else the image of the person I have been wont be able to be seen. It will be hidden behind the narratives and stories in your conditioning that arent me. Only I have been me and as you are yet to see, there are chapters more to my story.
All the money I made in the prostitution trade led me live in America. I partied with Diplo and Pauly D, I went out 5 nights a week. I wore Versace every day. I had waist length platinum blonde hair, and was often seen in 7 inch heels and a onsie. Twerking in a casinos upside down, planking on the floor, i fucked Ron Jeremy to celebrate 300 partners. I hiked the Grand Canyon top to bottom 3 times. I got married in Vegas and got so badly emotionally abused it took 5 years to recover. Our wedding photo had a bum fight in the background though. So thats pretty funny.
When I started stripping I googled where the best strip club in the world was. I had already wanted to be the best prostitute in the world when I was in Aus. I found out it was considered to be Spearmint Rhino in Vegas. So after I was free of the man who destroyed me, and able to stand up for a few hours at a time, I made it my plan to be the best stripper I could be. I made it obviously. Then I found out that there was a limit for me. On what hours at the club there I could be. There was the holy grail, the main shift, the money hours, for those who excel, and looks tower. They usher you off the floor, at 9pm on the dot, no matter whos lap in which you may be grinding. A second audition is needed to prove you can be, as skinny, or sexy, or perfect as they need to stay any after that time.
Those girls would terrify me. They are racehorses. Perfect specimens of woman. It was easy to see why these were the peak shift girls.
Im not sure how long I had been there till I got up the guts to try. Weeks maybe, but its was really up to the scales to decide. 110lb and I knew my thighs weren’t too big for the managers eyes. It was time to try for the night shift.
Standing in a cold hallway in a two piece and 8 inch heels, for an hour while a line of night shift girls checked in while checking you out, knowing youre waiting to audition, knowing you’ll be competition, the man comes out. Everyone knows hes a twat. But we all smiled, were polite and pranced about. You only had to walk up and down the hallway so he can see you move from behind. Its his eye that decides if its good enough for the night. I dont like it but I got it. And as he told me I no longer cared, I was good enough, I was hot enough for the best strip club in the world and the best shift to work there!
This will be finished another time.
Body Connection
If I could teach, the world to stand, in perfect harmony. Then every boy, and every girl, would know what physical ease can be.
There is one human body. We dont have different breeds of human. We are fundamentally made up of the same stuff, in the same way. However the way the physical body presents in the world is dependent on the life that person has lived
I can speak this stuff much better than I can write it. I was just standing in the garden, bare foot, totally at ease in my body, with a blank mind. The sun was warm on my back. I was comfortable being this human just existing. It seems so simple now. So obvious. But its taken 36 years to get to be comfortable, just existing, in my body.
Body positivity is a tool used to further disconnect us from our bodies and from each other. Accept yourself. Everyone is beautiful. You don’t need to change. You dont need to look like anyone else. When in fact the extreme variation of bodies just proves the miriad of ways that modern life ruins the human animal.
If you looked at 100 wild deer, living in their natural habitat, you wouldnt see the wide variety in body shapes and sizes, as you would with 1oo modern humans. You don’t see an extremely obese deer, one with a really large ass, one with a massive beer belly, one with fat thighs, etc etc. If someone did, I’m sure they would try and figure out what was wrong with it. Not tell it that is beautiful and to flaunt it.
The more disconnected we get from our bodies, the less natural, the less active, the more the mind drives the world, the more mental health problems are spreading and we are falling apart.
The body is shaped entirely by how it is used and we dont have a base model to reference or return to. We are never taught what is correct posture, unless someone has done certain sports or military. We arent taught the newest science about how our bodies work. Every part of us is connected and intelligent. The mind filters the experience of the body. The body is more intuitive than the brain. If we let the brain rule the world, here is where we end up.
We need to find out what the human body needs. Ive found out what my real body needs. I stopped accepting myself, and went on a quest to love myself. The power in loving oneself instead of the toxic acceptance/denial spiral we are on, is immeasurable and surely the only way to save the human race.
I stopped brushing my teeth. I stopped showering. I stopped earning money. I lived in a short bus. For 2 years and a half years, on my own, in the wilderness. The first and most wild times were in the sierra nevadas, travelling around the high desert, up to Oregon, and back down. I became a feral animal. I stopped wearing shoes. I walked or ran miles a day. I didnt have a fridge. I ate things out of cans. And large end of the world tins of dried food from Walmart. Any unexpected scenario was a terrifying glimpse into no longer being able to survive. When I needed money I went and worked on a weed farm. The same social dynamics unfolded as always and I got fired for speaking up for someone and not listening to gossip. I never fit in. I did. Till I started speaking. Sharing, getting involved. Caring. Then it all blows up and its me that leaves cause I cant handle pretending to like people and ignore the glaring problems that they all have, that you cant tell them. People suffocate me.
So I went back out into the wild. On the farm I did get more feral as the owner was also a barefoot animal. But more like a feral dog that wanders around bad parts of town, than the wild animal I am. He didnt brush his teeth either. We shat in one hole someone had to dig each week.
I was never squeamish about poo. That was one of the joys of bus life. Nature poos. For the first 18 months I only had a bucket with a lid on it and a seat, as a toilet. I had to get very intimate with what came out of me. Lots of bodies are burried all over the california, nevada and oregon desert! I would only empty it once it got full too. Like once a week. A bucket of shit in a cupboard. Anyway, nature poos. The best, pop a squat and squeeze one out, bury it. Done. That is freedom. I would always rather poo and pee out in the wild that a public toilet any day. Even when I dont have toilet paper. And that was recently.
I must have smelt of pee and bo mostly those first couple of years. I stopped wearing bras and shaving before the bus. I also stopped wearing panties and deoderant. Id pee and just pull up my leggings or shorts. I never washed my hands. When I did wash it would be in a stream, a river, a lake, a puddle. I didn’t shower with fresh water or shampoo, conditioner or soap for 18 months.
And I loved every dirty minute of it. My hygiene only mildly improved as the build in the bus improved and access to water, a sink, a toilet, a fridge etc, got better. But I knew I had to break it all down. Question everything. I didnt want to leave a stone unturned. I went off birth control. I stopped my anti depressants. I never, however, stopped smoking weed. It was my only saviour. My sanity, my escape from reality, my mood boost, my sleep aid, my confidence, my friend. it was all i had.
I really was just a shell. A human. I stripped it all away. And I could not see anything there. There was nothing left. I was gone. I was so raw. I felt everything. A description of BPD reflects my experience of the world. Its like having no skin. You feel everything and just existing is agony.
