A study on the domesticated human and a exercise in uncovering the wild human animal.
My Philosophy
A study on the domesticated human and a exercise in uncovering the wild human animal.
In a hopes of defining the natural human species real basic needs and ideal state, that haven’t been shaped by the exploitation the race has been subject to for milenia, and instead find what would be the ideal environment for the healthiest version of the natural wild human, given all the extra knowledge we have gained and the tools we have for implementing complex ideas, and come to some kind of goal or point for which humans can all aim. As one species. The domesticated human is currently floundering in the environment made by few for the detriment and enslavement of many. I hope my analysis can shed some light on a system that would make the comfort of the human body and mind, of the many, the priority.
The way in is through sex. Sex is the most fundamental human experience that has been twisted and used the most to control and domesticate humans and disconnect them from their bodies and each other.
Im my philosophy the wild human is a social sexual species. The connection between all humans is the thing the system has twisted into “Love”. The different types of intimacy that would have been a constant within the society, defining what we have come to see as “different types of love”. Our physical reality and its comfort was our primary goal. Touch types, caring in the sense of for the young and elderly, body work on physical dysfunctions that would signal a need that body has to the other humans, maintenance of comfortable reality, ie stretch, massage, facia work; grooming; sensual; sexual pleasure; reproductive; comfort; protective; aggressive; touch that helps define the roles of each human in the society, ie, the healer would be using healing touch, alpha males would give agressive, dominant and would receive grooming and sex in different proportions to the beta males. The beta males might give alphas different types of touch with defines their role as beta, eg the beta grooms the alpha, the alpha uses the beta for sexual pleasure. All types of touch would have been public as intimacy and touch were the foundations of the group. The women and mens hormone cycles and the moon would influence the types of touch and roles we would have throughout the lunar cycle.
The cyclical nature of the natural female human animal would enable all members of society to get all the physical needs met.I also believe the womens menstrual cycles would be on two diffent cycles, one with women bleeding on the new moon and the other women bleeding on the full moon. This would mean that when some women are at their weakest, others are at their strongest. There is always a range of women wanting a different rane of sexual, sensual, intimate and reproductive touch, making available the range of touch needed for mens shorter daily cycles.
Wild humans are a sperm competion species, as evidenced by the size and shape of the penis, the make up of ejaculate and the lack of decorative or aggressive physical presentation. During ovulation the wild human female craves multiple partners. It is posited that sexual vocalization is to draw more participants to the orgy/gangbang. During menstruation the women would groom and care for each other. There are times when the female needs a soft, intimate, sensual touch. This might be when she is more attracted to the beta, caring type. During ovulation its the alpha males she mates with.
Domesticated humans didnt become an aggressive species until the idea of scarcity was introduced. So when groups crossed paths, it wasnt war or agression, it was a way to exchange information through touch.
Ideas Of Things To Write
write up some of the sex scenarios i do at work to demonstrate feminist sex
how i work and how it is female/perforner first
practical run throughs of sex
run throughs of how to own the room and how to not let a man use your body
arguments against rad fem positions
how what i do and how i see it being transferable to be a industry standard
why is sex female
why do we need sex arts
how the body can save the human
How I See The World And How I Think It Should Be, Based On A Life Time Of Being Me.
Basic Run Down Of How I See The World
How I See The World And How I Think It Should Be, Based On A LifeTime Of Being Me.
The foundation stone of my theory is the human animal. What is best for the human animal body and mind, in nature. If we strip back all stories, conditioning, believes, knowledge, understanding, assumption of what it is to be a human being in this modern world, we can start to uncover our fundamental human needs and motivations. These things should be the driving forces and central elements to human life.
i see these fundamental elements for the human animal to survive as; sustenance, shelter, security, exploration, play, intimacy, pleasure and rest. The core of the human society is intimacy and connection. We are a social sexual species. I follow the interpretation of the human that stems from observations of the bonobo, and detailed in “Sex At Dawn”.
