Universal Human Truths
Human Flourishing
Guided adaptation
Conscious evolution
Intentional Living
Wellbeing Optimization
Fully Functioning body
Be “good” in the roles you occupy.
What are the fundamental goals of the role and how do you want to achieve them.
Control and understanding of ones mind. Not to operate from reactivity and defence, programming and habit. But from awareness, feeling realty in the present.
Access to an environment that enables the regulation of the body, mind and social order.
Use AI to find what is the optimal social structure, physical and mental structure for human flourishing.
Occupying roles would be my version of “have a family/community”. That is the old way of thinking. The new way is that we have the data on the key to longevity and science says it is lots of pleasant light interactions with people you see regularly, like people at checkouts. And also having people to confide in…what is the exact optimal number…we probably know. No wafty “we need friends to thrive” bullshit. Specific. We need XYZ from someone in the role of mother, xyz from n number of people who are close enough to confide in. We need n interactions with acquaintances, and we need to see n amount of new faces a day. What is the formula for a social structure that will provide optimal human wellbeing.
Being a human doesnt need to be a mystical accident of chance like it is assumed to be. EG. My friend group growing up in my teenage years, which scarred me for life, were the people who sat around the same table as me on the first day of school. There was no awareness or intention in the organisation of need. The result was a lifetime of harm that I am paying a therapist to help fix. Doesn’t feel optimal for wellbeing.
I am not looking for a solution to any harm. That is where things are going wrong now. Too many people are trying to mitigate harm in all the wrong ways. But currently we aren’t directed towards optimal human wellbeing. If we were, there would still be hardship, but we would be optimised to manage it with resilience rather than let it blindly shape us in ways the whole of society has to deal with for years to come.
But if we knew you need XYZ, as analysed by AI to be scientifically, mythologically, culturally and religiously aware, there would be a simple goal to work towards, not some magical unspoken sensation you are supposed to experience that lets you know when you have the balance perfect for you. No. We are individuals, but there are underlying truths our bodies and minds need in order to be free to be individuals.
All dogs are different, but you dont give any dog chocolate. All dogs are different but they all have to go for walks. All dogs are different, but they all need somewhere safe to sleep.
So, all humans are individuals, but we all need to eat whole, real food. All humans are individuals, but there is a state of mind and body that is optimally comfortable, that is holistic wellbeing, that is universal. On top of that we all have experiences and knowledge, opinions and thoughts. But if your foundation is ego, defences, unhealthy coping mechanisms and a disordered personality and body, your “authenticity”, the you who is individual, will be shaped by your rocky foundations, not from your experience of reality. Reality being what you experience when your nervous system is regulated, when you mind is empty, when your senses are open and alert, when your consciousness is focused on feeling the information being input into your system without turning it into words or a story, completely present in the very millisecond, the moment. When you are feeling the moment, mentally and physically, without words, that is the closest you will ever get to experiencing reality. The only way to remove “you”, the world, your conditioning, bias, judgement, experience from what you are observing or experiencing is to be able to access the blank slate of awareness. That you isnt in between your experience and your mind anymore. It is seperate, to the side. It is a large language model desperate to consume data to do its job. But its job isnt nessersary when you want to experience reality. You see how much it is a distortion, an overlay, the simulation. The whole linguistic layer seems so flimsy when you can sink into reality. It is such a poor representation. And infact giving processing power to the LLM means the feeling of reality subsides, The balance of words and stories in the LLM become the mood.
The universal questions are not universal. They are a linguistic creation. There is no sensation of god. There is only concept. There is no sensation of pretty much anything. The search for meaning….oh yeah? Point to it in your body. What do you feel when you remove the knowledge that the word “meaning” exists? What happens in the deep meditative state beyond words into reality, there is no conceptual wondering, there is no considering meaning, you are full of meaning. There is no space or need for flimsy silliness like man made concepts in the aether when one can feel reality. I don’t think any of our leaders, politicians, speakers, know anything of reality. They are so far from being an empty vessel feeling the moment, it is obvious in every facet of everyday life. Everyone is farther from reality now maybe than ever. Society is. Country structures are. Everything is so clouded by words and concepts, the flimsy layer of the unreal has become a gelatinous goo. Too thick and enclosed around everything and everyone, there is no access to reality.
I am sitting in my bus writing this. In some grey pants (the english kind) and a home made bra top. Sweating. Dropping in and out of the experience of reality in order to express it. It is 85 degrees, April, 2024. Apparently the world is falling apart. I am overlooking an off road trail with luxury off road toys going past all day. I can dip into the unreality. It is real. It is a zoom in and out analogy here. The skyscrapers in New York are very real and very much dominate the every day of people there. But if you zoom out to see the whole of america, they don’t exist, you cannot see them, they do not factor into your consideration, but they are there, they do exist. So the simulation layer, when you are on the ground, in the city, bombarded by life, you are subsumed by the gelatinous goo, there is nothing else, it is reality, zoom out and it becomes a flimsy layer that floats above reality
Anyway this is finding first principles. I am so sick to death of men talking about women.
The female body is not the same animal as the male. Anything that will optimise for human well being will consider both male and female bodies and minds. Equal but different. Yin Yang. One in the other, intertwined into one. We are all both in the sense we are the same species and some things (like dogs no chocolate) are universal. The natural order is that for women to create, men have to hold space. Today’s world feels like they have turned their spears inward into the space they are supposed to be protecting, ignoring all the external attacks affecting all of us. Women are now hyper defensive. And if we aren’t, we will get hurt. That is the patriarchy. The protection of the male body, the centering of their dysfunctional needs. Scarcity mindset enacts most greatly onto the thing they desire most, women. Own us. Control us. Limit us. All in an attempt to keep us. What they don’t realise is we need to be free and safe to play, then we can overflow with creation. Creation being love, nesting, reproducing, producing, nourishing, connecting. I do not have “traditional” female creation desires. I do not wish to be a mother. I create ideas, art, my reality, a rich internal world, an intentional life. The desire to create is cause I am female. I need to feel safe and abundant to want to write, or make art, I need that cup to be overflowing. A man or child isn’t necessary, but I have to be aware I have the need and how it suits me to fulfil it. Women’s nesting instinct has been manipulated to sell us useless tat. Decorative items. A lot of plastic. That seems to be having a negative effect on female hormonal health, reducing real wellbeing, while seemingly increasing standard of living. It is the real good under the perceived good that we can unify around.
Mastery of the body and mind.
Fulfilment of community roles and social formula.
Curiosity leading learning.
The accommodation of the female body and mind into social and physical structures.
Unifying central narrative. Of the land. Of our species. Of reality. Of wonder. Of abundance, awe and wonder.
Intentional evolution – orienting ourselves towards optimal wellbeing.
Playful non formalised movement.
A physical connection to land and nature.
It doesn’t seem hard at all. In fact, scarily simple.