I had mostly given up people. I would occasionally have random anonymous sex with another dude in a van, or someone at a coffee shop, or occasionally someone with a real bed so I could have more practical sex. But I wasnt out in the bus for the social, lifestyle aspect. I was there to get away from everyone and everything.
And I did. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stood out in the wilderness, off trail, no gear, on my own, howling to the sky, roaring with the rocks, shouting to hear my echo, bare naked, feet on the ground, arms outstretched, with no one around in any direction for miles and miles and miles. I have touched true freedom. I know I have experienced the world in a way most people don’t get to. Raw, connected, free, alone, fully present. The isolation and the beauty is overwhelming.
However. No matter how much I stripped down my experience of the world. I was still there experiencing it as me. i was still uncomfortable just existing in my body. I had gone from surviving experiencing the world in a disordered state, to pulling apart the pieces that made me. I was sat on the floor with all the pieces around me and no idea how to put it back together.
I’d like to build a world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I’d like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land
That’s a song I hear
Sing it along
Let the world sing today
Over and over
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
La, la, la, la
To, do, do, do, do, do
La, la, la
I’d like to build a world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
(That’s a song I hear)
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
And I’d like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
(That’s the song I hear)
I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land
(That’s the song I hear)
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony (Sing it all over)
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
La, la, la, la
To, do, do, do, do, do
La, la, la
I’d like to teach the world to sing

Yo. All Men. Its Fucking OVER!
I am DONE with men. All men. It is time, after 30 years of putting them first and getting zero in return, to cut the fuckers out my life.
I have spent the last few years being incredibly protective and defensive of myself after years of abuse and harassment from men. Men in the street, at bars and clubs, on dating apps, in relationships, after one night stands. Over and over. It got to the point where I couldn’t leave my house without at least 5 men sexually approaching me EVERY DAY. The first year in the bus I didn’t wear shorts once. I wore hats, large clothes, baggy hoodies, to hide my femininity, so men wouldn’t see an attractive woman alone in a bus. I have spent the last 5 years avoiding all social situations where I have to interact with men where I don’t know their intentions. I have called other women stupid for putting themselves in obvious situations with men that lead them to being harrased, raped, hit on, or attacked. It had gotten to the point where I knew it was irresponsible for me or other women to be alone with any man you aren’t sexually interested in yourself. I’ve had married bosses proposition me, tour leaders on trips rape me, strangers approach me constantly. One time I’ve given an older man the benefit of the doubt during a nice chat at starbucks that seemed genuine, intelligent and platonic, and gave him my number so we could share more ideas. This man was older than my father. He went bat shit crazy. Hitting on me and then abusing me when I rejected him. A man in his 60s. This has all meant I’ve spent the last few years rejecting seemingly innocent or pleasant social interactions or developing friendships with anyone, avoiding certain social opportunities and basically being trapped inside myself. I realised I couldn’t be myself around people. When im open, confident, caring and happy, fully free to be me, men abuse me. So I started hiding myself. Becoming defensive, more angry, more shut off from the world. Just so people wouldn’t like me so much.
The past couple of months, with the help of a good therapist, I have started to get back into myself. Reconnect with who I am and how I bring myself joy. To get back to being able to be me, comfortably, happily, freely. And this has been going very well. I’ve been going to AA meetings and growing my ability to socialize. In this vein of growth and challenging myself, when one of the sweet old men in the group offered to take me on a hike, I agreed. I spent many days weighing up my decision. Was I being stupid and putting myself in a bad situation? Am I asking for trouble? What are his motives? What are my fears? Why am I so scared to do something so simple and innocent and nice with another human? How will I be able to ever connect to anyone if I don’t practice? I cried many times in the week before the hike. I was so scared. Scared to socialize in a platonic way as I am so out of practice. Scared he will annoy me and I’ll have a shit time and waste my day off. Scared of all the shit that has gone before and why I isolate. But here was a man, in AA, good friends with other members I know, old, ex adventure guide, with a passion for hiking and the local area to match mine. A safe person. Right?
Wrong! 12 miles in to the hike, and thankfully only 2 miles from the end, he proceeded to inform me of his attraction to me. Physical from the start and now even more interested in my personality and attitude. This all came out cause I asked how old he was. And he was embarresed to tell me cause he fucking fancied me. And the whole fucking thing had been driven by that motivator for him. I had an inkling. 2 miles into the hike we passed a couple of women, older than me, younger than him. He told them some history on the hike and when they asked if he was a guide he said ” No, I just get to take very attractive women out on hikes every now and then.” Cringe. But a harmless funny old man comment, right? Wrong. At lunch when I was talking about the love I have for the area and my passion to be a part of it, he said he was feeling the same thing between us as the first time he saw me and we looked at each other a certain way and asked if I remembered that. I played that off as a connection and understanding about our energy and love for the land. 7 miles off trail there isn’t much more you can do to avoid the situation when you have 5 more hours to spend together. So when he finally came out and said it and tagged on a story about his ex who was 24 years younger and couldn’t handle the age gap, I ended up blathering on about my moms ex who was 15 years older and she couldn’t handle that gap. And then onto my negative experiences with men and how it affects me and thus I how at the moment I currently choosing me and avoiding men. He wasn’t asking me out or anything direct, just expressing an attraction. At the bottom of a 800ft climb. So I couldn’t reject him or shut him down. Especially when he talked more about being alone for 8 years and how hard it is. I didn’t want to hurt or upset him. But WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? You met me at AA. You aren’t a year sober yet. You are 28 years older than me. We are alone in the wilderness. You made no indication that your motivation for spending time together was romantic or sexual. And you spring this shit on me.
I had spent the day until that point being me. Freely, happy, confident. I wasn’t overthinking what I was saying. I wasn’t worried about how I came across. I wasn’t being defensive or protective. I was, I thought, with a friend I could relax with. But the more me I became, the more he liked me. My heart sank in that moment and I spent the rest of the hike back into the uncomfortable, blathering about things, over thinking, talking to fill silence, anxious, closed, protected state I am used to. I stuffed the thoughts and feelings related to this betrayal down and didn’t let myself think or dwell on it…till I got home. I had to drive him home, where he offered dinner and a shower and then invited me to a movie or something, some way to spend more time together. I awkwardly denied the dinner stating I was too tired. But as I had a good day I said I had enjoyed the time and non comitially agreed we should do something else some time. And then I drove off alone.
