Sex on a Cycle? | Psychology Today
So where does this leave us?
Studies of the relationship between sexual desire, coitus and menstrual cycles in women have yielded variable results. This is only to be expected, as multiple confounding factors are involved, including initiation of sexual activity by one or other partner, a rebound effect following abstinence during menstruation, and use of oral contraceptives. Some studies have reported a peak in sexual motivation and/or actual coitus approximately coinciding with mid-cycle and hence with the likelihood of ovulation. But most studies have failed to identify a clear mid-cycle peak. The underlying assumption has been that hormonal changes over the cycle may influence sexual motivation. However, most studies did not include hormonal monitoring, so ovulation time has often been only approximately inferred. Overall, it is possible to recognize a general trend across many studies in which female sexual motivation shows a peak in the week following cessation of menstruation (days 8-14). In addition, a secondary peak often occurs during the week preceding the next menstruation (days 22-28 in a four-week cycle).
“In humans, signs of sexual interest aren’t nearly so obvious….
But according to a steady stream of new studies by evolutionary and biological psychologists, that may not be the case. This research indicates that the hormonal changes of a woman’s monthly cycle may be more powerful than we’ve ever conceived — compelling women to advertise when they’re ovulating, and men to notice. Although women aren’t showing off swellings, yowling or spraying, studies suggest they may dress more provocatively, flirt more, and possibly become more sexually excitable, for roughly six days mid-cycle, before and after ovulation. They even show minuscule shifts in voice pitch, scent and skin tone, some studies suggest.
These changes are not lost on men, whose own hormones and mating behaviour respond to a woman’s cues, as well as how the woman treats them, says Jon Maner, PhD, a hormone researcher and associate professor of psychology at Florida State University. To illustrate: In one of his studies, men actually inched closer to a woman — and mimicked her gestures more — when she was ovulating.”
“One hypothesis for why a mate preference shift occurs is that it may be an evolutionary adaptation that served our ancestors’ reproductive interests long before modern medicine, nutrition and sanitation dramatically reduced infant and child mortality rates.
“Under this hypothesis, women who preferred these characteristics were more likely to pass on beneficial genetic qualities to their children, thereby enhancing their children’s chances of survival and reproductive success,” Gildersleeve said.
In her past work, Haselton also has proposed the hypothesis that being torn between two types of mates may reflect powerful underlying adaptations. According to this “dual mating hypothesis,” in certain circumstances, ancestral women would have been driven to pursue kindness, reliability and resources (so-called “good dad” traits), as well as sex appeal and a masculine personality (“sexy cad” traits), even if both sets of qualities didn’t come in the same package.
“Ancestral women would have benefited reproductively from selecting partners with characteristics indicating that they’d be good co-parents, such as being kind, as well as characteristics indicating that they possessed high genetic quality such as having masculine faces and bodies,” Haselton said. “Women could have had the best of both worlds — securing paternal investment from a long-term mate and high-genetic quality from affair partners — but only if those affairs were timed at a point of high fertility within the cycle, and probably only if their affairs remained undiscovered.”
A different hypothesis, which Haselton and Gildersleeve also find plausible, proposes that shifts in women’s mate preferences across the menstrual cycle were adaptive in a now-extinct species that predated humans and are vestigial in humans — that is, like the coccyx, or tailbone, that remains at the end of the human spine, they persist in modern humans despite serving no apparent function.
Either way, Haselton and Gildersleeve firmly believe in the value of shedding light on the preference shift.
“If women understand the logic behind these shifts, it might better inform their sexual decision-making so that if they notice suddenly that they’re attracted to the guy in the next cubicle at work, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t have a great long-term partner,” Haselton said. “They’re just experiencing a fleeting echo from the past.””
