…It’s a blazing summer afternoon in the western U.S. wilderness, and porn performer Sky Smith is giving me a virtual tour of her van. “I built it myself over nearly three months,” the 36-year-old says excitedly, panning the camera around the interior. “I’ve never been normal, I’ve always been odd and in my own bubble. And this is the epitome of living in my own bubble.”
We are talking over a glitchy Google Meet session — Sky is in a deserted and undisclosed location, and her internet connection is temperamental — but I can just about make out the van’s key features. It’s a converted school short bus, complete with a small kitchenette, wardrobe and double bed. There is also a portable toilet (“I’ve had some very scenic poos”), a fridge (“the bane of my fucking life, it takes up so much energy”) and a solitary cowboy hat, perched on an otherwise empty shelf (“my good old hat, for vibes”).
It seems idyllic: a cosy living space, decorated with blue bunting and inviting blankets, parked up in some remote, panoramic countryside. But it’s in Sky’s bed that the real magic happens — after all, that’s where her most popular cam work takes place. “My main video style is me getting too horny and having to really fuck myself good with a dildo,” she says, gesturing vaguely at the bed. “But I’m also into small penis humiliation and pegging. A lot of guys want to get fucked in the back of this bus.”