I am constantly trying to create more than I destroy. It is so easy to be distainful. Its so much more pleasurable to support. Contribute good ideas instead of critique, no matter how good you think that critique is.
Being A Human Is Easy
I am getting sick of seeing people online advocating for shit. Basic as fuck shit. Like today I saw some woman, like my age, “proving” that clothes stores don’t have uniform sizing. Holy. Fucking. 1995. What the fuck has she been doing the last 30 years?! How does she think this is worth bringing up?! Griping over everyday reality. The call for more gay rights?More rights for what?! Women, what is it that you can’t do in 2023? What is it that black, asian, Irish, Jewish or any other victim race can’t do? Women without kids, if you are so happy, why do you need to make videos to tell everyone you are happy and it’s not like others think. Erm. Someone who is happy doesn’t need others to agree with them. Someone who is living a certain way does not need to advocate that people need to be allowed/encouraged/represented, cause they are proof it is possible.
The thing that started me on this was seeing Scottee on some youtube clip, “sjw gets owned”. He didn’t really get owned. But he was trying to complain about something being unfair for lgbqwerty people and women. He also advocates for fat people and working class people having more access to things previously off limits to them, such as modelling, and lowering the bar so anyone can get good jobs without having to get a degree. Cause, fairness or something? Well this is a man, who is gay, who is married to his life partner, who doesn’t have a degree, and is a successful artist, performer and is now getting to go on TV shows to talk about some rights or something. Oh and all the people surrounding him who helped make him successful were women, all classes, all sizes. Soooooo what is it that fat, uneducated, gays and women cant do? You did it all mate. But you ran out of ideas so now you just bang on about how more people need rights. Did you not notice no one stopped you doing anything? Did you not notice none of those signifiers stopped you from achieving ANYTHING?! He achieved it all. And now is using that position to complain that, what? there aren’t 10, 50, 1000 more blokes exactly like him? Or that we should all get to be him? Or what that fat people don’t need to feel bad? Bitch its 2023 and Lizzo, Adele and Sam Smith are all morbidly obese.Same to the dumb bitch trying to “make other women feel better” about clothes sizes. Bitch its 2023, if someone feels bad about themselves cause of a clothes size, and that they are a 4 in one shop and a 12 in another, then THEY ARE A RETARD! This has been widely talked about for my whole aware life. Same goes for literally any other shit. “Ooh poor men, then need to be able to be emotional”, “boys cry too”. Are you fucking kidding? If you havent had this pumped into your ears non stop for the past 40-50 years you must have been locked away in a fucking bunker all this time. Its been a non stop drum beat. Same with any race, or sex issue. The things that are actually cultural problems we need to change don’t get addressed. In the olden days, before everyone felt the need to be an advocate, people made jokes about comunal complaints. Advocacy used to be a sense of humour. Now its dry, ignorant, unaware drivel about issues they clearly all have with their own body, mind or lifestyle.
Yo, jeans bitch, you feel bad about your weight because of clothes. Maybe loose some weight or educate yourself on the fact that jeans come in different cuts from different stores, find what you like, and fucking stick with it. Not hard. Yo Scottee. You feel resentful that it was soooo hard to be successful. Shut the fuck up, you achieved what you wanted in your career and life but you are still unhappy. It’s because you are stuffing down your reality. You hate your body and thus you are disconnected from reality. You aren’t having fun any more. If your mindset, and victim status makes you so miserable, maybe it’s time to reassess. Not so sure fat, gay, idiots are the bottom of the pile any more, seems they are the top. You are not a victim. you do not speak for victims. You have been successful since you were 17. Fuck off. Women don’t need you to make us look stupid. Thanks. Yo Chelsea Handler, if you were secure in your decision to not have kids, and your everyday life is so full, why do you need other people to agree? Why do you need to shout about your lifestyle? So other women can copy? Or cause you need external validation and a lot of your choices aren’t sitting well?
I could do this all day. Anything anyone advocates for is what they feel they are lacking in themselves. It is all projection. It is boring.
And the reason I am advocating to stop advocates, is cause we need to change the fucking record. Being a Human isn’t hard! Being a human today is and can be fucking easy for everyone. If someone is online saying we should all be doing a thing, and they are doing it, they do not need to scream to normalise it, ease access to it or see representation of it. You doing it, means it is possible. FOR ANYONE!
Oh but, but, but, poor, single parent family, bad education, bad genes, bad culture, bad place. So. The. Fuck. What. 99% of all these people have the little black box in their hand with all the information humans have assimilated about everything in the universe. And you’re telling me you are stuck?!!! Pathetic. I am writing this from a van I turned into a house with my own 2 hands from raw materials.I am in the middle of nowhere on my own. I’ve done this for years. I have a billion dollar view for free. I have no where I need to be and no thing I have to do. I get to live. Exist as a human. Move through the world as whoever I like. Less than 10 years ago I lived in Las Vegas, barbie stripper style. A whole different world, a whole different me and different reality. Less than 20 years ago I was a tour manager, a club promoter and a DJ. And now I am feral, alone, connected entirely to the wilderness. And I am just one person. No one told me no. And I never gave anyone the power to. My parents made me. As did yours and all of us. And what they gave me was total freedom with support. Do what you want as long as it makes you happy. Dad would always say he has no right to tell me what to do or not to do, as he always got to do what he wanted, and he did a lot! Things work out better when you take responsibility for your own choices. I would be so frustrated and angry if something went wrong when I followed someone else’s advice compared to just doing what I want. At least I tried, even if it goes wrong. It’s like if someone breaks something of mine, I would be more mad than if I broke it. So it’s easier to not let people fiddle with my stuff. Same for my brain and my body and my whole damn life.
