The balance I am searching for will resonate with women because we all have hormonal cycles. As do men. And traditional Sex only caters to one or two phases of these hormones. We all know, a certain time of the month we feel more frisky. (unless you are allowing birth control to control your life, but that is a whole other patriarchal bag of shit, and I for sure do not advocate no birth control, but suppressing our cycle suppresses ourselves and we deserve something better) back to that frisky feeling. I personally have a few days a month, and on some lucky months, up to a week, but usually 5 daysish, where I want all the dick. Every dick. Any dick. And preferably all at the same time. Constantly. This is when I want to get fucked by men. Cock hungry. I want their masculinity, their force, friction, strong hands, pounding, railing, grunting, screaming patriarchal sex. Patriarch the fuck out of me! These must be the days I’m most fertile as women were designed to receive multiple partners in order to get the strongest children. But that is only 5 days. What about the other days? There is another phase in my period where I hate all men, and want to dominate the shit out of them. I want them to feel pain and do what I want. And then the rest of the time…well I just get on with life. But there are times of the month when you want something else. There is something missing. When you are in a relationship, those days where I’m gagging for it seem few and far between. I don’t want the man I love to fuck me…even when it’s making love, it is still traditional Sex. It but is definitely closer to what I want to achieve thought. I want some other kind of intimacy. Something deeper, richer, more loving , gentle, softer, connected, more relaxed, more pleasurable. But, again maybe it’s me and my choice of men, but even when I’m in a relationship, any sign of wanting intimacy and connection leads to them trying to have sex. To relax naked, kissing, without an erection. To caress each other with no pressure of orgasm. This isn’t revolutionary. But it’s not a given like normal Sex is. If women knew we had options for different kinds of Sex that suit where we are at in our cycles, we will be more open and available more often. If men were to start to understand their cycles too then even people looking for one night stands could check with potential partners what they want and are available for that day. I’m imagining a future where men and women understand their cycles and we can be comfortable and informed enough about sexuality and Sex to talk honestly and frankly about it.
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