That is when the disappointment set in. Yesterday was meant to be an experiment for me to socialise in a pleasant way with someone with similar interests, to help me grow, to open me up. But instead it turned in to every single other experience I’ve had with men like this. I was and am so hurt that he couldn’t just see me for mea and just want to know me as a friend. That it had to inculde my looks and sex and attration and wanting something from me. All men want something from me. Its my fucking job to give men what they want from me. But at least in that dynamic they pay me. Other men I’m interested in only want the sex and not to know me at all. And the rest of all men just want me and want things from me with zero connection to reality about whether they are someone I would be interested in and can’t comprehend just being friends with me. I was and am angry at myself for putting myself in the situation in the first place. Stupid girl. I’m ready to quit AA and leave my favorite place in the world cause I feel so uncomfortable. I am disappointed and angry and sad at myself for how I handled the situation…AGAIN. Being nice, giggly, trying not to hurt his feelings, being gentle, leaving the door open and not being assertive or myself in any way. Feeling walked over. And so so so so so so so disappointed.
I had to have my mom call me from england at 4am her time to help me deal with this and not run away or fall into depression and anxiety, isolationism and anger. I have a VERY fragile mental health condition that is in early days of recovery. A mental illness that will kill me if one more person affects me the way others have in the past. So I am getting a lot of help and support at the moment. She helped me reign in my fear and desire to leave. She talked to me about “Fierce Conversations” and coming up with a plan for me to be able to reject men in a clear and firm way that sits much better with who I am personally and professionally. And we talked about how I can plan to deal with the situation with this man who is at every fucking AA meeting i NEED to go to. She stopped me escalating into the all the other problems that come from my interactions with men and acknowledged they are things we can address in the future. Allll the while, i was feeling guilty for feeling so bad about a sweet, old, sad, lonely man. The guilt and empathy fills me with sickness and sadness that is balanced out with anger, frustration, confusion, annoyance, and so much disappointment. But by the end of the conversation, I was feeling much less like throwing my life away to escape a man…again.
However I am going to be avoiding AA for the next few days. I am going to a women’s meeting tonight where I am going to get an older female sponsor. I am going to be leaving town to park up out in the wilderness to escape all people while I recover for a few days. And more importantly than any of that, I am going to be saying No to anything with ALL men from now on.
Because of this straw, the camel’s back has been broken. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So after 30 years of trying to make it work with men, I give up. I quit. I’m out. Im done. Fuck you. Fuck all of you.
The last month or so, my new motto has been “choose me”. I had already decided to avoid sexual interactions with men as that is a whole other can of worms on how that doesn’t work out for me and damages me every time. I had hoped that meant I could develop my non sexual relationships with men, people with whom I can do the activities I value. But that clearly just isn’t going to work. Men HAVE to be off the table. No men. Work on growing my connection to women and developing my skills at meeting women. Only women.
My job, that I love with all my soul is providing a service for men who are willing to make it a mutually beneficial situation. Those men respect me and my role. The dynamic is simple. And in my work I intentionally educate and inform men of the ways I see them acting or speaking in toxic or problematic ways. I reject and inform in a kind and fun way that I cannot do in real life. Online, at work, the dynamic with men is one I value and enjoy. So this part of my life I can throw myself into and spend all that real life man energy on. Interacting with men like this is actually choosing me. I get to be fully freely, happily, confidently me in that environment, and build my business and grow my income. But that is where my interaction with men will end. At work.
In real life, I will be saying No, assertively, in all situations involving men for a while. I dont want a random chat in the grocery store, I dont want to offer support in AA, I dont want to use dating apps, I dont want to fuck, I dont want a relationship, I dont want a male friend, I dont want to do activities, I dont want you to exist in my world, at all. I dont need men. Men universally let women down. They dont show up, they take advantage, they abuse, harrass, rape, ignore, fight, push boundaries and generally are out for what they can get of me. They do not add to my life. They steal my light and leave me broken on the floor.
Men don’t bring me any light or positivity. So for now I am off men. Its over. For now, I’m choosing me.
Edit to add: As I posted this I got a call, from my mechanic……asking to fucking camp with me this weeknend. YES. ALL MEN.
What is This Sexuality….Female Dominance not FemDomme
I have been trying to define my current sexuality for some time now and the best I can come up with is that I have the sexuality of a man. I am striving for that big dick energy of a 40 something rich fat man, laying back, smoking a cigar, making young pretty things do what he wishes, twirl around on his dick and try their hardest to impress him and keep him happy…Dan Bilzarian…even though he isnt fat.
I have been struggling for quite some time with the concept of Female Domination, being a Domme, a Dominatrix, and FemDom. Im not sure when it happened, probably came from repeated interactions online at work, where I realised that the majority of men who want to be dominated, want the role of a dominatrix played out on them. The vast majority of FemDom porn and performers stick to the script. Dress a certain way, behave a certain way, act out certain behaviours and attitudes. Be mean, wear intense outfits, cause pain, humiliate him…all in the way HE wants. HE wants to be treated a certain way and he is making a woman do that to him. Yes the women “want” to domme in that way, cause that was BDSM is. But do they “want” to in the same way they “want” to wear make up or “want” to be empowereed in any of the other ways capitalism and the patriachy has scripted for us? Is the want from a lack of the concept that it could be something else than what already exists.
If you really semantically break down the concept of Female Domination, to me, logically it means where the woman gets to do what SHE wants with the male. Its not a set role, its not even your own interpretation of the available options to pick and mix from. It is letting the woman entirely decide what she wants to do with the male body in front of her. If we have a blank slate on the concept of female dominated sex we can make it what ever each of us wants it to be.
And to me, what I am calling my dominance, is that I get to treat men, like they treat women. I love objectifying them, womansplaining, manipulating them into pushing their boundaries, collecting beautiful conquests, making them try their damn hardest to impress me with their physicality and sexual ability, to use their bodies in ways that feels good for me and my body, even if they arent getting physical pleasure from it, I like to poke and prod and explore, tease and deny, take my time, savour the sensations I’m feeling, and all the while expect him to seem greatful for the sex I am giving him and be convincingly turned on and enjoying it, even if he isnt. I want him to just lay back and let me do most of the work, use the skills I have gained and honed and enjoy using over the 20 years I have been fucking. I like giving pleasure, but in ways I enjoy. I want the man to let the person with the most experience and knowledge on sex run the show, ME. I want them to follow orders I give cause I know best. My orgasm and pleasure comes first, and many many times before theirs is even thought about. I want to make them contribute to a reduction in the orgasm gap. I want the amount of orgasms I have to help re balance that average orgasm inequality for all women. I want them, like many women do, to lie back and let my sex happen onto them. I want to be soft and sensual and sexy, because its how I enjoy intimacy. Unlike many men who do all this with zero awareness of the dominant force their maleness has over all sex acts, I am consciously choosing this male behavior so they get to experience the subtle control and dominance most women have to submit to, even when they are Domming.