Oooh you can’t do that, you can’t say that. Says who motherfucker? I don’t see anyone holding you back. Black people can’t do xyz. Oh right, is there a person with their hand on their chest not letting them enter? Standing screaming over their shoulder? No? It’s just a conceptual pressure? Get the fuck out of here. You can move through this world exactly how you want, who ever you want, as long as it doesn’t force others into partaking, if you are willing to accept and work with the consequences.
The consequences for me is that I am alone. However, I prefer being alone as it means I have total freedom. Chicken and egg, catch 22, but in a good way. I don’t like people cause they do have an impact on my thinking. And I hate it. I don’t need someone else’s insecurities affecting my reality. You got a parent who doesn’t want you doing xyz? Yeah it’s because they are pussies. Just because someone else wouldn’t bungee jump, or move out or get a certain job or leave a town, doesn’t mean you have to live to their limitations.
In 2023 in America, every single human has equal rights. We have for at least 50 years. And now with the internet, we have equal access to all information, education, special interests, hobbies, jobs, places and people. There is zero excuse to not do what you want. There is zero reason why ANYONE needs to “advocate” for anything else at all. Its all individual from here. You have a problem with black people getting shot by police, well it was 11 last year. 11. What about people killed by drunk drivers, or police who kill twice as many white people or the fact that pretty much any stat drowns out this pathetic cause. The problem isn’t with any issue. Its with perspective. The individual’s perspective, to the social and cultural perspective. We are pushing the victim perspective in a time of super abundance. It’s embarrassing. It’s Scottee complaining about all the things he achieved.
Instead of advocating for things to be possible, or normal or allowed, how about just do it and share the joy of it? How about instead of complaining that it’s hard, celebrate you achieved something hard? Instead of saying all the things women, men, gays, fats, blacks, what the fuck evers, can’t do, maybe we should be just telling our stories of what we do do.
The idea that women have only just gotten liberated is the biggest joke of all. America was built with bare hands. Women and men. It wasn’t just men who conquered the west. Women were there every step of the way. Claiming women only have liberation now cause they can twerk for daddy and get an abortion completely overlooks and sodomises all the amazing, raw, real shit women have done since the beginning of time. If women weren’t there at all the hard times, doing all kinds of shit, there would be no humans left. Fucking idiots. Oooh but women couldn;t…..they couldn’t what bitch? Give me that little black box and ill find you many women within 10 seconds throughout history who have.
Either do the thing you are saying you can’t or just shut up. Get out of the victim, scarcity mindset. You don;t have to be a survivor to be worthy of just getting on with life. Not everything has to be a struggle and the hero story. If some dumb bitch is mad about something that made her feel bad, do some internal reflection. Turn that camera lense back on yourself and say the damn thing to you. You are the one you need to convince. No one else.
Privilege is the consequence of good decisions made before you. Nothing to apologise for. My parents got life right. Yours didn’t? Boo hoo, same for most people. So how are you going to fix it? Complain? Or just do the damn thing you want? I have no idea why people want everyone else to come up the same ladder after them. I don’t necessarily mean pull the ladder up. But every single person is capable of making or finding their own ladder and putting it where the fuck they want it. Why would I want other people crowding my ledge, my mountain top, my view. They can make it on their own. Then I can look at them with respect, an equal. Not someone who got to climb the ladder I made from scratch, found the perfect spot for and went up.
Education should be about realising the amount and possibility of information humanity has and plotting your own course through it, based on your interests, for each person’s whole life. We do not have enough time to properly understand one thing, let alone the universe, so why only teach the basics for 15 years? Education should be an attitude towards the infinite body of human knowledge.
Culture can be focused around the stories of reality. Who built the roads? What life is this person living? Not sensational, not drama, not advocacy or representation. But just telling stories of real people’s lives. Music coming from reality and real people. Not manufactured lifestyle porn. Not capitalistic conceptual control. Beauty and a capturing of reality should be the goal. Art is a cheap synthesis for the patterns and sublimity of nature. Culture of nature, of experiencing it, not documenting it.
How to be a human, basic skills. Movement is our constant state. Stretch. Walk. Fix your posture. Become embodied by developing a deep relationship with your physicality through massage and mirror work. Eat whole foods, only when you are hungry. We don’t need “meals”. It can be as simple as one food type, not 3 – 6 different components.
Language is the simulation.
Intimacy is the only reality in relationships. Language can never substitute for the knowing of feeling.
Sex is our first principle. Everyone has to get over it. It is not taboo. It is not dirty. It has NO narrative around it. Sex does not mean anything. Who you fuck does not mean anything. They are actions. My body doesn’t store stories of judgements and morals. Neither does anyone else’s. Some people will thrive in traditional relationships. Some will want and be very happy being promiscuous, being sex workers, or having non traditional relationships. Figure out which you are and do it. No need to be ashamed. No need to pretend you are one and not the other. Its meaningless. Two different worlds. I don’t care that a man who wants a wife and kids wouldn’t find me relationship material. Just as I am not mad I cannot fuck all married men. If you know your reality and do what is right for you, you have nothing to “regret”, feel ashamed about or that would affect anyone else negatively. If you know you are a bloke who just wants to fuck, don’t tell a girl you wanna date her. Don’t pretend to be that which you are not. It only creates more problems for everyone. There are enough promiscuous women out there to enjoy yourself honestly.