We are a matriachal sexual society. Our tribes were held together by intimacy and intimacy is how we mixed with different tribes. Intimacy is all types of physical touch including sex acts. A spectrum of touch from platonic to familiar to sexual. It has been theorized that the natural human sexuality, genetalia, and social structures are based off us being a sperm competition species. Its the natural human females natural sexuality to have group sex during ovulation to get the best sperm of the tribe. Our internat biology is designed to find the right sperm for the egg, rather than the woman find the right man to be the father.
There was no competition over sex. Sex was the most abundant resource available to the human animal, Our lack of a thick body hair speaks to me of the importance of skin on skin contact for the human animal. Intimacy would have occurred between all members of the tribe. There would have been same sex attracted animals, alpha males and females, bisexual humans. There wouldnt have been a de liniation between sexual touch and non sexual touch. As no touch, or sex was taboo. It just was how we interacted as animals. It was how we communicated. It was how we connected. The body was our communication and connection canvas.
Skipping ahead. At some point, cause of power, money, greed and laziness, the agricultural revolution, caused sex to become a scarece recourse.
In an antempt to become civilized, man dropped the animal. Territory of land became more important than the territory of their own bodies. And sex became the tool by which to control the animal. By introducing the family unit, limiting access to women, owning women, needing a clear lineage to pass on land, owning a womans sex become an important part of keeping power and owning land. To increase the scarcity of intimacy, people were lead to believe it was dirty, taboo, only for relationships and love, that it is to be like a dirty animal to be wild. humans are better than that.
The more scarce a rescouse the more violent it makes accessing the resource.
Today we are sold sex appeal. We are inundated with sexual images. But told still, that sex is bad, in all ways.And that you can want it, but not have it. We are more disconnected from our bodies than ever. A lot of people live so much online that they are completely disconnected rom their bodies and want to disown them. The more disconnected we are from the body, the more disconnected we are from each other, and from what makes us human. It is no wonder the world is having a mental health epidemic. The mental and physical realities havent caught uo with each other, and never should. We are having a breakdown of the physical human body and thus the individual and collective mind. The way forward isnt deeper into the brain, more online. Its into the body. Unifying the body/mind. Realizing our intelligence comes from our bodies. Our minds are just there to filter and process our physical experiences.We should not be ruled by the mind.
Sex is suppressed to keep the workers trapped in the system. I believe the only way to change the world and give people back some sense of freedom and power, is to give them back their bodies. And to give them that through sex and intimacy.
For ease of the simpler minded, I’m gonna say sex work and porn as it is, needs to go. But the concepts of sexual entertainment and an intimacy industry do not need to go.
I have seen no plan as to how to change the whole of the male human races sexuality, libido and current sexual narratives. But I have a plan. The sex arts would be a matriachal industry. sex artists could be male or female, as can clients. Services of any kind of intimacy are available and anyone working in the industry can specialize in what they like. Hand holding, stroking, cuddling, skin on skin contact, platonic, sexual, sex. The whole spectrum. There would be safe spaces for these services. Sex artists would be trained int he same way massesues and other physical work, or any another career in the world is. There would be standards and tests and it wouldnt need to be seen as taboo and dirty. Sex and the body is the only thing that can save us.
We need to stop seeing sex as they magical thing connected to romantic love and attraction and passion and swirling and taboo. Its the physical act that unifies the human race. All contact sports are modern societies way of men playing together in the wild, testing boundaries, using each others bodies to explore. They werent scared of what it meant if they touched another mans body, it was essential to life. But now its something only a few men do. They have lost the connection between men, as well as with themselves and the softness of women.
The sex arts and intimacy entertainement could be regulated to ensure the most up to date matriachal knowledge and wisdom of the body and mind is imparted to the world. We could all be on the same page about what is healthy human animal sexuality and bodies.
Bodies. It is the curse of individualism that we now have to accept all bodies. Body Positivity. It doesnt matter how dysfunctional your body is, you are beautiful. No youre not. I can see the decades of bad diet, bad posture, trauma, social conditioning and the patriarchy encoded in your body.