1 | Period | Stodgy and fat. Sore. Avoid. | |
2 | Period | Getting horny randomly. | |
3 | Period | Want penetration even though it’s gross. | |
4 | Period | Feral freedom. | |
5 | Period | Blank and simple | |
6 | Mid Follicular | Direct and practical. | |
7 | Mid Follicular | Direct and practical. | |
8 | Mid Follicular | Direct and practical. | |
9 | Late Follicular | Flirty and light. Easy to arousal. | |
10 | Late Follicular | Flirty and light. Easy to arousal. | |
11 | Late Follicular | Sensual and light. Easy to arousal, penetration. | |
12 | Late Follicular | Sensual and light. Easy to arousal, penetration. | |
13 | Late Follicular | Sensual and light. Easy to arousal, penetration. | |
14 | Ovulation | Aggressively horny. Gangbangs. | |
15 | Early Luteal | ||
16 | Early Luteal | ||
17 | Early Luteal | Blank and simple | |
18 | Early Luteal | Blank and simple | |
19 | Early Luteal | Blank and simple | |
20 | Early Luteal | Blank and simple | |
21 | Mid Luteal | Irritable but physical. Active. Dynamic | |
22 | Mid Luteal | Irritable but physical. Active. Dynamic | |
23 | Mid Luteal | Irritable but physical. Active. Dynamic | |
24 | Mid Luteal | Irritable but physical. Active. Dynamic | |
25 | Late Luteal | Angry and feisty. Not active | |
26 | Late Luteal | Lonely and angsty. | |
27 | Late Luteal | Lonely and emotional | |
28 | Late Luteal | Bloated and unsexy. |
No touch, anticipation, close but cool. Non directional tension. Feeling the heat of the body. The little hairs brushing.The build up of erogenous stimulation not released. The tease and anticipation can fuel your mood. The satisfaction of restraint.
A comforting medium touch. Smooth, predictable, safe. A loving yet practical presence. Shoulder massage, hugs, skin on skin. But not sexual. No erogenous zones being touched. Pleasure is in the physicality of your partner and the physical care of the other’s body. Pleasure is in the comfort and safety in the familiar. The closeness and intimacy of your best friend. The satisfaction is knowing you have a physical partner beyond the sexual function of your body.
Kissing. Just make out. Kissing doesn’t have to lead to anything. When you know it’s the end in itself you can drop into the enjoyment of the turn on. The heat. The passion. The desire. The ache.
Dry humping. Really the same as above. It’s so good. Everyone can cum from it. It actually feels naughty.
Making love. The slow, sensual, present indulgence in each other’s bodies. Pursuing connection. Pleasure from Penis in Vagina. The woman defines the positions that give her a feeling of connection that will enable orgasm. The pace is female. Breathe together. Touch and explore together. Do not make assumptions about what love feels like to your partner that day.
A quickie. When you are both feeling fun and light. When pleasure through orgasm isn’t the goal. The goal is the pleasure of a stolen moment. The satisfaction of scratching an itch. It’s quite the male pace and positioning.
Fucking. Raw, passionate, hot, horny. More traditional build up via direct action on erogenous zones, escalating the heat at a steady pace. Hyper objectification of the self and other. Aesthetic positions. A desire to impress. A mutual pace and positioning. Woman revelling in her openness. Man free to indulge his more animal nature.
Curious exploration. A playful intent. The woman could recline while the man is free to adventure over the landscape of her body. From the tips of her toes to the top of her head. A sensuous discovery of soft skin and sensitive spots. Trying out different touch. Communicating playfully, sharing pleasure. Learning to feel comfortable being exposed, open and sexual. This could be performed the other way around after. You can pay attention to how your partner explores you. It is often an indicator of what they like to receive. Orgasm and direct and repetitive erogenous stimulation is not the goal. The satisfaction is in the sense of shared intimacy.
Erogenous exploration. Similar to above but focused on sexual stimulation. What pleasure can you give or receive with your hands, mouth and body, without penetration.
Soaking. Do it like a mormon. You don’t need to be pumped at or to be pumping your dick. Let the lady learn how to give and receive pleasure in a different direction. Both could learn and practise enhanced muscle control. It can be very intimate, deep and emotional for a woman to allow this level of relaxation during penetration.
Full body massage. Lotion. Talc. Skin on skin. Use hands and arms. Intentional exploration of easing stress. Massage can be given and received without need for penetration. Without it being sexual.
Full body massage. Oil. Skin on skin. Use the body and hands. It could be a deeply sexual experience. The full body oil massage is incredibly sexual and penetration is part of it. Functional and sensual. Firm but not rough. Squeeze. Feel your animal body against each other.
Naked kissing and dry humping, but no penetration. Orgasm could happen. But it’s not the goal.