Stop lying to people. Everyone makes shit up to fit in. It’s such a bore. You lead people to think you are something you are not. And then THEY have to deal with the consequences.
We all have to deal with the consequences, your choice or not. So why not deal with the consequences of being you, honestly, once you have figured out what that is.
The variety of ways its is possible to live, in America in 2023, seem infinite. If life seems too boxed in and limited, I would imagine you are not aware of all those possibilities and have only seen what you know. Right now there are people living in suburban houses, apartment buildings in downtown, Armish families without any tech, people living in wooden shacks on hundreds of acres of land, people living in caves, mud huts, penthouses, farms, ranches, small holdings, in cars, in tents, in vans, on land covered in a rusting collection, an incestuous family shut off from the world, people with end of the world bunkers, communes, independent communities. There is so much land and space that anyone could just go start a town or space to live exactly how they want. There are more ways to survive than even that, jobs, ways of living, to mix in with where and with who. If you think you are suffering because you can’t afford an apartment in the city, just think, if you really wanted, you could strap on a backpack and walk anywhere in the world.
I met a boy who was cycling from Canada to Arizona, in flip flops, cause he wanted to. Was it hard? Yes. Did he have an amazing, life changing time? Yes. Does he know freedom? Hell yeah. You can literally do anything.
Ooh nooo I need an abortion and I’m poor and live in Florida. Well bitch, you got 9 months to walk your ass to Colorado cause they will kill it after you pop it out. Is it really that important? Probably important enough to make social posts, attend protests, panic, get stressed and depressed about. But is it important enough to realise that if you really, really, really need something, you can do it. I have no sympathy for people who want something but don’t do it cause it’s hard. Yep. Life is hard. Might as well work hard at what you want than at complaining. If you want something enough, you will do it.
You have no money, you are poor. You can walk anywhere for free. You can walk out into the wilderness and set up camp. You can walk through the most expensive hotels in the world and use their pools. You can buy stuff and return it. You can make yourself look like you fit in anywhere, and you get to see the world. For free. You pack your own snacks, and go on the damn adventure. It’s free to walk in a park. And if you use your imagination, anywhere can become somewhere to explore, even your own living room.
I have no idea why homeless people gather in the city. It seems way more of a social choice than a comfort choice. Its easier to hang out with people in a shit infested open drug den than it is to walk to a forest, or a wilderness area and figure out how to survive. But any one of them could do it at any moment. Do we really need to care about the people who choose to turn our cities into shit holes instead of finding a way for themselves to do something different? It doesn’t take money or education or resources. It takes imagination and a creative mind. Those things can be taught. The lack of curiosity of the masses is cause they don’t even know there is shit worth being curious about. All that needs to change is the perspective on the situation. Have the right perspective and infinite choices become available.
I’m sick of the eggshells, pussy footing, baby coddling bullshit society we live in now and it is sucking us down. We live in a time of super abundance and true freedom. The cultural and social narrative needs to change. We need to support and celebrate reality. And stop externalising our own internal experiences. Realise a uncomfortable internal experience is a dysfunction in YOUR PERCEPTION, not in the reality of the world.
Perception and narratives in our culture is creating an atmosphere of fear, panic and victimhood. I know, I was one of them. I now am and can do anything I want, but nothing is any different in my reality than when I was suicidal. My life hasn’t changed since I was too depressed to get out of bed for years. What has changed is my perspective on my life, on the world, on humanity, on hard work, achievement, purpose. There is no reason anyone should be living in hell cause of their perspective, when it is the culture that is creating hell. Comunal complaining used to be called comedy. Now everything is serious and hard. Even tho its easier. The loss of meaning and constant state of existential crisis of the people of nations creates a feeling of scarcity and victimisation. When in fact, anything is possible, and we live in a time of super abundance.
What narrative do you think will have more impact on the world? 1. Black people can’t do shit cause other people don’t like your skin colour. They have always made life harder for you. It will be very hard to succeed in life as you are black. You will experience crime and hate. OR 2) This is what allllll the black people before you have achieved. There were black women vital to the war. There were black cowboys. Today news anchors, judges, even the fucking president has been black. You literally get to do whatever you want. If you do want to achieve anything in life, there will be jealous, insecure people who will try to pull you back down. And that happens to all people trying to be more than average. Keep going.
I know which we are living through and I know which will work. They are not the same. And it is really just pathetic to complain. It’s 2023, we have so much, we have freedom cause of technology. We HAVE to shift the perspective cause we are already free, but the current perspective is blind to that reality.
Free Speech Absolutism
Words are nothing. They do not represent reality. They are noises that have been ascribed meaning. And then over the years, judgment and value have been placed on words. The idea that some words are unspeakable or some ideas are hate, chills me to the bone. i can, and will, always say what I want, what I think, what I see. Any laws around speech in America are related to intent, not words said. You cannot prove intent. We do not live in the minority report. It is a violation of our human born freedoms to criminalize the interpretations of someones pre emptive actions. Until the crime is commited, there is no way to be sure the perpetrator would have gone through with it. If you can arrest someonbe for intent, then arrest every single human. Intent isnt action. Words are intent, or action. Words are sounds. Action is action. And no law should be in the business of mind reading.