There is one human body. And it functions in the same way for all of us. We all have the same skellingtons and muscles. Its how we use them that shapes up. Dont lest disfunction shape the himan body. The more variety in our physical presentation, the more variation in how we experience the world and the more divided we will become as a people.
I can say personally that improving the state of my body, bringing it closer to its wild nature, had made me feel more grounded, real, stable, grown up, confident, less like a alien, i dont feel like everyone is staring at me, as I dont have the baseline feeling of presenting wrong in the world. knowing my body is different to the other animals. But not knowing what to do about it or why. It was just who i was. No. It isnt. it is bad posture, lack of body mind connection and mostly social conditioning. And that physical embodiment was how my mind experiences the world. Different, separate alone, disordered, misunderstood, in pain, never fit in,etc.
Fix the human body and you free the human mind. Give sex back to women and you fix mens sexuality.
On female sexualiyt, It is cyclical. It is soft, it is flirty, it is wanting, it is desperate, it is powerful, it is disconnected.
I believe the human animal has a sexual cycle. Around ovulation is the roaring lion, desperate for dick, gangbanging for a baby. There is the woman that just wants strokes all over her body and for it not to have to go anywhere. There is the woman that wants to do the stroking and giving love. There is the woman who doesnt want to be touched. There are the feet that would rather be rubbed. There is slow and intimate love making. There is the playful exploration of the new and the novel. There is a performative side, and a insecure side. A woman that just wants a quick orgasm. And a woman that just wants to breathe in time for hours.
If all the variations of female sexuality were let be, then I think, men would get all the physical things they need. When men run sex they forget how soft, playful, intimate and light it can be. It becomes penis centric, pumping for a goal. Let women expand what sex is, and men will start to be able to recieve the softer side of sexuality. Let women be as wild as they want when they want to be, no shame, no kink, no taboo.. Then men will finally see how women really can be when they are allowed to be free with their sexuality. They will get the wild woman, and also the soothing mother, the flirty girl and the sensual lover, they will have softness and intimacy to bring more balance into their levis. And men in soft and safe spaces tend to open up more, about what is on their minds.
There is no way to think of feminism or a better future for all without addressing mens sexuality. Taking away access to sexual services will only increase sexual scarecity. In any society. There will also always be a sexial hierarchy. Any future with comfort for all needs to address the natural hiarachiacl nature of the sexual human animal.
If the intimacy industry were not taboo, dangerous, or pimped, then people who are genuinely sexual and believe in the future of sexual equaluty and the liberation of the human body, will be able to work in the intimacy industry. There are many very sexual people who would just never work in the current sex industry cause of stigma, taboo, safety, etc. But would love to do it if the world were different.
Intimacy workers dont need to be people forced into the work or doing if cause they have to. I personally think “sex work” is the wrong concept for what I do and believe in. Sex art. The Intimacy Arts. Cause its not just a job anyone can do. It takes certain very specific talents and abilities and should also have physical requirements. Its not a job anyone can do. Its a passion, a calling.
It will take a army of committed intimacy artists to change the attitudes of men towards, sex, women, intimacy and the body. But I think its the only way. Without intimacy entertainment and sex artisits, the message will never spread. Men havent listened to men the last 60 years weve been saying we want good sex, so why would they start now?
By flipping the world on its head, and making the most precious thing to the human race, that is currently most scarce, something that is a common language, that we all share, the human body and its need for intimacy, into the most abundant resource and reducing the violence that comes from scarcity.
Why Me? What Do I Know?
I want to let everyone know I exist. Because my story is unique. I’ve intentionally lived my life that way. To learn things and see things in my own way.
I cant pin down the earliest date I realized the whole world was made up. But I do know that by the age of 9, Blur was my favorite band and I knew I never wanted to be a part of the rat race. Growing up is a scam. Modern life is rubbish.
When I was really little, when people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, in the late 80s, before the internet and pornography, I would say, “A poser, a poledancer or a prostitute.” No one knows how I knew what those last two things were. But the videos of me asking my mom to video me constantly, prove I already knew what a poser was!