Men who want a Domme dont want a woman who does what she wants. They want to have the specific sexual experience that that currently defines. I get that many men and women are perfectly happy with the current manifestations of Female Dominance. But as I like to reconceptualise everything that has ever existed, my interest in reframing sex for women and with the unease with which I associated my sexuality with the traditional role of FemDom, I felt it nessersary to look into other options, ideas and concepts of how women could get pleasure from controlling the sexual situation.
Maybe there is already word or phrase that sums up my sexuality, but I feel like I havent seen a depiction or description of such a sexuality. I guess a close scenario would be more down the lines of sissification. But I dont need men to pretend to be women to treat them like they treat us. Once again that is a performance of a role. The man performing a insulting appropriation of gender and the woman treating him how he wants to be treated. I have seen a camgirl friends videos on pornhub where she is pegging men and does seem to be embodying a similar kind of dominance. A quiet, manipulative control. Maybe when women get to have dicks we embody more of that male dominant behaviour. There could be more examples of my type of control amongst pegging fans maybe. But there definately isnt a recognised term for female led sex that doesnt conjour up leather and whips. And I need that to change. Cause I exist.
I always used to joke that I was a gay man trapped in a womans body because of my sexuality. Even before I liked the kind of control I do now, I still objectified men and collected conquests and had a very open and casual attitude to promiscuity, kink and talking about sex, that I felt more akin to the way men interacted with sex. But I love dick so a gay man seems more fitting.
Because of my level of experience and knowledge on sex, I think all the sex I have should be led by me now. It doesnt have to be the most extreme version of me controlling someone. The basic assumptions about the sexual script we already have where the man is the one to define what happens when and at what pace needs to be ripped up as it is only half of the story. But to most it is the only way sex happens. It is a very subtle shift into understanding how to put down the male concept of sex and let the woman take on the responsibility of being the sexual conductor.
Maybe I need to break some of this down. For example, a man doesnt need to thrust his penis in and out of me. That is him controlling the sex act. Instead, let me use his dick like my toy. I can move around on it more than enough to create sensations I like and can use that dick to make my vagina feel good. Now he may not like a dick soak, or a slow grind, or you experimenting with angles and the subtleness of what the vagina can enjoy and feel may not stimulate the dick in the way they are used to stimulating their dicks. But that is the point. Vaginas normally just get pumped and prodded at cause it makes the dick feel good. They like in and out, friction, forward and back. They think this is what feels good for a woman too cause its the only conception of sex and the source of female sexual pleasure too. But what if that isnt what feels best for my vagina…and it doesnt. What if there are other ways the penis and vagina can interact that actually feel way better to me? That means the hundreds, nay, thousands of times men have used my vagina to make their dick feel good, I just have had to go along with it and make the best of it. Cause pumping the vagina is what sex is and that is all we have to work with. Right? Right? No. Wrong. Sex can be anything you want it to be. So how about women get to spend some time figuring out what they like, what feels good to their vagina, while the man just has to lay there and make the best of the sensations he is recieving. Its called give and take. In sex men give and women take it. No thanks. Not for me any more. There are certain sexual positions or intensity that need more help from the man and still feel good, and we can use our words to ask for it when we want it, not just recieve it when they want to give it, cause fucking a dead fish isnt fun. I dont want them just to starfish. Cause men know sex with women like that are bad. Good sex is reciprocated. But it should be the man mirroring and responding to what I give and do for a change rather than woman having to respond to what a man is giving. There is a ground between just lying back and “letting” someone use your prone body, and taking over and using someone else how you want.
More examples, I dont need you to push my head down to suck your dick. I’ll be pushing your head down when I want your mouth on me. I don’t need to taste myself on your dick or lips. I need to feed you your pre cum and make you taste yourself on me. We dont like the taste of cum any more than you do, but we take it for you. Now its your turn to take it for us. And if you refuse, think its “gay”, too kinky, gross, well then women should boycott ever having your sperm in them or on them again too. Cause we swallow and smile. Even if its fucking disgusting. Just think of all the “norms” expected of men and women during sex and flip them. I am not gonna spend hours primping and preening, getting rid of all my hair, dressing up in cute outfits and doing make up for a dude. Cause they dont do that for us. They may trim and shower. So that is what I will do. But I’m not gonna perform being a woman, I already am one. I dont need you to perform a fake masculinity and dont expect it. You are a man as you are. As I am woman. No more effort needed.
Every step of the male female interaction, look at it, and flip it. See how it sits. Why do men get to do things women can’t and vice versa? There are so many subtle ways in which men dominate women and women choose roles to please men in every part of sex. And I am ready to challenge them all. To experiment and see what happens. See what new possibilities and ideas it opens up. It goes back into my previous writing about matriarchal sex. We know nothing of the possibilities of sex. We know not what Female Dominated sex would be like. We only know the patriarchal scrips that have been refined and reduced to the limited options we have today. It is time for women to find out what their ideas of sex are, how they can enjoy and make the most of the male body and how to reject capitalist patriarchy and actually be empowered and dominant.
Women Know Nothing Of The Possibilities Of
For some time I have wanted to write a follow up to the original piece “We Know Nothing of the Possibilies of Sex” that reconstructs the narrative of sex that I had deconstructed. Something that has come up that I wanted to address was womens complicity in the patriacal suppression of our sexuality. I have shared my first piece with a friend who has shared it with other women and men and bblah blah blah
I knew I neeeded to clarify things when my best friend, an enlightened, spiritual woman, told me she had yet another dissapointing sexual interaction where she couldnt get the man to make love to her in the way we have conceptualised, he still just fucked her, despite her explaining it all to him. He didnt spend time on her pleasure like she now feels entitled to, as should all women. He didnt even “pretend to try”. And she also said “Man, I dunno how you deal with bad sex.” That immediately created a very visceral reaction of shock and disgust. What did she mean? How did she think I was still having bad sex? Did she think I was still lying back and letting random men use my body how they wish, with the slight hope that my pre sex chat about enlightened sexuality would change their minds and how they use their bodies in a brand new way to give me the sex I craved? How could she think that still submitting to men giving her their sex was anything like what I had talked about previously? And then it hit me. Since I conceptualised a space for women to explore their sexuality without man taking the lead with pumping and pounding, squashing and overwhelming, I havent talked about the womens role in creating and using that space. It seems that by calling out the problematic elements of male led sex, it gave the impression that it was a male problem to solve. That is ceratainly the message I got from my friend. “I told them all the ideas and they arent doing the thing I want.” In fact, what I have come to know is that it is the female problem to solve. It is women who perpetuate the sexual norms and discomforts put upon them. I know cause I was doing it myself up until very recently. Until last year when I realised I had no space to give anyone my sex, I have been actively making sure I am the one to make the sex I want.