I have never let anyones words inside me. When I was first bullied at age 9, my Mom told me to just ignore it. Don’t let it affect me. They are just jealous, intimidated, feel bad about them selves. Just cause someone says something, does not mean it is true. So I never internalised anything anyone ever said to me after that. Not even what my parents thought. I hate to be influenced by any one elses words. Why should someones words affect the action I want to take? I think things through and know what feels right for me. If I let someones words change my perspective on reality then I am further from experiencing reality as myself. This is how most people end up regreting things. Do not regret the things you have done but those you did not do. People who regret things they have done, did them cause of someone elses influence. People who don’t do things, do so cause of someone elses influence. The only reason to regret something is if you weren’t doing what you wanted. But this is how most people live. It is incomprehensible to me.
If someone calls me a fat bitch, I don’t suddenly worry that I am in fact fat, and am intentionally mean to people. No, I know myself. Insult the work I do. Cool. That is your opinion. I don’t feel bad about myself cause you feel bad about yourself. How would I let someone who doesn’t understand me or know me or lived as me, tell me who I am?! If someone said I shouldn’t live in a bus, I would have anyway as I had figured it out. I know they haven’t thought about it in the way I have and have no idea of my capabilities. They are projecting their own fears.
You cannot incite violence. You can only comit it. If you say “go murder dave”, no one has to acknowledge you. No one has to act on it. The person acting on it, decided to mind read, assume you meant it, and act on it, ie “wont someone rid me of this meddlesome preist”. “Go riot”. Well you don’t have to. If you take someones words as a command, then that is on you. Do you not have a brain? Do you not have the ability to say no, to walk away, to resist? Its not hard.
Hate speech isn’t real. You are implying you can mind read. “I want to murder all gays.” I can say that. It doesn’t mean anything. It is a string of words. If you, as a gay, take that statement as a threat, that is cause of your insecurity and believe that you are a persecuted victim. You have NO idea what I ACTUALLY think about gays. I just said words. Words are not a reflection of my thinking. I could say “I want to eat all the gays.” It is meaningless. My words are not a reflection of my intent or opinion. I actually don’t really like “the gays” any more, and I can say that, cause its my opinion. If MY opinion offends you, then you have a unaddressed issues. I know people hate me cause of my work. I know I could be accused of being “a mentally ill, privilidged, nasty, slut, prostitutue trash whore, retard, homophobic, racist, who can’t survive doing anything else apart from getting her clothes off. She is a lonely, bitter old cat lady.” Oh right, I am am I? That is what you think, but I know myself and don’t see myself this way. You can put your perspective onto my reality, but your perspective cannot change what I understand and have experienced in reality. Also, the statement is correct, it is just using brutal language. To many people, being a sex worker and a promiscuous woman, is disgusting. Privilidge tho, is that an insult? Not to me. Same for any word. It is only an insult if you take it that way. You can observe the judgement the speaker is putting into the word, but the actual word has no power or meaning. Racist, ok, so what? I know what I think. I know how I treat real people outside of conceptual work. I don’t think having thoughts about a races culture or stereotypes makes me a bad person or racist. If you think it does, so what? We won’t know each other. I don’t care. And you should not care that I exist, thinking dangerous thoughts. Unless someone has actual power to change laws, rules, or norms then they are not a threat. Individuals opinions are not ideologies. Ideologies are dangerous. Opinions are not. And if you think my bad opinion is dangerous, then thank you, you think I am as powerful as I do!
I saw a video of a guy standing with a sign that was meant to provoke. Something about women. Now, if I saw him, I would have said to myself, oh here is someone looking to provoke. Why would I give someone like that what they want? Are you that much of dumb simple puppet that you have to walk up and react exactly as he wanted? No one need interupt their day and peace to go attack this man for his opinion. That is their choice. The mature, enlightened, human thing to do, is to look away, walk away, do not engage. But in that video, many people walked up and would not give up. He clearly was being cheeky and yet these people felt it was their right and place to attack him and try to change his mind. It looked so pathetic. Those people want trouble. They want to feel bad, they want to feel attacked, a victim, standing up for a cause. But it was just one bloke with a sign. He won’t be changing any laws, any rules, any social or cultural standards. But many people felt threatened enough by one mans words, they had to engage. You engaging, IS the negative effect in the world. You getting upset and hurt by someones words is the only harm words can cause. And that is on you for lacking emotional resilience. If you don’t let someones words affect you, then words are harmless and meaning less!
So many people are lead by their lizard brain, they are calling out for censorship. They do not acknowledge any agency. They are puppets, blown about in the wind by other peoples words. Its truly pathetic. How about instead of censoring, making hate speech and suggesting some words or phrases are criminal, we teach people to elevate themselves above it. Words are NOT reality. Each person is 100% responsible for their experience of the world. I cannot and do not wish to control anything anyone thinks. Its facinating learning why people think the ways they do. I have had drinks with murderers, gangsters, pimps, prostitutes, drug dealers, pedo killers, old boys, ghetto boys, narc women, narc men, gamblers, racists, people with a myriad of “hateful” opinions. Not once did it affect me. I heard their stories. I observed them as their whole. Their perspective on the world adds to my understanding of reality, but it can’t change my experience of reality. I do not let words cloud reality, especially other peoples. Teach people resilience and self belief. Teach them to realize opinions are as common as assholes and we are all born with them and a right to express them, as we have a right to shit. We don’t have to handle others excrement, and other people shitting, doesn’t change how you shit. Same with words.