I had my first boyfriend at 3. I just always loved boys. They were so pretty. He was my best friend. In year 6 I asked out every boy at school, and every one of them said yes! In year 4 three boys in the year above would pick me up and run away with me so they could be my boyfriend. I still have the scar on my leg from when one of them dropped me over his head, off his shoulders.
I always had crushes on the boys that didn’t like me or weren’t interested in me though. The cutest, the naughtiest, the uninterested. Even pre puberty. I had a recurring dream of a boy up in a tree, in a play area, out the back of a pub. There were lots of other children playing there. But more than anything, I knew I loved the boy in the tree. Overwhelming love. But I also knew he was dead. I don’t know if he fell out the tree in the dream. But I always just knew he was dead and my heart hurt and the longing was agony.
I have never found the boy in the tree that was meant for me, and have mourned his loss since I first discovered him in the dream. No one else has meant to me what that boy could never be. Its a weird state to be in when you believe in reality. I wonder if I had a twin that died or if there was a soul out there for me that I never got to see. I feel whispers of him in the men I’ve loved the most. But I also see echos of my childhood idols and I fear the human brain and consciousness is no more than a mush of the things we’ve seen and done and that the thought that our thoughts can give us any insight into reality when we cant even comprehend what we are outside of memory suddenly just seems like absurdity.
We need to drop the mind and get into the body. Its the only way to save everybody. The only way forward for the human race is inwards. But not inwards to the brain, to the self, to the ego. But to the body. The meat and bones reality of our existence. Our function as a human animal. We need to figure out what the human animal body/mind needs to survive in the current conditions, and what are the ideal conditions for the human animal and the natural world, to mutually thrive in, and then work towards that.
We are one human animal body. All skeletons are the same. Our posture should be the same. Our muscles are all in the same places. There is a right and wrong way to use the body to do things. We aren’t even taught the fundamentals of posture. But we are all expected to live in bodies that are constantly being pressured and shaped by outside influences. The external world and our internal mental world all imprints on our bodies and there is no central guiding body on how to correct, realign, recenter, the natural human body.
I am deeply in love with my body connection story
why i want to tell the uniqueness
I say Im unique cause of the range of rare things I have done so far in my life. One unexpected journey I’ve been on is spening the last ten years doing sex work. In that time I’ve lived in London, where I worked on webcam. I instantly became successful and used my early success to travel to Australia. After a year of living in my body cause of the Aussie way of life, I started stripping in a very small town. I also worked at 3 different legal brothels with 3 – 9 months at each, some times 7 days a week for several weeks at a time, 12 hours a day. In one of the brothels the other girls stopped coming in to work cause I would get all the bookings. Even if I was busy they would wait for me. Sometimes for 4+ hours. One night I was the only girl working and I didn’t have a break all night It was my favorite time doing sex work. I felt like a queen. After work. At 3am, or 7am depending on the night, I would drive to the gym and work out for a hour or two. Do a little shopping and went back to the brothel where I slept for a few hours in one of the work rooms, till it was time to get up and get ready again. I didn’t have any problematic clients while I was there but many girls did. And I could see why. But obviously I couldn’t say anything. I would talk with the Madame when she would come in during the day and I would ask her why the other girls dont try harder. Go to the gym, buy nicer outfits, learn hair and make up. She said she didnt know but she did know she hasnt met anyone like me and wished every girl had my attitude. A life time of being bullied by girls also helped me keep my distance from other sex workers, stereotyped to be bitchy and fucked up, I knew I wouldnt be liked. I started prostitution because it had been a life time fantasy. I remember the first brothel I viewed. I was so scared it was going to be all the awful fear mongering things I had heard about. But it was the opposite. It was quirky, and clean, and organized, with rules, and structure and sweet hang out, work out and kitchen facilities for the women. In Australia brothels can only have 5 rooms. They can have more girls, in one brothel there would be 13 girls on a weekend night. Rotation rotation rotation! The office had to be organized! It was all very straight forward and honest about what it was. They sent me home with some literature and the STD book with pictures and information on all kinds of sexual health.