My responce to how I deal with bad sex:
“I dont have it any more! I dont let people fuck me. I fuck them. I take the lead. I make it the sex I want. I tell them what to do and how to do it. I talk to them before about the kind of sex I like and believe is possible and want to explore. I pick dudes who will listen. I dont ever let anyone just have sex with me. I help myself cum in ways I know I can and enjoy.”
“You need to be the one to have good sex. You need to stop letting them fuck you have they want. Its not a option with me.”
“Take responsibility. Dont let them lead. Dont lie back and let them be men. Make love to them.”
“I make foreplay last as long as I want. I tease. Delay. Verbalize. I tell them off. I use their body the way mine used to be used. They are my toy to lie back and let me use.”
“You wont ever have the sex you want, untill you are the one to have it.”
“They dont deserve it if they cant show you they can understand it. They dont get to give you their sex if they cant comprehend recieving yours. End it. Walk away. Kick them out.”
“If a dude puts his hand on my head, I’ll stop and tell him he is never to do that again. Unless a girl asks. I stop sex to teach them. It gets awkward sometimes. It gets worse before it gets better sometimes. But its worth it.”
“The sex space isnt sacred. Its play, practice.”
“In the moment its not a discussion. They dont feel the need to defend themselves. They want to listen and please you. After, talking about it, the ego comes in. Talking about it theorethically is gonna make them reacting. But instructing sexily is heard. Show, dont tell.”
“If you tease and build up slowly and long, and touch them soft. Stop often. Switch between all their body parts. Dont let them move it forward. They can start to see by example rather than words. Make it fun. I never instruct in a teaching way. Unless they do something toxic. But even then I do things to keep it sexual.”
“When it comes to dick time. Dont let them stick it in. Tease yourself with it. If they try and hold it or put it in I smack their hand away and say “mine”, or “oi thats my toy, let me play with it.” Dont let it all in you in one go. Slowly, Bit by bit.”
“Even if they dont like it. I dont fucking care. Cause they get to be the one not having exactly what they want for change. And I’m ok with that.”
This is where her response triggered some bold realisations.
Her: “But yeah I guess I probably think they’ll get turned off or something”.
Me: “So What? You need to take that step where their pleasure isnt your priority any more.”
“I know there is a fear that stops it. As I had it forever. But its that realization that the fear is of nothing. The sex might end. Their dick might get soft. They might not cum as quick. They might leave. And they are all good things. Cause if that is the reaction, then its worth ending.”
“Its only their pleasure the fear helps maintain. By staying in the fear state you keep your pleasure restricted and theirs a priority. This i why I now feel women are just as complicit in the bad sexual practices as men. We choose to put them first. Our ego does it.”
“All they need is to be open to letting you lead and demonstrate. The dont have to learn new techniques or ideas. They only need to give you space. Actual space so youre not squished under them. To move how you want and need. Space as time. Time to go at your own pace. Space in which they can lay back and recieve your pleasure. That makes it less overwhelming and intimidating and threatening to them. They actually have to do less, not more.”
“A good way to talk about it before is by making a new exciting thing you want to try. You have these ideas but want help practiving and exploring. So it can be a mutual trying out. You dont have to pretend to be confident or know what youre doing. Just be passionate about what you want to achieve.”
So what is it we are trying to achieve. I think a good constructive starting point gained from this interaction is the concept of space. Of men not needing to do anything. Of it being a unlearning rather than a aquisition of new skills. The whole point of my first piece and also the following piece on performative sex, was to find a way where the women aquires a new way of having sex. And in order to do this we need space to practive. I am in a priviledged position of experience and confidence in my body and sexuality and abilities, so I am aware of how much of a smoother transition this exploration has been for me than it may be for others. For example my friends reaction was “I hate going on top.” (its definately not that simple) And “That takes confidence. I’ll work on it.” However due to the transitory nature of my life even I havent had the space to deeply explore these ideas. First time sex is definately a place for give and take, normally its all recieving as a woman, but I make sure there is space for me to give and share. I have aquired this space for myself in specific, focused ways.
I make it clear from the start, often before we meet, that I am in no way interested in submissive play or for perpetuating any toxic male dominated sexual norms, like being “rough”, spanking, hair pulling, pounding, contorting. I dont need to be used. I dont enjoy a “good hard fuck.” And if that isnt ok with them then play is not an option. I express my interest in more female domination fetishes, such as pegging and cei and share my professional experience as well as my passion for quality connections even if it is just for one night. I like younger men too. So all of that combined makes it quite clear that I am a confident woman who knows what she wants and likes and isnt afraid to get it. This ensures a dynamic where they are willing to listen and learn. And a excitemnt and curiousity for what I will be bringing to the bedroom.
If the pre sex hang out has become a many hour long deep expose of our life stories, passions, beliefs and experiences in the world then no doubt I will have also touched upon my theoretical exploration of what matriachal sex may be, my interest in how women might want to use the male body and what sex could be if we stripped away all the stories and cultural conditoning of the last 20,000 years around sex.
To me the male body is a beautiful wonder to explore. Each man and boy I get to play with is a gift to unwrap. Women scientifically need longer build up and stimulation before we are receptive to sex and penetration. And rather than lying back and expecting a man to manually stimulate us in what is typically overly aggressive and fast moving forplay for a duration and way that will get us there, I say its on women to create that foreplay space.
Often as this is first time sex, I let a little natural progression start things off. We start kissing, and the passion kicks in. Grabbing, grinding, he may peal off my shirt or start reaching for the go to parks. He may lay me down and try and put his passion onto to. And I let that happen for a few minutes, seeing what he is bringing to the table. I like to give them their traditional space to start with, cause you never know if they may naturally be in sync with you anyway or what interesting style they might have. Butttt usually after a few minutes of this, I am ready to stop it. They may be moving things forward to quickly, or squashing me under thier body, or being tentative and unsure of what to actually do, nervous or over eager to please. We are usually in some awkward positon, just carrying on so as to not draw attention to the fact that we are finally getting it on. So I break away and tell them its my time to play. I move the extra pillows off my bed, rearrange things, and tell them to make themselves comfortable. I create physical space between us and break the passion in favour of practicality. I am basically setting up so we can make the most of the situation. With them reclined on the bed, I take it all in, my new toy for the night. The beautiful boy i am about to get to play with.