Women Are Still Fucked
I have got a lot to sort out and put in order in relation to my realisation that we clearly do still need feminism or some kind of womens rights, cause of everything from Andrew Tate, to Dana White hitting his wife, to shaming women in the gym for feeling threatened, or all the other litany of examples.
Feminism shit. Feminism is shit. Everyone hates it. It has done more harm than good.
Well, not entirely. It got women equal rights, in law, and protection as a sex class, due to our capacity to reproduce and the risk that puts us in from the other sex class. But feminism demanded to make the body political, to make culture political, to be seen as equal, to have the right to medical procedures. It went too far. The mainstream lags behind the artists, comedians, writers, philosophers, film makers…creatives, by 20 – 100 years, the alternative scene a few years between. By the time the creative vision is filtered through the alternative scene and their slightly less nuanced, slightly misinterpreted, slightly twisted to fit their personal style, translation of the original ideas it has clearly lost some of the genius. Then these ideas, styles, knowledge, music, lifestyle, get passed out to the masses once the corporations have decided how to monetize the “next big thing” they seen in the alternative scenes. That is how we end up with “feminist” t-shirts in Target and 50% of men expressing their hatred of women even more publicly than before the third wave feminism went mainstream. Its how everyone is vomiting rainbows. Its how good ideas fail. And how the rejection of the idea proves even more, the need for the original creative vision.
There is no current specific “wave” of feminism. More now has it just broken down into more specific directions of feminism. Socialist, Intersectional, Gender Critical, Radical, and probably many more. The problems go back to before a fracturing. Yes. There are different types of women. But guess what feminism is for? Women. If you aren’t one, it doesn’t apply. If you are, it does. It needs to be that simple and universal.
Simple things like the single woman rule. If a woman is on her own, do not approach her. She can approach you if she needs help, assistance or to communicate at all. But under no circumstances, does a man need to approach a woman who is going about her life in public alone.
A right to know and understand your sexed female body, through all its ages and stages, and how to be embodied.
A culture that supports and nurtures an environment for familes to thrive.
A right to female only spaces.
A culture that supports and promotes the reality of how to perform any of our many roles in the world well. Well, meaning you provide the function of the role to a first principle standard.
Abortion laws need to be abolished, along with any other law that attempts to exert control over the adult body. If a doctor wants to dedicate their life to killing babies, then they can deal with the consequences. Same as a doctor cutting up a womans arm to give her a fake penis is allowed. If you are pro life, you don’t need to go to doctors or hospitals that offer abortion as there will be just as many that don’t. The free market and individual concious born of culture will decide.
Men continue to rape and abuse women because no one hears about the reality of most women enough. Enough women have NOT said what has happened to them. The ones that do are often sensational, in terms of fame or perpetrator or extremes of violence, or grey areas, in terms of frat party slut regret. I think my essay on why its yes all men to me, is the kind of stories that need repeating over and over again. It’s the stories of women whos husbands or partners have fucked them in their sleep. It’s the casual sexual harrasment in crowded places. It’s someone you know. It’s this bloke who looks totally normal. It’s your son. It IS your brother. ETC. 25% of men would rape, at LEAST. And 20% of them don’t even think what they have done is rape. Men don’t think their actions are criminal. More of a conversation and more reality and honesty is needed. With a first principles approach to sex and the body, society and culture could change the narrative around sex to the extent that concious individuals will not be able to do things that violate another human. They are more likely to be less disfunctional humans. Feminists won’t ever be able to address or appropriately fight male violence against women until they are willing to come to terms with the fact that they are a sexed human animal and learn to become embodied. They have to drop the fear and narratives around their bodies. The cultural conditioning, shame, pain, guilt, hate, fear, resentment, jealousy, that all stems from the disconnection of most women from their bodies. I bet even reading this, half the women will still be offended and defensive about these claims. Any reaction anyone has to me or my ideas just highlights what that persons weak spot is for me. It says nothing about my ideas or thoughts. It is purely a reflection of their insecurities. And I can read it in most people from a mile off. So women won’t be able to stop MVAW without first stopping their own mental and physical violence against their OWN bodies. This is not a political or legal solution. Feminism should NEVER have made the body political. Obviously rape is a crime. But most rapes could be eradicated through a new perspective on sexed human bodies.
Common sense reality for women. Femalism. Womens rights. Something is still needed. But politics and law are not the answer. A reckoning with what it means to have a sexed female body and being female, in relation to the male, other females, your children, family and community. A reckoning for what it means to have a sexed male body and how to master it and harness its power for the better of yourself, family and community. An understanding that both sexes are needed to be funtioning to their full potential for the human race to flourish in the future. The grace to accept the other and the space to enjoy our differences. Freedom comes from structure and a funtional human. A funtional human is free to live however they want to be. But there is a limited way to be funtionally free.
Happy Childless, If Not For The Others…Mothers.