Ive gone off into brothel dreams. I need hours to write all about the procedures, protections and play that happened in those years. Suffice to say, it was the best environment for me. I felt like I was home. I was earning $25,000 a month, $10k weeks were normal. My body, mind, vagina were always at their healthiest when I was busy with my body all the time! I was the queen of the rooms. No matter who a man was in the waiting room, when he was in a room with me he was putty in my hands. Even if he came in with the expectation of pining me down and pumping away at me with his cock, that never happened.
Do my tricks and techniques matter here for my brief history of this only once trodden path? Or is that a separate piece that expands and links and loops from there back to here?
See in my short summary of a life worth living I have to divert at the pronouncement of my prostitution to justify and explain how that too unfolded in a way you cant even comprehend. Else the image of the person I have been wont be able to be seen. It will be hidden behind the narratives and stories in your conditioning that arent me. Only I have been me and as you are yet to see, there are chapters more to my story.
All the money I made in the prostitution trade led me live in America. I partied with Diplo and Pauly D, I went out 5 nights a week. I wore Versace every day. I had waist length platinum blonde hair, and was often seen in 7 inch heels and a onsie. Twerking in a casinos upside down, planking on the floor, i fucked Ron Jeremy to celebrate 300 partners. I hiked the Grand Canyon top to bottom 3 times. I got married in Vegas and got so badly emotionally abused it took 5 years to recover. Our wedding photo had a bum fight in the background though. So thats pretty funny.
When I started stripping I googled where the best strip club in the world was. I had already wanted to be the best prostitute in the world when I was in Aus. I found out it was considered to be Spearmint Rhino in Vegas. So after I was free of the man who destroyed me, and able to stand up for a few hours at a time, I made it my plan to be the best stripper I could be. I made it obviously. Then I found out that there was a limit for me. On what hours at the club there I could be. There was the holy grail, the main shift, the money hours, for those who excel, and looks tower. They usher you off the floor, at 9pm on the dot, no matter whos lap in which you may be grinding. A second audition is needed to prove you can be, as skinny, or sexy, or perfect as they need to stay any after that time.
Those girls would terrify me. They are racehorses. Perfect specimens of woman. It was easy to see why these were the peak shift girls.
Im not sure how long I had been there till I got up the guts to try. Weeks maybe, but its was really up to the scales to decide. 110lb and I knew my thighs weren’t too big for the managers eyes. It was time to try for the night shift.
Standing in a cold hallway in a two piece and 8 inch heels, for an hour while a line of night shift girls checked in while checking you out, knowing youre waiting to audition, knowing you’ll be competition, the man comes out. Everyone knows hes a twat. But we all smiled, were polite and pranced about. You only had to walk up and down the hallway so he can see you move from behind. Its his eye that decides if its good enough for the night. I dont like it but I got it. And as he told me I no longer cared, I was good enough, I was hot enough for the best strip club in the world and the best shift to work there!
This will be finished another time.
Body Connection
If I could teach, the world to stand, in perfect harmony. Then every boy, and every girl, would know what physical ease can be.
There is one human body. We dont have different breeds of human. We are fundamentally made up of the same stuff, in the same way. However the way the physical body presents in the world is dependent on the life that person has lived
I can speak this stuff much better than I can write it. I was just standing in the garden, bare foot, totally at ease in my body, with a blank mind. The sun was warm on my back. I was comfortable being this human just existing. It seems so simple now. So obvious. But its taken 36 years to get to be comfortable, just existing, in my body.
Body positivity is a tool used to further disconnect us from our bodies and from each other. Accept yourself. Everyone is beautiful. You don’t need to change. You dont need to look like anyone else. When in fact the extreme variation of bodies just proves the miriad of ways that modern life ruins the human animal.