Performative sex. The male or the female takes the lead. And peacocks. Be a sexual animal. Show off what you enjoy. Spoil your partner. Pleasure and satisfaction is the goal. It generally feels better if the person performing is lost in your body. They aren’t trying to do what pleases you, they are enjoying being an animal with your body.
Feral. Get high off each other’s smells, tastes and sensations. Enjoy natural pheromones on each other’s bodies. Put your face in unusual places. Feet, armpits, butt. The weird stuff about your bodies. Silly. Vocal. Rub erogenous zones in unusual places.
Just the tip. Who can last the longest? The tip can’t pop inside the entrance. It’s nice if she can be on top and control the situation. She can lie on him in a way that stimulates the clitoris while the tip teases the entrance. You can give in or get off like that! It is nice to feel the fullness after the teases. But sometimes, the tease, knowing you can’t let it inside, is way more erotic, and orgasmic!
Just sitting next to each other. Sit close enough to touch. Feel the intimacy and connection without the need for more. Chatting, watching TV, or the kids. Lean on each other.
Firmly rubbing, holding, hugging or squeezing each other over clothes. Comfort.
Fluids. If either person is not comfortable with their own or their partners fluids, feel free to fix that. One cannot be comfortable in open intimacy if one is scared of the physical reality of our bodies. Female discharge changes. A healthy diet and body makes everything taste better, and you are more confident. Same for smells. Don’t like it? Fix it. If you still have an aversion, learn to get comfortable with it, its reality.
Sausage in a bun! Penetration not an option? Bleeding or ovulating? Let him slide it between your thighs or butt cheeks, if you enjoy it! It can be fun, and it’s only lame if you have a man who is only happy in life when his dick is wet! Enjoy what you can do, not lament what you can’t.
By having set rules or understanding of intimate acts and where they lead, can free up women to indulge in their natural cyclical sexuality. The man can know what to expect and he can learn and practice experiencing different types of sexual pleasure outside the penis. It is also the perfect training ground for a man’s temperament. A real man is a man who could be a monster, but chooses not to be. Someone with some self restraint. That is manly and sexy. Constantly needing to pound your pole or expecting every touch to end to you getting to fuck her pussy and cum like youre wanking, is not manly. It’s my biggest turn off. But it is also all I have experienced.
Gang bang. Can’t leave out my favourite. If you look at the studies into female sexuality and the hormone cycle, you will see over and over that women are attracted to two different types of males. A partner, provider and protector. And also the alpha, manly, aggressive male. The need for the men with good genes peaks around ovulation. Not at all a coincidence. One man suggests the women sneak about and only succeed if they don;t get caught by a long term partner. I posit that when we were animals, when we were natural and nomadic, when we weren’t ruled as a mass, women were allowed to be hyper sexual. If the natural biology of males leads to a spectrum of masculinity, there will be males who never have a lifetime mate, but who have the best genes. How would these genes get passed on and the child survive into adulthood if there weren’t men around as partners or carers/fathers. When there was no property to pass from father to son and the number one drive of the human species was to reproduce and survive, there would have been no reason for paternal lineage to be protected. They also posit that human females do not show ovulation like other female animals. I tend to disagree. Again that is due to milenia of the shaming of the female. Its from women needing to hide their sexuality in a western society/ modern world, due to the risk of rape, murder or pregnancy, as the traditional community structures crumbled and women became ever more dangerous. Women are so dangerous these days, only men can be women! And real women cant exist any more. Women cannot speak, they cannot gather, women cannot organise or protect their boundaries. Woman has been erased from the highest of dictionaries. The revolution will be the freeing of the REAL female cyclical, sensual, body enlightenment. The female body will connect us back to reality and nature. That is why we are so dangerous. The transhuman globalists know this. They want you all to see yourselves as a brain in a meat sack, so when you are in your pod, you don;t care you have nothing, do nothing and will ever be anything, cause you’re living body free in the metaverse.
To keep the species and the tribe strongest, it would have been essential for as many females to mate with as many high value males as possible on her day of ovulation. A woman is more confident, has more testosterone, your voice gets higher, your skin is plump, you are leaner, and your pussy feels like a throbbing cock between your legs all day. When there was no shame in the female body and reality she could have engaged a man or a group of men in impregnating her. Male testosterone peaks in the autumn and luls in the spring. Sounds a lot like a safe natural rhythm for human reproduction. Impregnate in the Autumn, birth in Spring.