I love skin on skin contact. reveling in the feel of someones skin on mine is the natural first step to meeting their naked self. I peel their shirt off, and mine and press our torsos together. I like to hug and be held, slide my arms over their skin, rub my chest all over them. Rub my cheeks against their stomach and chest. We are animals. We should mate like animals. I inhale their smells. Their neck, their chest, their armpits, thier hips. I lay beside them and use my hands and fingertips to carress their body, finding soft spots, senstive places. I start using my mouth too. Tasting, sucking, licking, nibbling, kissing. I put my hands in thier hair. Kiss thier faces. I use and move my body erotically against them in ways that make me feel sexy and feminine, arched back, sliding my body over his. I get ontop and grind myself on the hardening lump in his pants. He doesnt need to lie back like a dead fish. He reacts, makes noises, gets tickelish, gets frustrated, strokes my skin, kisses me back, moves his body against mine, holds me, kisses my neck, sucks on my nipples when i give them to him.
Grinding against pants and often belt buckles and having a dick squished at a weird angle is uncomfortable for both of us. They often go to pull off their pants and underwear for me. But I stop them. I sit back and slowly unbuckle, unbutton, unzip. I start to pull down their pants and make sure they keep their boxers on. I get off him and tell him to get them off, as I remove mine, again keeping my underwear on. Then he can lay back and let me take it all in again. Now we can feel the skin of our legs against each other as well as our torsos. Again I revel in the skin on skin contact and make the most of the small subtle pleasures this affords, slowing things back down. I go back to rubbing my body against his in all the ways I can to feel all of him, moving in ways that make me feel sexy. Stroking, grabbing, licking, biting.
Meeting the penis is a very exciting moment for me. I like to build it up. Tease myself with it. I run my hands over their boxers, avoiding my goal. Along the line of the elastic over their hips. I use my lips and tongue to tease them and find their sensitive spots. I rub their legs, up to the inner thigh. I pull the waistband lower and lower towards their cock. I marvel at the wet patch forming on their underwear. And maybe, eventually, I use my finger tips to get my first feel of their hard cock, stroking through their boxers. I build and build with this play till I’m the one that cant wait any longer, until I am desperate to finally see their cock. I lift the waistband and pop it out with the satisfying thwack of hard cock against stomach, and pull them down, leaving him naked, exposed and hard, aching for more. Kneeling between his legs I slowly start to meet his penis. I talk to it. Use my finger tips to feel the smooth skin stretched over the hard muscle. Wipe up any precum oozing from the tip, taste it. And finally wrap my hand around it to feel all of it. I dont start “wanking” the cock or manually stimualting it in any way. I treat it like the rest of his body I was just exploring, and I go back to other parts I enjoyed, like hips, arm pits, neck. With my panties still on, I can place myself on top so his hard exposed cock can comfortably sit between us while i feel him against my pussy. I get down between his legs, so Im face level with his dick. I dont try and lie next to him so I can kiss and reach down and grope and fondle in uncomfortable positions, awkwardly trying to offer pleasure while maintaining the configuration of sexual norms. I use my face and hands, lips and mouth gently and slowly to explore the penis and often my natural desire to feel it in my mouth takes over and I slip it inside. I dont give a blow job. Im not “good” at sucking dick. I use the dick and my mouth in ways that feel good. I run the tip over my lips, slide my mouth along the shaft, i tickle it with my tongue, I suck on it so I can feel the hardness and smooth skin. I explore his balls and taint. Back to his hips and nips. I start sucking on it, getting more and more passionate and him getting more and more into it, and then stop. I sit back. I fix my hair. Get some water. Smile. Let him know I’m taking my time on purpose. And then go back for more. Over and over. As much or as little as I want.
By now my pussy will be dripping. Litterally. Running down my thighs. Spending all this time on his body, in the ways I enjoy, turns me on way more than a stranger prodding and poking at my pussy with his fingers and tongue in the only ways he knows how, ever could. First time foreplay isnt often going to be what you like. The preconcieved ideas of what foreplay are are already too fast and furious for a woman, going from 0 to vaginal penetration asap in order to stimulate the areas that shouldnt even be touched until we are ready, not to get us ready. Rubbing clitoris, inserting fingers, tongues and mouths on pussies, isnt foreplay, that is sex. This is foreplay. Getting the vagina ready and excited and aching to be touched. Not flogging dead meat to liven it up ready for a cock.
Now, now that Ive built myself up, turned myself on, enjoyed getting to know their bodies, shared examples of touch and time and space that isnt normally available in a first time hook up and feel fully ready, then, then I give them access to my body. As simple as saying “lets switch”, or “your turn”, I lie back next to them and give them space to make a move. This is where things can vary a lot. And this is where I am still open to a lot of dissapointment and get to learn how bad most people are at sex and how little they actually take on board of new ideas. Some, think this means its time to penetrate me. Even though I still have my panties on. Even though they still havent touched my pussy. Some do the standard, uncomfortbale reach down to manually stimulate my pyssy in ways that will always be bad cause they cant see it, or have free hands to access it. Some occasionally grasp the idea of giving back what they just got and like to tease and tickle, kiss and lick. Even more occassionally I get the same quality oral I give. Some elicit orgasms, most dont. Never does anyone plant themselves between my thighs and get their hands and mouths at a comfotable level, to slowly, gently and inquisistively explore my vagina in the way I just met thier penis. They treat my pussy like its as resilient as thier dicks. So I offer constructive criticism and guiding hands on the position or placement of their hands or mouths. I am blown away every single time by how the vagina becomes just the clitoris or vaginal canal. I have outer lips, groin, inter thighs, hips, pubic mounds. It has been known for a decade that the clitoris extends down the sides of the vagina and is able to be stimulated from the outer lips. Yoni massage is a thing on porn sites as well as sexual wellness information online. However, even after explaining how the whole body needs to be a part of sex, and with all this not even that new information on how to stimulate the pussy, only the inner pink slit is ever explored with a touch that is never gentle or exploritory enough.