This is just more proof for me as to why I don’t get on with most people. Most women. I am so different from the majority in all major factors, so add them all up and I really am rare in my perspective and experience on this planet. In terms of women who think the same as me re children, I am the same as the 10% of women who don;t want children who havent had them. Most women who haven’t had them, want them. I cannot comprehend. Out of the happy childless women, how many are age appropriate as a friend, how many are sex workers, how many are artists aswell, how many are loners, how many live in the wilderness? I would imagine HC women will have similar interests or ways of life cause of all the reasons they are HC will affect what interest we have. But finding each other in the same place, at the same time, who are able to interact and WANT to know anyone, I don;t. So when women don’t get me, don;t like me, think I’m hard or mean, they need to realize they are basically a different species. I am not the same as you. I cannot imagine wanting to care full time for other people. I am too important to be the last thing on my priority list. I would not want to believe that what I do bringing up a child wont have a impact on them and the world in a negative way for the rest of their lives. I can’t imagine not being able to say no ever again. I cannot imagine the heartbreak of your baby becoming a teenager and suddenly hating you. The pain and the trauma and the drama and the immersion in the daily minutia of other peoples perspective. Exhausting. Just doing that for me is hard enough. I feel like I’m managing a whole team or system of people just to keep me going. I freeze over every major decision as I am so aware of the potential consequensene I get decision paralazyz, I cannot imagine how hard it would be making decisions that will mold how another human experiences the world. The fact we just let anybody pop one out and do that blows my mind. No child has the right to a good upbringing in this world. And it shocks the shit out of me. We know the devestating consequences of bad parenting and even the huge and often devestating effect of absent parents or even “good” parents who have imparted bad ideas/unhealthy coping mechanisms, or didn’t teach their child how to cope as life was too good, can have. Yet nothing is being done to stop it. There should be standards to be met and specific knowledge, skills and understandings that should be universally applied. But hey, I don;t have to worry about it. I just have to live in a world where the consequencess of all the varieties of parenting are inflicted on me to the extent I can no longer cope with it and have become a hermit. I like people. I hate how they have been raised, domesticated and parented. So it does affect me and I do have a right to care about what all these women who aren’t like me, are doing to their children. I don;t like their minds. But I’m the odd one out who has to suffer their inadequasies and insecurities. Bad Mothers are real and its time to start exploring how far reaching the effect and conesequences of it are.
Today was amazing. I’m still buzzing about it. The Ye Alex Jones show was the best thing I’ve seen in years. Not cause of what was discussed, but cause it was the most radical punk rock art I’ve seen for….decades?🤷♀️ They just grabbed the world and shook it by its balls. Shaking people by the collar, desperately trying to get people to see what we have got ourselves into and how far we have already given up our freedom, rights, artistic license and sense of fun and play. This used to be a normal sight in the mainstream. An outrageous counter culture was vital to the mainstream and for keeping power in check. Now there is no counter culture. It can’t exist on the internet. You can’t be too messy, push boundaries or act out of the norm in the corporate mall that is the internet today. You can loose your right to access the space and also loose your right to work, money, education and relationships in the real world, if you piss off someone who doesn’t agree or is too ignorant to see, online. And when counter culture ideas go viral, it destroys society. You only need to look at 3rd wave feminism and the LGBTQWERTY crowd to see that what works for a few is not right for the many. The lack of a counter cultural space, means the President of the United States reacts and makes a public statement about an internet TV show bit. Ye wins. He pulls the strings. The structure of power, or lack of, was revealed. There is no non political space in our communal culture. But we aren’t politicians. And neither is Ye. Why should the world react to shut someone down and condemn them, for something they said? Why does it matter? The only people who need their speech policing are politicians and leaders. They should have their feet held to the fire over ever word. But you and me? Who cares? Why should we have to be living up to these corporate standards in our social spaces? What are they scared of us saying?
Today was pure performance art. I could be projecting. Cause it’s exactly what I would have done if I was him. But it was exquisite. I was applauding and laughing and cheering them on. It was like a fucking ballet. In anti establishment performance art. The Mona Lisa of internet art. The new “culture”. Culture Jamming. It made me feel alive. It’s just a few men talking on the internet. And the world has lost its mind. Alex Jones is already being sued for trillions and Ye has lost billions. They haven’t assaulted a single person. They haven’t stolen. Or killed. Or raped. They just talked on the internet.
And boyyyyy did they talk. They said some truly outrageous shit. But also. It was tame. The cruel and viscous words said and written at the end of relationships cause infinitely more harm than any words said yesterday. Who, specifically, was harmed? Everyone’s sensibilities were shocked. But none of the speech caused anyone direct harm and was not intended to do so. If you can be offended by an opinion that you don’t believe, even if that is about a characteristic you hold, then you aren’t very secure in your own beliefs. It’s a good opportunity to examine why it hurts, what triggers what emotion in you, and why. The same effect is being had by the event yesterday on the social conversation as a whole. Why are we doing things the way we are? Why are there actually unmentionables? Why is the world reacting to that and not allll the other issues going on? Why are we not trying to awaken? What are our values? Why do we not want to be Christ like? Who is controlling the information, opinions, services and culture that shapes up? Is letting emotion get in the way of seeing everything actually helpful for authentic enquiry and future growth? All of these question, Ye brought up, in many ways, over the 3 hours. He performed these questions as well as posing them. He didn’t shy away from explaining what he was doing. There intentions are stated. It’s all there if you want to watch.