If you looked at 100 wild deer, living in their natural habitat, you wouldnt see the wide variety in body shapes and sizes, as you would with 1oo modern humans. You don’t see an extremely obese deer, one with a really large ass, one with a massive beer belly, one with fat thighs, etc etc. If someone did, I’m sure they would try and figure out what was wrong with it. Not tell it that is beautiful and to flaunt it.
The more disconnected we get from our bodies, the less natural, the less active, the more the mind drives the world, the more mental health problems are spreading and we are falling apart.
The body is shaped entirely by how it is used and we dont have a base model to reference or return to. We are never taught what is correct posture, unless someone has done certain sports or military. We arent taught the newest science about how our bodies work. Every part of us is connected and intelligent. The mind filters the experience of the body. The body is more intuitive than the brain. If we let the brain rule the world, here is where we end up.
We need to find out what the human body needs. Ive found out what my real body needs. I stopped accepting myself, and went on a quest to love myself. The power in loving oneself instead of the toxic acceptance/denial spiral we are on, is immeasurable and surely the only way to save the human race.
I stopped brushing my teeth. I stopped showering. I stopped earning money. I lived in a short bus. For 2 years and a half years, on my own, in the wilderness. The first and most wild times were in the sierra nevadas, travelling around the high desert, up to Oregon, and back down. I became a feral animal. I stopped wearing shoes. I walked or ran miles a day. I didnt have a fridge. I ate things out of cans. And large end of the world tins of dried food from Walmart. Any unexpected scenario was a terrifying glimpse into no longer being able to survive. When I needed money I went and worked on a weed farm. The same social dynamics unfolded as always and I got fired for speaking up for someone and not listening to gossip. I never fit in. I did. Till I started speaking. Sharing, getting involved. Caring. Then it all blows up and its me that leaves cause I cant handle pretending to like people and ignore the glaring problems that they all have, that you cant tell them. People suffocate me.
So I went back out into the wild. On the farm I did get more feral as the owner was also a barefoot animal. But more like a feral dog that wanders around bad parts of town, than the wild animal I am. He didnt brush his teeth either. We shat in one hole someone had to dig each week.
I was never squeamish about poo. That was one of the joys of bus life. Nature poos. For the first 18 months I only had a bucket with a lid on it and a seat, as a toilet. I had to get very intimate with what came out of me. Lots of bodies are burried all over the california, nevada and oregon desert! I would only empty it once it got full too. Like once a week. A bucket of shit in a cupboard. Anyway, nature poos. The best, pop a squat and squeeze one out, bury it. Done. That is freedom. I would always rather poo and pee out in the wild that a public toilet any day. Even when I dont have toilet paper. And that was recently.
I must have smelt of pee and bo mostly those first couple of years. I stopped wearing bras and shaving before the bus. I also stopped wearing panties and deoderant. Id pee and just pull up my leggings or shorts. I never washed my hands. When I did wash it would be in a stream, a river, a lake, a puddle. I didn’t shower with fresh water or shampoo, conditioner or soap for 18 months.
And I loved every dirty minute of it. My hygiene only mildly improved as the build in the bus improved and access to water, a sink, a toilet, a fridge etc, got better. But I knew I had to break it all down. Question everything. I didnt want to leave a stone unturned. I went off birth control. I stopped my anti depressants. I never, however, stopped smoking weed. It was my only saviour. My sanity, my escape from reality, my mood boost, my sleep aid, my confidence, my friend. it was all i had.
I really was just a shell. A human. I stripped it all away. And I could not see anything there. There was nothing left. I was gone. I was so raw. I felt everything. A description of BPD reflects my experience of the world. Its like having no skin. You feel everything and just existing is agony.
I had mostly given up people. I would occasionally have random anonymous sex with another dude in a van, or someone at a coffee shop, or occasionally someone with a real bed so I could have more practical sex. But I wasnt out in the bus for the social, lifestyle aspect. I was there to get away from everyone and everything.
And I did. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stood out in the wilderness, off trail, no gear, on my own, howling to the sky, roaring with the rocks, shouting to hear my echo, bare naked, feet on the ground, arms outstretched, with no one around in any direction for miles and miles and miles. I have touched true freedom. I know I have experienced the world in a way most people don’t get to. Raw, connected, free, alone, fully present. The isolation and the beauty is overwhelming.