There will be a moment when penetration is going to be the next step. I dont always get to move this forward the way I want, remeber this is first time sex with a stranger, but in a ideal world, they can lie back again and let me be the one to find the best way to insert the large hard foreidn object inside of me, rather than letting them poke and prod into a unknown space. My ideal way is to use thier cock, again like i did with it through their underwear and slide my pussy up and down the length of their hard shaft, letting my wetness spread over them. I let the tip tickle my inner lips and poke gently at my entrance. My clit rubs against thier stomach as I get used to the feel of their hard cock against my pussy. I tease over and over the tip at the entrance. If I can use thier cick like this to build myself up even more, I can experience a orgamsn when I finally feel them inside me. If they try and guide the cock inside me I swat their hand away and thell them its mine. That I want to do it my way. And eventually when I cant wait any more, not them, i let it slide in, millimeter at a time, slowly, letting my body get used to this foreign intrustion. I revel in the feeling of stretching around him, feeling how hard he is inside me, seeing how much I can fit inside, sliding down till i am filled up. And then, hold. As is customary, this is where they think they can start pumping at it. Wrong. This is where my vagina needs to get used to and enjoy the feeling of them insed me, filling me up, sretching me. The amazing, full, satisfying manly feeling of them inside me. Its heaven. I dont need it pumping in and out to really enjoy the sensations. I need it still so i can feel it, squeeze it, grind down further, deeper, fuller, feel my clit against them. Then slowly slowly we can explore movement.
One sentence changed my entire life.
One sentence changed my entire life. I remeber it and pin point the second my life changed. And as I am sitting here thinking about it, I realise, there were two pin pointable moments. Maybe even three.
The first was when I was 15. I had gone to Tower Records in town to a record signing by Muse. I skipped school in the afternoon with a girlfriend to go. In the line in front of us were two cute boys. One with blonde ringletted hair, the other, stockier with dark hair. Both wearing flares and generally being cute boys. At some point they mentioned that they were going to The Flapper and Firkin pub on friday night to see a band. That was my shit, and I wanted to bump into these two boys again and have a reason to talk to them, so I made note of this and decided it would be a good idea for me to go. I managed to convince a family friend to be allowed to come out with me to the pub, a first time for both of us. None of my school friends were allowed to go to the pub. I dont really know why I was! I had braces. I wore flares and addidas shell toes. We werent at the pub long before I genuinely ended up at the bar behind the two boys I had hoped to bump into. I tapped them on the shoulder and said “Hi, were you at the Muse signing the other day?”. Obviously they were. One showed me his shoe he had gotten signed by them and conversation ensued. I ended up dating the stocky one. And then becoming part of his friendship group. One girl becoming my best friend. I cheated on him with the curly haired boy, which started after we went shopping for my boyfriends birthday presents together. He was the third ever person I slept with. I never did with the boyfriend. We would hold hands under the table at the pub while my boyfriend sat on the other side of me. He would rub my leg while my boyfriend kissed me. We would met up and secretly talk all the time. It was the only time I ever cheated and it was so fun as a teenager and it didnt really matter. Obviously neither of those relationships lasted long. I made art about the people I met. They became my main friends. I started partying at indie pubs and discos all the time with them. From there I met so many people, my next group of friends, my first love, I had so many amazing experiences, discovered so much and got to have fun I never would have for the next few years if I hadnt heard those two boys saying where they were going and when.
The second was one night while I was out partying at my old student union when i was 21. I had graduated a year before and gone back for my friends night. I was going through the “new rave” phase and was dressed ridiculous. I was doing my own version of breakdancing…drunkly doing backflips while dancing like i was in a 90s music video. When I went to the toilet, one of the girls who had been DJing came into the hall after me and stopped me to say “who are you? what are you?” She introduced herself as being one of the Queens of Noize. She told me she Djed at festivals and clubs all over the country and world and she wanted me to be their dancer. We chatted and hung out and I took her and the other half of the duo to a house party after the club. A great time was had by all. Several days later I ended up going with them while they took private cars around London to see different bands they knew play, went to a indie dog show and then they DJed at a couple of different parties. I met loads of celebs and danced the night away. Within a week I was working as their assistant. I spent the next 4 years working in the music industry. They managed Florence and the Machine, Djed, had a radio show on the BBC, and started a crazy night club that got to be a stage show. I got to be their assistant on everything they did. I got to do everything from designing flyers and art work, to tour managing, digital marketing, running the night club, book keeping, dancing, booking festivals and events. And I even ended up DJing myself and got to have sets all around London, in Paris and during their stage show at all the major and some minor UK festivals, like Glastonbury and Bestival. If that woman hadnt seen me and come and asked me who I was that night, I wouldnt have had the best and most incredible 4 years possible. I fulfilled so many fantasies, became friends with people whos posters I had on my walls as a child and so many things I couldnt have even dreamed of doing.
The last one, and probably the most life changing, the one that started me thinking about this, was while I was still working for the Queens. I was the liason for a boy who was doing some design work for us but lived out of town, so we communicated via email and messaging. It didnt take long for us to establish we found each other attractive and our messaging quickly turned sexual. Turns out we were both pretty dirty and we would often Skype each other while I did terrible things like piss on myself in the bath then fist my pussy and fuck my ass. He had such a big dick. I was enjoying my highly sexal life at the time, meeting guys off dating websites for sex, being the go to girl for any dude I knew in the real world to cyber sex with in the early days of facebook messenger, and had discovered chatroulette and would spend hours online masturbating with disembodied dicks on webcam. One day while messaging with the boy he asked “Have you seen MyFreeCams? Its loads of girls doing sexual stuff on webcam for money but its free to watch.” This might have been the most life changing sentence in my life. I went to look at it and became facinated with the girls. Within a few weeks I had decided to start doing it myself despite a couple of people i sounded the idea off against, mostly saying it was a bad idea. Infact, it was the best idea i had since saying yes to the Queens 4 years before. My first month on webcam I was the 39th highest earner on a site with over 20,000 other models. I have been in the sex industry for 8 years now and have again gotten to fulfil fantasies I had and experienced things i never dreamed of. I have made money i didnt know was possible, travelled the world and am currently living a life of joy, facillitated by sex work. I was able to find my passion and purpose and that may never have happened if that boy didnt tell me about that site. I have told him that many times over the years. And we still have never got to meet in real life.
The more I think about it, the more moments are occurring to me that are pivotal points in my life. Seconds that have reshaped a life. Turning points that couldnt have gone totally different directions. Part of the reason I live the way I do is because I know every second matters. These moments can come any time any place. I have always been open and available for these things to happen and have been lucky enough to make the most of opportunities that come along. I say yes. I put myself in the right place at the right time. and do it for the story. So I am pretty proud of and grateful for, the story I get to tell.
Today is my 20 year sex anniversary…Loosing My Virginity.
