Don’t be left or right. Be human.
No right or wrong. Just what is best.
It’s best to have discipline but also fun.
Dialectic to elevate.
Use plant medicine to expand your brain, not run from it.
Know thy body.
Be intimate with who you want. But having a family matters.
Celebrate being a family.
Community should be a positive. A group of people we know and are able to navigate.
But privacy is obviously respected.
Police should be military. Why aren’t they? What do the military do all day? Why can’t the police be the military? They get loads of training. Better than the police. Could have a wider range of skills based on how they serve. Mental health, education, admin, docs, proper weapon training, patriotic from a range of backgrounds. Less bias.
Fair. Live in bases like they do!small towns get however many they need and get posted places.
Community events. Dance. Celebrate. Worship.
Real Food. Community farms.
Ease in the body so movement and touch and the whole body isn’t taboo.
But consent matters.
Neither a heightening or denial of sexual feeling. Where appropriate.
Birth control, but know your body.
Firm but gentle.
Freedom in optimising reality.
Not sure if it’s fair to expect people in gross places and horrible jobs to feel free in their mind and body. Butttttttt. If they were. They would tidy. Clean. Organize, decorate. Change the room. Then improve my wardrobe Make things smell nice. Be the best at whatever shitty job they do that they can be. Take pride. Have a sense of humour. Laugh. Don’t take yourself too seriously. But don’t think you’re a joke either. Do whatever you want but consider the consequences, even if just for a second longer.
Grown adults can do and say what they like. As long as they aren’t infringing on the physical rights and freedoms of others.
The holistic human
How the world could be if we prioritized the human body.