I am not saying the whole thing was controlled and organized. But it was an intentional performance. You have an intention, a concept to convey, and you embody it in the moment. You don’t have limits or a script. You are speaking the truth, but not believing it. You are being authentic but with intention. You are letting yourself go, but in a specific direction. The performance artist is director and star. What they do and how they do it is all intentional. Even if its natural. I have spent 12 years saying things I shouldn’t say, live on the internet. I have been operating in the only relatively Wild West part of the internet left, the porn space. I have been a live webcam woman on a variety of sites over the years. And my favorite thing to do, is to say things you’re not supposed to say. It’s a pure adrenaline rush. I’m sat in my bedroom alone. Talking to a camera. Reading text on a screen. I have no idea who, or how many people are watching….are listening. And I just can’t help myself. Someone asks a question, something basic and I have to say it. Someone says something I can use, I never shy away from stating what I see.
I see this spiraling push from Ye. Telling someone like that no, over something illogical and arbitrary, is like a red rag to a bull. They have to say it. It becomes an obsession. The more rules imposed, the more you wanna say fuck you. Until yesterday I couldn’t care less about Kanye West. I don’t like rap, I don’t like his fashion, I don’t like the Kardashians. But yesterday helped me see him in a holistic way. I read the whole of YeS career like Andy Warhol. He isn’t a rapper who then did fashion. He is a artist. He is the art. Each piece is a valid piece in its own right, but the whole thing is a body of work, a creative narrative. He isn’t a normal person. Everything is intentional. Marrying Kim Kardaahian. A part of that was an artistic decision. He had to marry the most famous woman in the world. I relate, I had to marry someone I met one night in Vegas. It’s part of the arc, the bigger picture, the life’s work. It’s an intentional sculpting and control over one’s life. Living as ones self while simultaneously aware of yourself being your life’s work. He isn’t just a person. And he cannot be read as such.
I’ve had dinner, drinks, sex or worked with people from every walk of life, a terrifying array. But I haven’t ever heard anything that has shocked me or made me want to shame the person speaking. I have had so many people tell me their secrets. I haven’t ever been offended by anyone else’s story, perspective or opinions. I am an observer. I am just there, able to see and hear others without my own perspective getting in the way in the moment. Ye is a observer. He is naturally aware of patterns in people and things and thus able to be ahead of his time, predicting or directing future trends. You cannot allow things like judgements of others getting in the way of how you experience other people and the world. You can’t properly observe the world otherwise. It’s an elevated state of being. It is a fundamental foundation stone when embodying love. He was trying to demonstrate it.
But. There is something of the early David Ike about this whole latest expression of Ye. There is something of the newly converted about his insistence on love and desire to shout his revelations from the roof top. He has seen it and can touch it, but it isn’t true yet. It’s so exciting when you first break through and realize things can be different. A shift in perspective, an elevation of understanding. That excitement and revelation turns you into a corner street preacher. Ye isn’t a classically trained academic. He hasn’t formally studied or learnt to write about the complex issues, opinions and experiences he has, from a completely unique life. But he has had a completely unique life, and sees the world in a way others don’t. He may not be the most intellectually through. But his instinct and way of seeing the world allows him to see the things without needing the fancy words to say it. I know how that feels. It’s incredibly hard for me to form my thoughts into sentences rather than the immersive experience of my understanding of the world in my head. The need for performance and alternative means of communicating ideas has thus been the medium Ye works in. He doesn’t need to form articulate essays, or be a good politician, he embodies his ideas, he pursues creative projects he aligns with. His ultimate skill is distilling complex ideas down into songs that resonate around the world. If he is rambling and inarticulate on a podcast, then the content of his words isn’t the point, it is the piece as a whole that should be judged accordingly. You cannot hold a artist to the standards of a politician or a journalist or a academic. Its a completely different language of communication. And to demonize people over their ability to use the “right” langue and tone seems incredibly elitist, snobby and intentionally missing their point.
Using langue as a way of controlling people and what they are allowed to say has exploded in internet age, however 50% of the population of America have the reading and writing comprehension of a 13-14 year old. Is it at all surprising the level of discourse is that of a high school playground? Considering how ill equipped the masses are for handling the infinity of information on the internet, a considerable amount of individual and collective power has been ceded here. Our social focus has been shifted into these corporate spaces that set out the rules we can play by, and we are expected to fill the role of politician, advocate and corporate drone. Part of the reading of yesterday was Ye highlighting how much more Power and attention there is on the internet than in reality. Real life should matter. The internet should mirror life not shape reality. It’s not real. It isn’t a place. It’s power and importance needs exploding and reassessing. Ye seems to want to be that bomb. He sees the need for it. And with what he has already lost, he is willing to smash what he can in the process. “I love Hitler”….and then what? What happened? Nothing. He has already been cancel and had his money taken away, there is nothing else they can do to him. He is showing us where we can end up if we keep placing this weight and value in internet speech. Why does it matter more than real life? Words in the ether over evils in reality? We are choosing democratically as a society to give our attention to this electrical ether, the internet. We are accepting a reality that would never have happened before our priorities shifted to online society. Massive news items of the corruption in politics and corporations, the wreck the real lives of everyday people, are overlooked for a few word a man said on a screen. The trafficking of children, the homicide in the black community, the fentanyl crisis, the housing crisis, the failures of the pandemic, all of gets no attention, compared to the latest viral moment. We are being controlled online so we accept the unacceptable crimes happening to people in reality. We don’t improve our own lives. Reality takes a back seat to online life and fantasy. Limiting the concept of intellectual freedom by policing language online, starts to slowly shrink the size of the box we are playing in. Shrinking our worlds conceptually, shrinks what we think is possible in reality.