To Me:
Today is my 20 year sex anniversary. And I dont want to do anyone about it. I am 18 people away from a total of 400. I had kind of hoped I could co inside my 400 with my 20 year but the circumstances have not arisen so I will not force a number correlation. I am working on the bus at the moment. It is driving me mad. Its taking forever. but it is pretty fucking awesome. im scared to be excited about it incase it isnt gonna be as good as i think it is!!!! She is taking up most of my brain at the moment. So i guess so it shall be that my 20 year sexiversaty is spent introspectively and self indulgently. It feels right. like a lot changed at that moment and now is a time to reclaim some of that space for myself. Honor my journey. Not needing to share it with anyone else, physically. It is of more benefit to me mentally and physically to honor my own body rather than needing anyone else to honor it, as my celebration of my sexuality and sexual journey. i know now that no one can know and honor my sexuality enough right now to be worthy of spending time with my body on such a momentous occasion..
I find some of my musings exceptionally obnoxious, when reading them back, almost immediately. But it is only obnoxious if its shared. if not shared, it is just my thoughts. and we can think whatever we like.
My brain got foggier and foggier as the day went on today. I am exhausted. The bus is progressing slowly right now and my attempt to mulit task left me completely cotton wool brained. I was ready to go get some more things from Lowes but knew I wanted a bit of a drive first to try and clear my head. What did become clear was the fact that my head was getting increasingly fuzzy, not even the joint I was smoking helped. I stopped to figure out what it was i wanted to do and eventually realized I needed to write. I drove back home and picked up my laptop and drove back out, to the forest near my moms place. I have pulled over at the side of a dirt road, it seems quite a main one, and got my laptop out to write about my 20 year sexiversary. The back of the car is the next best thing to the bus I have.
I cant quite believe its been 20 years. That makes me feel old. An amount of time I cant comprehend. 14 doesn’t seem that long ago. It wasnt that long ago I was a teenager, Im barely an adult now. I’ve slept with boys who are under 20 now. I mean, Im not surprised, I did it on purpose. To specifically fuck boys young enough to technically have been my son. I cant wait till im 36 then I can fuck someone half my age.
20 years ago I lost my virginity. Tomorrow, 20 years ago, I was released from hospital after being given plan b, hiv preventative meds, a rape kit, an IV, and a preliminary interview with the police. In two days time, 20 years ago, news of me loosing my virginity hit the front pages of all the national newspapers in the UK, as well as being featured on the TV news. The whole of the country knew I had gotten drunk and had sex, however, as I was in America at the time, I was unaware of the commotion I had caused. In 5 days time, 20 years ago, I arrived back at Heathrow airport, to be greeted by two members of the press I had seen on a TV show about the airport at the time. I excitedly told the teachers they were there, and they proceeded to inform me to be quiet and behave because they were there to see me. In 6 days time, 20 years ago, I found out that I had been suspended from my school and was to stay at home. My parents and the parents of my friend, who had been at the same party as me, tried to fight the school to get our suspension over turned because it wasnt our fault the teachers didnt check the chalets each night, thus me and my friends being able to go out to a party at 14, on a school trip, with no adults knowing where we were. During one tense evening in 8 days, 20 years ago, the 4 parents were in one room, me and my friend were watching TV in the next room. The 6 O’Clock news came on. And we were the headline. We couldnt believe it. We didnt quite know the extent of the press coverage of our story and this was the first we had seen of it. We ran screaming into our parents, excited, to tell them. The excitement was not appreciated. Our parents won against the school and we had to go back to face the music in 10 days, 20 years ago. I went in late so as not to have to walk up the long drive with everyone around. I had to stop wearing make up to school. An assembly was held to discuss what had happened to me and the press coverage. The whole country and all my school mates had now been discussing, reading and hearing about me loosing my virginity for a week. Shortly after I returned to school, our friendship group split in two over the events that lead to the world discovering I had lost my virginity. Several weeks later one of the teachers who was on the trip, and our form teacher, quit due to a nervous breakdown from the stress of me loosing my virginity. 18 months later I was in America again, waiting at a courthouse for the boy I lost my virginty to, to arrive so we could start the hearing. I wasnt pressing charges. The state was, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was going to be able to answer their questions via a video link to the court room so I wouldnt have to be in there with him. Statutory rape wasnt the only charge however. He had stolen credit cards, and something about alcohol and minors. At some point, while I sat in that wood paneled room with my mom and the woman who was liasing with us that looked exactly like my mom, it became apparent that he was not going to be showing up. An hour or so later we heard he had skipped the country. The boy I lost my virginity to had fled the country to his families home country in eastern europe. All because I had been taken to this party, that was 20 years ago tonight. 8 years later we got a letter from the courthouse back in America. I was 24. 10 years after it happened. He had returned to America and arrested upon arrival. They asked if I wanted to say anything at his hearing. I didnt. We had only done what infinite people had done before us. Got drunk at a party and consensually fooled around. He was sentenced to a short amount of time in jail and probation and may have even gotten time served. The people that caused this whole situation, the boys who took us to the party in exchange for marijuana, and my friend that got caught on her way to the boys chalet after the party to thank them for taking us, as a poor excuse to see the one she fancied, then told the teachers she was out looking for a teacher because me and my friend were vomiting and might have been raped, had no repercussions from the night. And they were the only problematic people in the situation. Yes a 19 year old probably shouldnt have sex with a 14 year old girl. But I wasnt your average 14 year old, I knew what I wanted, and according to my memory, I made sure I got as much of it as I could that night from many of the boys, even if no one elses police statement matched up with my memory. But that didnt surprise me. Who would tell the police I was alone in a room with about 5 or 6 of the American boys, playing spin the bottle, but with much more dick sucking instead of making out? I did though. And I still remember being in that room today. What I dont actually even remember, is having sex. I only remember on the walk home realizing my vagina was sore and commenting that I thought I had had sex. Its a weird dichotomy to hold, the whole country knowing I had lost my virginity, yet me, never even remember it happening. After loosing my virginity made front page news and wreaked havoc for many people, I dont think I was ever going to have a normal sex life. I was destined for a life of sex, about sex, for sex, sex work, sexiness, feminism, the body, self exploration, openness, intimacy, sexual skills, exploring. Sex has always been something I didnt need to hide or suppress, maybe because of how I lost my virginity. Or maybe I was always and always would have been like this. Even if we hadnt gotten caught, or if I hadnt gone to the party and it was another time, with another person, without scandal. I will never know for sure, but for sure in relation to how I lost my virginity, my sexuality and sexual history, makes sense.