However. No matter how much I stripped down my experience of the world. I was still there experiencing it as me. i was still uncomfortable just existing in my body. I had gone from surviving experiencing the world in a disordered state, to pulling apart the pieces that made me. I was sat on the floor with all the pieces around me and no idea how to put it back together.
I’d like to build a world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I’d like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land
That’s a song I hear
Sing it along
Let the world sing today
Over and over
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
La, la, la, la
To, do, do, do, do, do
La, la, la
I’d like to build a world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
(That’s a song I hear)
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
And I’d like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
(That’s the song I hear)
I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land
(That’s the song I hear)
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony (Sing it all over)
I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
La, la, la, la
To, do, do, do, do, do
La, la, la
I’d like to teach the world to sing
I Wanted Someone To Talk To About The Body
if anyone wants to talk about the natural human body i have spent the last 5 years personally exploring it and living as much as possible without the influence of capitalism or the patriarchy. to the extent i lived bare foot in the wilderness with no personal hygiene for years. i have tracked hormonal cycles in relation to everything in my life. I have spent the last 4 years working on my posture and reshaping my body, muscles and facia. Its a special interest. but as everyone’s body issues are different, i would happily talk to people in DM so as not to trigger anyone else. i am much more interested in how we use our bodies than what we put in them for fuel as that is beyond my personal capacity.
ive shaped my body and mind from the outside in. and been uncomfortable
now im finding out what is comfortable and seeing who that makes me on the outside
Moving Like Animal
Ok so this is one of my special interests, so I’m sorry for the info dump. and it not being a specific tip, but I got excited!!! I’m more motivated to move now more than I ever have been because I stopped trying to exercise, stopped thinking of doing a set event where I’m focused on getting fitter or thinner or stronger! Instead I have found ways I enjoy playing and moving in my body that I always enjoy and trying to move more in general. I free dance/move around super weird. I free stretch/ move around super weird. I work on my posture and alignment/stand or lie around weirdly. I walk. Anywhere will do. Around the block can be as good as a elaborate hike. I really enjoy seeing the places change through the seasons. I think about my posture and try to be in my body and the present when I’m walking. I use movement as meditation. When I’m at home, I practice handstands when I’m walking to the toilet or waiting for something in the kitchen. etc… I’m a loner so my activities are solo, but if you have family or friends to do activities with, you could do a bigger range of activities. Anything from disk golf with friends, to climbing up the stairs with your kids while pretending its Mt Everest. Any way and any time spent in your body can be exercise, in its benefits, if not in style! I am more happy with how I feel in body and how it functions, from just generally moving more, and more mindfully, than when I lifted for 3 hours a day or ran etc. i feel so much happier and more alive than when i always felt guilty for not wanting to force myself to do exercise for x amount of hours y times a week.
TLDR: Move in anyway you want, for as long or short a time you have, whenever you can. It can become second nature to be active when its dispersed throughout your life.
Do You Work Out?
I am a very active person but I would say no if someone asked if I exercised. And I think this is part of the mindset that helps me be so active!!! I have found ways I enjoy moving my body. I used to swim, gym, lift, run, yoga, meditate. I dropped all formal movement practices and moved into my own body. I love free dance and free stretching, and walking is my mental health life saver. I also like functional fitness,
The body is the answer
The body is the answer. It’s the one thing we all have in common. It’s can cut through everything. Fix the human body and you start fixing everything. From the intense and personal and minute and global
One universal message. How to use the body.
“hip anatomy at DuckDuckGo”
Working on my hip top bits
Very tight and stopping the smooth line
Yoga Anatomy: A Simple Trick to Align Your Pelvis in Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) | YogaUOnline
30th January 2021
i am denser, more round and heavier but i am smaller and take up less space. im not as big and vague as i thought, im contained and tight.
i never wanted to look like i was trying
not even trying to hold my body up