Here I am going to add, he does have a real bee in his bonnet about the Jews. The content of his speech and his performance as an artist can not really be separated from him and his experience of reality. He is going through a hard time and he has a entirely unique life. No one can comprehend the perspective he is viewing the world from, or what he has seen, done and been through. If he has had lots of bad experiences with people in power that he thinks are Jewish, then to him, Jewish people are fucking him over. If lots of the people in power in the media, Hollywood, fashion and porn industries are Jewish, then it may seem like they are influencing culture. Stating the fact that there are powerful Jews does not mean there is a satanic cabal of Jewish peaophines running the world, or that you want your Jewish neighbor Janet to be shipped off to concentration camps. When you understand cronyism, and the mantra its not what you know, its who you know, the concentration of ethnicities in certain fields makes sense. If you want to twist that to be a intentional conspiracy cause you have been personally harmed by this group, go ahead. That’s your perspective. But blaming others for your situation is never the way to solve your problems. Ye is currently being attacked from all sides and is undoubtedly in fight or flight mode. In this state the brain isn’t functioning clearly enough to act from a place of wisdom and personal responsibility. And that is ok. His trauma and baggage and prejudice and blind spots being present in the art sparks more questions. for the viewer. And in the end, he just said some crazy shit on the internet. He is only really hurting himself.
He knows this, but the whole world and politicians on all sides, will react to a man in a mask waving a net and bottle of Yoo-hoo doing silly voices. A point this performance seemed to be making, is already proven. If no one took it seriously, it wouldn’t matter. If the audience, commentators, media and politicians didn’t mention it, or instead laughed at it, or talked about it as show or a skit, then it would have no power. People are offended cause they are told to be. Tell them it’s art. Tell them it’s ridiculous, laugh. Art is subjective. You can think it’s poorly executed but I don’t think you can take clips and judge content, as political commentary, or a statement on his views, without viewing the whole piece. By being clipped and taken seriously as independent statements with an effect in the real world, the art has become the thing he was trying to highlight was happening. The President of the United States responded. You can think “oh he isn’t that smart”, but let’s remember he is the man whose ideas made him a, now ex, billionaire. He is an artist who has been so successful he has lost billions and still has enough fuck you money to keep going on his artistic journey.
To me, today was a big screaming, crazy, hooded, middle finger to the weight, limitations and hypocrisy everyone feels, in todays culture and being online. He exploded the shrinking box of creative expression that has been allowed to exist in the public sphere, even if just for this news cycle. He showed a glimpse of something we have forgotten. That it doesn’t fkin matter. Not everything on the internet is life and death, proclamation set in stone. He is a fkin rapper and he was having creative fun. They all were being naughty. Pushing buttons they knew they shouldn’t, with a snicker and a grin….and the whole world jumped…just as expected. It was a great show and now the media and the masses are performing their roles in the second act. I may be projecting with this whole reading. He may just as plausibly have done it for many different reasons, from a mental health issue to it being an establishment psy-op. I have no skin in the game. I’m not a fan of Ye. This isn’t a defence of Ye. I am a fan of art and freedom of expression and pushing intellectual boundaries. And this is the reading I see from my perspective as a fellow performance artist, and person treading their own unique intentional path . I applaud Ye for the freedom he has reminded me is possible, intellectually and creatively and the added bonus of endowing ability to see who is a intellectual NPC.
Don’t be left or right. Be human.
No right or wrong. Just what is best.
It’s best to have discipline but also fun.
Dialectic to elevate.
Use plant medicine to expand your brain, not run from it.
Know thy body.
Be intimate with who you want. But having a family matters.
Celebrate being a family.
Community should be a positive. A group of people we know and are able to navigate.
But privacy is obviously respected.
Police should be military. Why aren’t they? What do the military do all day? Why can’t the police be the military? They get loads of training. Better than the police. Could have a wider range of skills based on how they serve. Mental health, education, admin, docs, proper weapon training, patriotic from a range of backgrounds. Less bias.
Fair. Live in bases like they do!small towns get however many they need and get posted places.
Community events. Dance. Celebrate. Worship.
Real Food. Community farms.
Ease in the body so movement and touch and the whole body isn’t taboo.
But consent matters.
Neither a heightening or denial of sexual feeling. Where appropriate.
Birth control, but know your body.
Firm but gentle.
Freedom in optimising reality.
Not sure if it’s fair to expect people in gross places and horrible jobs to feel free in their mind and body. Butttttttt. If they were. They would tidy. Clean. Organize, decorate. Change the room. Then improve my wardrobe Make things smell nice. Be the best at whatever shitty job they do that they can be. Take pride. Have a sense of humour. Laugh. Don’t take yourself too seriously. But don’t think you’re a joke either. Do whatever you want but consider the consequences, even if just for a second longer.
Grown adults can do and say what they like. As long as they aren’t infringing on the physical rights and freedoms of others.
The holistic human
How the world could be if we prioritized the human body.